Façade Legacy Project
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Welcome to the Pullman Façade Legacy Project
A Project of the Beman Committee of the Pullman Civic Organization
The Pullman Façade Legacy Project is an on-going effort to document what each historic Pullman home looked like when it was built back in the 1800s. To date, we have compiled architectural drawings that illustrate the original design intention for the facade of each historic home in Pullman. You'll also find detailed dimensioned drawings for the window, door and porch styles original to these facades. For select homes, you may also find links to old photographs and/or original Beman drawings. For a more detailed explanation of the project, see the Pullman Facade Legacy Final Report. In a future phase, we hope to develop the same kinds of drawings for the approximately 300 historic homes in North Pullman. In the meantime, many homes in North and South Pullman share the same or similar façades, window, door and porch styles. If you need more information about a specific North Pullman address, please feel free to contact the Beman Committee. Where does this information come from?
Between 2007 and 2012, all of the historic homes in South Pullman were inventoried for their remaining original windows, doors and porches. The inventory revealed that only 32 percent of the historic homes in South Pullman retained at least one original window, door or porch. To determine the original façade elements for the balance of historic homes, a review and analysis was undertaken of numerous historic photographs, blueprints and maps from local archival repositories including the Newberry Library, the Ryerson and Burnham Library at the Art Institute, and the Pullman State Historic Site. Who compiled all this information?
The Beman Committee of the Pullman Civic Organization. Named in honor of Solon S. Beman - Pullman's original architect - we are a group of volunteers comprised of architects, historians, preservation professionals and other interested community members with a passion for historic preservation. We have won several awards for our efforts to help our friends and neighbors restore their historic homes. In addition to the Pullman Façade Legacy Project, our efforts include the Pullman Homeowner Guide and the Pullman Façade Reimbursement Program. How much architectural variety was there in Pullman originally?
Of the 616 units of single-family and multi-family homes original to South Pullman, 613 remain. Among them, there are 107 different façade types, 27 door styles, 23 window styles, and 16 porch styles. How do I find out which window, door and porch styles were original to which façade types?
It's easy. All you'll need to do is enter an address:
If you need help finding professionals who can help you preserve or restore the façade of your historic home, there is a list of contractors in our Pullman Homeowner Guide. Will I need a building permit?
Repairing windows, doors and porches typically does not require a permit. However, replacing windows, doors and porches in the Pullman Landmark District does, in fact, require a permit. More information about the permit requirements and the permitting process is available in our Pullman Homeowner Guide or from the City of Chicago Department of Buildings. Is there any financial assistance available?
To help offset some of the cost of restoring the façade of your historic home, you may apply for a partial reimbursement from the Pullman Façade Reimbursement Program. Our program reimburses homeowners up to $1,000, which must be matched at least dollar for dollar by the homeowner. More information about our reimbursement program is available in our Pullman Homeowner Guide. Depending how much you invest in the restoration of your historic home, you may also qualify to participate in the Property Tax Assessment Freeze Program, administered by the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency. For more information, go to http://www.illinoishistory.gov/ps/taxfreeze.htm. What if I have any other questions?
Feel free to contact Chicago Landmarks at 312.744.3200 or e-mail the co-chairs of the Beman Committee, by clicking on the links below: The PCO Beman Committee
The Beman Committee of the Pullman Civic Organization
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© The Pullman Civic Organization
Current PCO President
Last updated April, 2024 |
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