Labor - Local 65 MeetingUnion meeting at Marquette Gardens, 83rd and Marquette Avenue. Members gather outside. Subject: SCH_Industry,_Steel; SCH_Labor_General; SCH_South_Chicago; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Labor - Local 65 MeetingUnion meeting at Marquette Gardens, 83rd and Marquette Avenue. Members arrive for meeting, exterior view. Subject: SCH_Industry,_Steel; SCH_Labor_General; SCH_South_Chicago; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Labor - Local 65 StrikersU. S. Steelworkers picket at gates of Carnegie South Works at start of strike, October 1. Subject: SCH_South_Chicago; SCH_Labor,_Local_65_(US_Steel); SCH_Industry,_Steel; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
U. S. Steel - 54-inch Blooming MillWhite hot steel ingot enters the rolls of the 54-inch blooming mill. Subject: SCH_South_Chicago; SCH_Industry,_Steel; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
U. S. Steel - Filling Along Calumet River 1916U. S. Steel - Filling Along Calumet River 1916 Subject: SCH_Industry,_U._S._Steel; SCH_South_Chicago; SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
U. S. Steel - South Slip Widening Project 1916-1917U. S. Steel - South Slip Widening Project 1916-1917 Subject: SCH_Industry,_U._S._Steel; SCH_South_Chicago; SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |