Christian A. Erickson Soundex |
Occupation: Carpenter | Born: Unknown |
Johan E. Gustine Soundex |
Occupation: Molder | Born: Unknown |
Michael Kearns Soundex |
Occupation: Laborer | Born: Unknown |
Johan Ostrum Soundex |
Occupation: Laborer | Born: Unknown |
Michael Carley Soundex |
Occupation: Watchman | Born: Unknown |
George H. Hensen Soundex |
Occupation: Molder | Born: Unknown |
Gustave Larsen Soundex |
Occupation: Molder | Born: Unknown |
Carl x q-3 Berg Relation in household: Head 1c (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Molder | Born: Kingdom of Sweden |
Hannah Berg Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Kingdom of Sweden |
Lilly Berg Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Carl H Erickson Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Henry 3-3 q-4 Erickson Relation in household: Head 2c (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Carpenter at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Kingdom of Sweden |
Marie Erickson Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Kingdom of Sweden |
Victor E Erickson Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Annie Kribal Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Annie Kribal Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Dominick Kribal Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Dominick x q-6 Kribal Relation in household: Head 4c (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Polisher [Brass] | Born: Republic of Austria |
Edward Kribal Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Lilly Kribal Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Knut Halberg Relation in household: Brother-in-law (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Blacksmith at Car Works, Blacksmith Shop: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Kingdom of Sweden |
Anna Hribal Relation in household: Wife wf (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Anna Hribal Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Arthur Hribal Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Dominik Hribal Relation in household: Head H (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Polisher [Brass] at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Czech Republic (Bohemia) |
Dominik G. Hribal Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Edward Hribal Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Lillian Hribal Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Mildred Hribal Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Clarence Insalander Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Hugo Insalander Relation in household: Head H (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Carpenter at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Kingdom of Sweden |
Lenaya Insalander Relation in household: Wife wf (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Kingdom of Sweden |
Albert Shalleross Relation in household: Head H (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Machinist at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: United Kingdom (England) |
Hattie Shalleross Relation in household: Wife wf (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Irena Shalleross Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Dominik Hribal Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Unknown |
Albert Larson Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Unknown |
Anna Cosgrove Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Republic of Ireland |
Michael Cosgrove Relation in household: Head 2 (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Fireman at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Republic of Ireland |
Hilde Fabli Relation in household: Sister-in-law (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: Seamstress at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Italian Republic (Genoa) |
Mary Lanski Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Rosie Lanski Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Sebastian Lanski Relation in household: Head 3 (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Car Polisher at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Republic of Poland |
Victoria Lanski Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: Cook at Restaurant | Born: Republic of Poland |
Corinne Sfara Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Elena Sfara Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Guiseppi Sfara Relation in household: Head 1 (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Helper at Car Works, Boiler Shop: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Italian Republic (Genoa) |
Lena Sfara Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Italian Republic (Genoa) |
George Gilmour Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Laborer at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: United Kingdom (Scotland) |
Jeanet Gilmour Relation in household: Wife-H (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United Kingdom (Scotland) |
Catherine Ann Memarin Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Emerine Memarin Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Mario Memarin Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Oiler at Grain Elevator | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Armand Salamoni Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Carpenter [Joiner] at Car Works, Railway Car Shop: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Genevevie Salamoni Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Margherita Salamoni Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Martin Salamoni Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Frank J Vergamini Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Hotel Worker at Hotel | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Mary Vergamini Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Italian Republic (Genoa) |
Robert Francis Vergamini Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Catherine A Manarin Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Born: Illinois | |
Christine J Manarin Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Born: Illinois | |
Corinne M Manarin Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Born: Illinois | |
Marianne Manarin Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Born: Illinois | |
Mario A Manarin Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Fireman at City Fire Dept | Born: Illinois |
Anne L Murphy Relation in household: Head (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: Assistant Manager at Pest??? & Forestion | Born: New York |
Angeline Sfara Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Born: Italy | |
Joseph Sfara Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex |
Born: Italy |