Acme Steel - Chicago Facilities Site Maps 1993Acme Steel - Chicago Facilities Site Maps 1993 Subject: CHP_Industry_-_ACME_Steel_General; ; Format: Map |
Acme Steel - Coke OperationsAcme Steel - Coke Operations Subject: SCH_Industry,_Acme/Interlake; SCH_South_Deering; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Acme Steel - Coke Plant PhotosAcme Steel - Coke Plant Photos Subject: SCH_Industry,_Acme/Interlake; SCH_South_Deering; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Acme Steel - Compact Strip Production (CSP) BookletAcme Steel - Compact Strip Production (CSP) Booklet Subject: SCH_Riverdale; ; Format: Printed Materials - Publications |
Acme Steel - Compact Strip Production Facility Panoramic DrawingArtist's rendition of Acme Steel "World's First Mini-Grated Compact Strip Production Facility", Riverdale, IL. Subject: SCH_Riverdale; Acme_Steel; Interlake_Iron_Corporation; Format: Artwork |
Acme Steel - Federal Furnace Photos 1924Acme Steel - Federal Furnace Photos 1924 Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Acme Steel - Interlake Iron Corporation Family Tree, 1932"Family tree" of Interlake Iron Corporation from World's Work Magazine, January 1932. Subject: Acme_Steel; Interlake_Iron_Corporation; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Acme Steel - Interlake Iron Photos 1930-1950Acme Steel - Interlake Iron Photos 1930-1950 Subject: SCH_Industry,_Acme/Interlake; SCH_South_Deering; SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Acme Steel - Interlake Iron Photos 1953Acme Steel - Interlake Iron Photos 1953 Subject: SCH_Industry,_Acme/Interlake; SCH_Waterways,_Lake_Calumet; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Acme Steel - Interlake Magazine August 1957Acme Steel - Interlake Magazine August 1957 Subject: Acme_Steel; SCH_Industry,_Acme/Interlake; SCH_South_Deering; ; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Acme Steel - Interlake Railroad Equipment 1960sAcme Steel - Interlake Railroad Equipment 1960s Subject: SCH_Industry,_Acme/Interlake; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Acme Steel - Interlake Steel 1960s/70sAcme Steel - Interlake Steel 1960s/70s Subject: SCH_Industry,_Acme/Interlake; SCH_South_Deering; SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Acme Steel - Interlake Steel 1980sAcme Steel - Interlake Steel 1980s Subject: SCH_Industry,_Acme/Interlake; SCH_South_Deering; SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Acme Steel - Iron and Steel Engineer Magazine March, 1960Acme Steel - Iron and Steel Engineer Magazine March, 1960 Subject: Acme_Steel; SCH_Riverdale; ; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Acme Steel - Photos After Closure in Fall 2001Acme Steel - Photos After Closure in Fall 2001 Subject: SCH_Industry,_Acme/Interlake; SCH_South_Deering; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Acme Steel - Riverdale PlantAcme Steel - Riverdale Plant Subject: SCH_Industry,_Acme/Interlake; SCH_Riverdale; SCH_South_Deering; SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Acme Steel - Whaleback ShipEarly whaleback lake boat unloading at Federal Furnace, predecessor company to Acme/Interlake Steel. Boats tied up along the Calumet River to unload cargo at Federal Furnace. Blast furnace and stoves are visible in the background. Location at approximately 107th and Calumet River. c1913 Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_Transportation; Acme_Steel; Interlake_Iron_Corporation; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Bridges - 106th Street Swing BridgeAn early version of the 106th Street swing bridge across the Calumet River, looking northeast, c1912. Note the electric trolley crossing the bridge and, far in the distance, Gallistel School. At right is the Keystone grain elevator. The bridge connected the East Side and South Deering communities. Subject: SCH_Bridges; SCH_Waterways,_Lake_Calumet; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Bridges - 130th Street Bridge Opening 1949Bridges - 130th Street Bridge Opening 1949 Subject: SCH_Hegewisch; SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Bridges - 92nd Streetc1912. Old 92nd street swing bridge over Calumet River connected communities of South Chicago and East Side. View looks west across river toward earliest section of South Chicago near Harbor Avenue. The scene also reflects the river traffic bottleneck caused by swing bridges which were built on piers in the middle of the river channel. Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_Transportation; SCH_Streets; SCH_South_Chicago; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Bridges - 95th Street Draw BridgePhoto from postcard. View of 95th Street Bridge looking north from west bank of the Calumet River. The bridge connected the South Chicago and East Side communities and was built in the early 1900s to replace a swing bridge that was located at this site. This bridge was replaced in the late 1950s. Subject: SCH_Transportation; SCH_South_Chicago; SCH_East_Side; SCH_Bridges; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Bridges - Calumet River at 106th Streetc1915. 106th Street bridge over the Calumet River. View NW from east side of the river. Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_East_Side; SCH_Bridges; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Bridges - Calumet River Railroad BridgesFour railroad elevator lift bridges crossing the Calumet River at 96th Street. Lake boat passing under, steel mills in the distance. Small structures on top center of the bridges were occupied by bridge tenders. c1915 Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_Transportation; SCH_South_Chicago; SCH_East_Side; SCH_Industry,_Miscellaneous; SCH_Bridges; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Bridges - New 95th Street Bridgec1910. Color postcard aerial view of 95th Street Bridge over the Calumet River. Bridge is open for river traffic. Trolley cars on 95th Street on both sides wait for bridge to close. Beyond the bridge on left is early grain elevator. On right is Turning Basin No. 1 and in the distance, steel mills are visible. Bridge was constructed in early 1900s. Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; Format: Postcard |
Bridges - New B & O Railroad BridgeView of bridge north across the Calumet River at about 96th Street. One of the most important rail crossings connecting Chicago with rail lines to the east and northeast. This single leaf bascule bridge was built in 1912. In the background a swing bridge can be seen. By 1915, four new lift bridges had been built allowing ten sets of tracks to cross the river. Subject: SCH_Transportation; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Bridges - Pennsylvania Railroad BridgesConstruction of railroad elevator lift bridges crossing the Calumet River at 96th Street. View shows construction of the two bridges for the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne, and Chicago RR. Old Lake Shore & Michigan Southern RR swing bridge is visible in the distance. View is north toward mouth of Calumet River and Lake Michigan. Subject: SCH_Transportation; SCH_South_Chicago; SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Bridges - Pennsylvania Railroad Bridges c1915Ralroad Elevator lift bridges crossing the Calumet River at 96th Street, looking north. First two bridges in view were built for the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne, and Chicago RR and were completed in September, 1913. Next two bridges were built for Lake Shore & Michigan Southern RR and were completed in 1915. Beyond four lift bridges is the B&O single leaf bascule bridge completed in 1913 but not open to traffic because of conflict with earlier bridges. Bridges in view are open to allow lake boats to pass under. In distance, steel mills can be seen. In 1965, the second bridge in this view was demolished. Currently, only the bridge closest in view (farthest south) is still used by rail traffic. Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Bridges - Railroad Bridge Across the Calumet RiverSouth Chicago, IL. Substructure of new bascule bridge across the Calumet River, built for the Chicago & Western Indiana Railroad Company for Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company. Bridge design is described as a single leaf bascule bridge, also called a "jack knife" bridge. Page 102 from Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company book. Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Bridges -Calumet River Railroad BridgesView toward SW of multiple railroad bridges crossing Calumet River at about 98th Street. In foreground is B&O RR single-leaf bascule bridge. Beyond B&O are four lift bridges. Next two were built for the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern RR (later New York Central). Last two were built for Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago RR (later Penn. RR). c1918 Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_Transportation; SCH_Industry,_Railroads; SCH_Bridges; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
East Side - 100th and Ewing AvenueStreetscape of Ewing Avenue looking south from 100th street c1910. Filson Saloon, 10003 South Ewing, at left. Streetcar tracks visible. Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_Streets; SCH_East_Side; SCH_Streets; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
East Side - Calumet Park BeachEarly 1900s. Beach scene of Calumet Park. View looks east toward Indiana. People are in the water and on the beach. Picnic pavillion and beach house are visible in the background. Photo from postcard. Subject: ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
East Side - Ewing AvenueStreetscape of Ewing Avenue looking north from 100th Street c1910. Hotel St. Elmo (9921 South Ewing) at right. Street car tracks visible. Original shopping district of East Side community was centered around 99th Street and Ewing Avenue. As community grew, development moved south. Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_Streets; SCH_East_Side; SCH_Streets; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
East Side - Panoramic ViewView of East Side from Albert Schwill Plant located at 103rd and Avenue C. Part of a set of five images. Shown in foreground is dirt road, currently Indianapolis Boulevard. Also in view at center is Bethlehem Lutheran Church, at right center is St. Francis De Sales Church and School, and grain elevators along the Calumet River. Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_Streets; SCH_Industry,_grain_elevators; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
East Side - Panoramic Viewc1912. View of East Side Albert Schwill Plant located at 103rd and Avenue C. Part of a set of five images. Shown in the foreground is a dirt road, currently Indianapolis Boulevard. Also in view is Gallistel School (center right). In center background are Keystone Grain Elevator and mills along the Calumet River. Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_Industry,_Steel; SCH_Industry,_grain_elevators; SCH_Streets; SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_East_Side; SCH_Industry,_Schwill_Company; SCH_Industry,_grain_elevators; SCH_Streets; SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
East Side - Panoramic View from Albert Schwill Company c1912View of East Side from Albert Schwill Plant location at 103rd and Avenue C. Part of a set of six images. Shown at lower left are railroad tracks running parallel to Indianapolis Blvd. Most of the photo shows Calumet Park and Taylor Pier. Lake Michigan is at right. In distance in smoke and haze is Illinois Steel South Works. Subject: SCH_Waterways; SCH_Industry,_Miscellaneous; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
East Side - Panoramic View from Albert Schwill Company c1912View of East Side from Albert Schwill Plant located at 103rd and Avenue C. Part of a set of six images. Shown at left and right are railroad tracks running parallet to Indianapolis Blvd. Currently the Chicago Skyway runs along with same route. At right, trees of Calumet Park and Lake Michigan can be seen. Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_Transportation; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
East Side - Panoramic View from Albert Schwill Company, 1912View of East Side from Albert Schwill Plant located at 103rd and Avenue C. Part of a set of six images. Shown in foreground is dirt road, now Indianapolis Blvd. Also in view are Pennsylvania RR tracks, now Burnham Greenway. Subject: SCH_Streets; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
East Side - Panoramic View from Albert Schwill Company, c1912View of East Side from Albert Schwill Plant located at 103rd and Avenue C. Part of a set of six images. Shown in foreground are railroad tracks running parallet to dirt road, now Indianapolis Boulevard. In background St. Francis De Sales Church and School are visible, and in the distance, grain elevators along Calumet River. Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
East Side - Pennsylvania Railroad DepotPennsylvania Railroad East Side station, c1908, located at 100th Street and Ewing Avenue. The station is at ground level. The tracks would be elevated a few years after the photo was taken. View looks west, intersection of 100th Street and Avenue L is to the left of the station in the background. House visible at right on Avenue L. Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_Streets; SCH_Transportation; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
East Side - Republic Steel Millgate Photos c1940East Side - Republic Steel Millgate Photos c1940 Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_Industry,_Republic_Steel/LTV; SCH_Streets; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
East Side - Von Zimgibl Grave Sitec1950. The grave site of Andreas Von Zimgibl is located near 93rd and the Calumet River in the middle of a scrap yard. This view shows the grave surrounded by a wooden fence. Stacks of nearby steel mills are in the background. Vin Zimgibl was an early resident of the area and requested that he be buried on his land. Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
East Side - Willy Hardware StoreWilly Hardware was established by George Willy in 1902 at 10550 Ewing Avenue. Picture shows Geroge Willy in front of the store. Subject: SCH_Streets; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
East Side and Calumet RiverPhotograph of a postcard. Bird's eye view of East Side and Calumet River, South Chicago IL. In view are 95th Street, 95th Street Bridge, Iroquois Iron and Steel, railroad swing bridges across the Calumet River at 96th Street and grain elevator south of Railroad bridges. View looks south. c1908 Subject: SCH_Industry,_Miscellaneous; Format: Postcard |
East Side parade floatRobert E. L. Brooks, Inc. float, part of the 106th Street Bridge Opening Celebration, in front of the East Side Bank, 101st and Ewing Avenue. Truck was property of C. G. Osterberg Co. Circa 1930 Subject: SCH_Streets; SCH_East_Side; SCH_Bridges; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
General Mills - Big G Conveyor May 1, 1995General Mills - Big G Conveyor May 1, 1995 Subject: SCH_Industry,_General_Mills; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
General Mills - Big G Conveyor, August-September, 1985General Mills - Big G Conveyor, August-September, 1985 Subject: SCH_South_Deering; ; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
General Mills - Big G Conveyor, December 1991General Mills - Big G Conveyor, December 1991 Subject: SCH_Industry,_General_Mills; SCH_South_Deering; ; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
General Mills - Big G Conveyor, December, 1993General Mills - Big G Conveyor, December, 1993 Subject: SCH_South_Deering; ; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
General Mills - Big G Conveyor, Fall 1988General Mills - Big G Conveyor, Fall 1988 Subject: SCH_South_Deering; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
General Mills - Big G Conveyor, February-March 1985General Mills - Big G Conveyor, February-March 1985 Subject: SCH_Industry,_General_Mills; SCH_South_Deering; ; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
General Mills - Big G Conveyor, June-July 1979General Mills - Big G Conveyor, June-July 1979 Subject: SCH_South_Deering; ; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
General Mills - Big G Conveyor, November 1992General Mills - Big G Conveyor, November 1992 Subject: SCH_South_Deering; ; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
General Mills - Big G Conveyor, October-November 1985General Mills - Big G Conveyor, October-November 1985 Subject: SCH_Industry,_General_Mills; SCH_South_Deering; ; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
General Mills - Big G Conveyor, October-November, 1984General Mills - Big G Conveyor, October-November, 1984 Subject: SCH_Industry,_General_Mills; SCH_South_Deering; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
General Mills - Big G Conveyor, September-October 1982General Mills - Big G Conveyor, September-October 1982 Subject: SCH_Industry,_General_Mills; SCH_South_Deering; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
General Mills - Big G Conveyor, September-October 1982General Mills plant magazine, the Big G Conveyor, September-October 1982. Issue includes article about Charley Gill, Plant Manager from 1971 to 1982 and pictorial article about improvements at plant in 1982. Subject: SCH_South_Deering; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
General Mills - Big G Conveyor, Spring 1989General Mills - Big G Conveyor, Spring 1989 Subject: SCH_Industry,_General_Mills; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
General Mills - History Photos World War II EraGeneral Mills - History Photos World War II Era Subject: SCH_Industry,_General_Mills; SCH_South_Deering; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
General Mills - Production Process Photos 1940sGeneral Mills - Production Process Photos 1940s Subject: SCH_Industry,_General_Mills; SCH_South_Deering; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
General Mills - Property Photos 1920s and 1930sGeneral Mills - Property Photos 1920s and 1930s Subject: SCH_Industry,_General_Mills; SCH_South_Deering; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
General Mills - Property Photos 1940s and 1950sGeneral Mills - Property Photos 1940s and 1950s Subject: SCH_Industry,_General_Mills; SCH_South_Deering; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
General Mills - Property Photos 1990sGeneral Mills - Property Photos 1990s Subject: SCH_Industry,_General_Mills; SCH_South_Deering; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
General Mills - Site Plan and Plant Statistics 1980-81General Mills - Site Plan and Plant Statistics 1980-81 Subject: SCH_Industry,_General_Mills; SCH_South_Deering; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
General Mills - The Modern Millwheel, April 1972General Mills - The Modern Millwheel, April 1972 Subject: SCH_Industry,_General_Mills; SCH_South_Deering; ; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Hegewisch - Beacon TowerIn 1936, Hegewisch resident John Serafin built this radio tower to house a planned local radio station. Serafin was injured during construction, and the project was never completed. The tower stood for a number of years on 133rd and Baltimore Avenue. The land was sold to a funeral parlor next door for a parking lot. The tower was referred to as the "Beacon". Subject: SCH_Streets; SCH_Hegewisch; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Hegewisch - Dedication of 130th Street Bridge, 1949Veterans orginizations lead parade dedicating bridge. The fixed span bridge replaced a swing bridge. The bridge marks the end of the St. Lawrence Seaway, which handles lake boats and ocean ships and the beginning of the Illinois Waterway primarily used by barges and recreational boats. Subject: SCH_Streets; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Hegewisch - Delaware HouseThe Delaware House, a Hegewisch institution located at 130th Street and Wolf Lake, was originaly used as a state building for Delaware at the 1893 Columbian Exposition (World's Fair) in Jackson Park. It was purchased by a French-Canadian fur trapper and adventurer, Elias Bennet, who relocated the house from the Columbian Exposition by putting it on a barge and towing it down Lake Michigan into Wolf Lake. He set it on the best piece of land he saw, even though he didn't own it. Since then it has been operated as a tavern, eating house, and living quarters. Muskrat dinners were served to notables such as John G. Shedd, Honore Palmer, and Anton J. Cermak. Due to poor maintenance the Delaware House caved in and was eventually torn down in the 1950GÇÖs. Subject: SCH_Streets; SCH_Hegewisch; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Hegewisch - Greetings from Hegewisch, ILc1900. Photo from postcard. Includes various scenes from Hegewisch including streetscapes, houses, churches, and Henry Clay School. Subject: SCH_Streets; SCH_Hegewisch; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Hegewisch - Looking NorthwestStreetscape view of Hegewisch looks northwest from Braniard Avenue and Brandon Avenue. Subject: SCH_Streets; SCH_Hegewisch; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Hegewisch - Looking South on Erie Ave. cor 133rd StreetPhoto from postcard. Streetscape looking south toward intersection of 133rd and Erie Avenue (former name of Baltimore Avenue). Opera House is visible on the left beyond intersection. This was the major shopping district in the community of Hegewisch. Subject: SCH_Streets; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Hegewisch - Ontario St. No. of 135th StreetStreetscape of Ontario Street (former name of Brandon Avenue). View looks north toward horsedrawn wagon and people in the street. Small businesses, including tavern with "Manhattan Beer" sign and residences are in view. Subject: SCH_Hegewisch; SCH_Streets; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Hegewisch - Southeast Sportsmen`s Club Building Dedication ProgramHegewisch - Southeast Sportsmen's Club Building Dedication Program Subject: SCH_Hegewisch; SCH_Waterways,_Wolf_Lake; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Hegewisch - Street Scenes 1900sHegewisch - Street Scenes 1900s Subject: SCH_Hegewisch; World_War_I; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Hegewisch - Train Stationc1920. Exterior view of Pennsylvania RR station located at 133rd and Green Bay Avenue. Photo shows group of people, mostly children, standing outside of the station. Subject: SCH_Transportation; SCH_Hegewisch; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Hegewisch - Wolf Lake State Park Dedication 1946Illinois Governor Dwight Green unveiled this marker to dedicate Wolf Lake Conservation Park on October 13, 1946. Subject: SCH_Streets; SCH_Hegewisch; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Hegewisch Opera HousePhoto from postcard. Exterior view of Hegewisch Opera House, 13305 Erie Avenue (now Baltimore Avenue). Theater space was located on the 2nd floor. Opera House Buffet (restaurant), 13301 Erie and Chicago Post Office were on the first floor of the building. Wooden hitching rail is visible in front of the building. Plaque at the top of the structure reads "1888". Subject: SCH_Hegewisch; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - Aerial Photo of Steel Mills on the Calumet RiverAerial photograph looking ESE from over South Deering toward steel mills on the Calumet River between 106th and 116th Streets. South Deering neighborhood and Bright School are in the foreground. Wisconsin Steel is located across the middle of the photo on the west side of the river. On the east side is Acme/Interlake Furnace Plant at left and Republic Steel at the top right. Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_South_Deering; Acme_Steel; Interlake_Iron_Corporation; SCH_East_Side; Wisconsin_Steel; Republic_Steel; LTV; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - Albert Schwill and CompanyExterior view of Albert Schwill and Company. View northwest toward Calumet River, Gallistel School, Keystone grain elevator, Calumet River, Wisconsin Steel in background. Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_Industry,_Miscellaneous; SCH_Transportation; SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - Calumet River Grain Elevator Fire May 11, 1939Industry - Calumet River Grain Elevator Fire May 11, 1939 Subject: SCH_Industry,_Miscellaneous; SCH_South_Deering; SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - Chicago Steel and Wire FactoryChicago Steel and Wire was a finishing plant which used steel from area mills to make wire and welding rods. It was located on the 102nd block of Torrence Avenue on the east side of the street. This view looks northeast across the intersection of 103rd and Torrence Avenue. Photo is from book titled "Chicago Steel and Wire Company 1914-1943". Subject: SCH_South_Deering; SCH_Industry,_Steel; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - Chicago Steel and Wire Storage YardChicago Steel and Wire was a finishing plant which used steel from area mills to make wire and welding rods. It was located on the 102nd block of Torrence Avenue on the east side of the street. This view shows the storage yard for the plant. Photo from book titled "Chicago Steel and Wire Company 1914-1943" Subject: SCH_South_Deering; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - Chicago Steel and Wire, 16" Wet Wire Drawing DepartmentChicago Steel and Wire was a finishing plant which used steel from mills to make wire and welding rods. It was located on the 102nd block of Torrence Avenue on the east side of the street. This view shows the 16" Wet Wire Drawing Department. Photo from book titled "Chicago Steel and Wire Company 1914-1943." Subject: SCH_South_Deering; SCH_Industry,_Steel; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - Chicago Steel and Wire, 8" Continuous Wire Drawing DepartmentChicago Steel and Wire was a finishing plant which used steel from area mills to make wire and welding rods. It was located on the 102nd block of Torrence Avenue on the east side of the street. This view shows the 8" Continuous Wire Drawing Department photo from book titled "Chicago Steel and Wire Company 1914-1943." Subject: SCH_South_Deering; SCH_Industry,_Steel; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - Chicago Steel and Wire, Bookbinders' Rolling and Spooling DepartmentChicago Steel and Wire was a finishing plant which used steel from area mills to make wire and welding rods. It was located on the 102nd block of Torrence Avenue on the east side of the street. This view shows the Bookbinders' Rolling and Spooling Department photo from book titled "Chicago Steel and Wire Company 1914-1943." Subject: SCH_South_Deering; SCH_Industry,_Steel; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - Chicago Steel and Wire, Wire Rod Drawing DepartmentChicago Steel and Wire was a finishing plant which used steel from area mills to make wire and welding rods. It was located on the 102nd block of Torrence Avenue on the east side of the street. This view shows the Wire Rod Drawing Department. Photo from book titled "Chicago Steel and Wire Company 1914-1943." Subject: SCH_South_Deering; SCH_Industry,_Steel; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - Ford Chicago 75th Anniversary BookIndustry - Ford Chicago 75th Anniversary Book Subject: SCH_Industry,_Ford_Motor_Company; SCH_Transportation; ; Format: Printed Materials - Publications |
Industry - Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company DiversBill Lehndorf and Grandpa Blank at the Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company dock "suited up" in diving outfit. Subject: SCH_Waterways; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company DiversBill Lehndorf and Grandpa Blank at the Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company dock "suiting up" in diving outfit. Subject: SCH_Waterways; SCH_Industry,_Miscellaneous; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company HistoryBrief history of the Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company, page 4 of Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company book. Subject: SCH_Industry,_Miscellaneous; SCH_Waterways; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company Pile Driver 81Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company Pile Driver No. 81 Subject: SCH_Waterways; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Dredge #3South Chicago IL. Eight-yard dipper dredge No. 3, dredging in Calumet Outer Harbor, for Corps of Engineers, USA. Page 96 from Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company book. Subject: SCH_South_Chicago; SCH_Waterways; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Hydraulic DredgeSouth Chicago IL. Hydraulic dredge, with forward anchors and ladder removed, undergoing repairs in floating dry dock at our South Chicago yard. Location was at about 93rd and the Calumet River. Page 93 from Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company book. Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_South_Chicago; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - Great Lakes Dredge & Dock New Tug BoatSouth Chicago IL. New tug boat hull on ways, ready to launch at our South Chicago Yard for Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company. Yard was located in Turning Basin No. 1 at about 93rd and the Calumet River. Page 92 from Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company book. Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_South_Chicago; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - Great Lakes Dredge and Dock CompanyCover from book entitled Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company River & Harbor improvement, Manufacturers of Reinforced Concrete Piling Book includes photos describing various projects of the company. Subject: SCH_Waterways; SCH_Industry,_Miscellaneous; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - Hibbin & CompanyHistory of Hibben & Company, originally Hibben-Hill Boiler Works, which helped build and maintain industries in the Calumet region. Published in East Side Centennial Commemoration booklet, "History and Progress of East Side 1851-1951 July 5, 6, 7 and 8 Chicago 17, Illinois" Subject: SCH_Industry,_Miscellaneous; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - Irondale ElevatorTug W. L. Mercereau in Rock Island Slip on the west side of the Calumet River just south of 108th Street. Irondale Elevator in background. Slip was later filled in after purchase by Wisconsin Steel for expansion c1915. Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_South_Deering; SCH_Industry,_grain_elevators; Wisconsin_Steel; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - Keystone Grain ElevatorKeystone grain elevator located on the east bank of the Calumet River at 106th Street. Looking from 2nd floor of 10617 Mackinaw Avenue. In the distance is 106th Street bridge. c1914 Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_East_Side; SCH_Bridges; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - Lake Calumet Area Industry 1973Industry - Lake Calumet Area Industry 1973 Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - Making of Steel c1970Industry - Making of Steel c1970 Subject: SCH_Industry,_Steel; ; Format: Printed Materials - Publications |
Industry - Morden Frog and Crossing Company1896. Morden Frog and Crossing Company was founded in South Chicago in the mid-1880s. They were located at Commercial Avenue and the Rock Island RR station. A frog is the crossing point of two rails and forms part of a railroad switch. The company provided numerous items of rail equipment (split switches, rigid frogs, derails, angle bars, etc.) for the Panama Canal. Subject: SCH_South_Chicago; SCH_Industry,_Miscellaneous; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - National Malting Company FireFire at National Malting Company on the East Side. Spectators view fire from railroad tracks. Company was located at 103rd and Fort Wayne tracks. c1915 Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_Industry,_Miscellaneous; SCH_Transportation; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - National Malting Company Firec1915. Fire equipment gathers to battle fire at National Malting Company near 104th and Indianapolis Avenue. Subject: SCH_Industry,_Miscellaneous; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - South Chicago Trades and Labor Assembly Year Book 1957Industry - South Chicago Trades and Labor Assembly Year Book 1957 Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Lake_Calumet; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - South Chicago Trades and Labor Assembly Yearbook 1949Industry - South Chicago Trades and Labor Assembly Yearbook 1949 Subject: ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - South Chicago Trades and Labor Assembly Yearbook 1950Industry - South Chicago Trades and Labor Assembly Yearbook 1950 Subject: SCH_Industry,_Miscellaneous; SCH_South_Deering; ; Format: Artwork |
Industry - South Chicago Trades and Labor Assembly Yearbook 1951Industry - South Chicago Trades and Labor Assembly Yearbook 1951 Subject: SCH_Waterways; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - South Chicago Trades and Labor Assembly Yearbook 1954Industry - South Chicago Trades and Labor Assembly Yearbook 1954 Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Lake_Calumet; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - South Chicago Trades and Labor Assembly Yearbook 1955Industry - South Chicago Trades and Labor Assembly Yearbook 1955 Subject: SCH_Waterways; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - State Line Generating Station 25th Anniversary Tour Booklet 1954Industry - State Line Generating Station 25th Anniversary Tour Booklet 1954 Subject: SCH_Industry,_State_Line_Generating_Station; ; Format: Printed Materials - Publications |
Industry - State Line Generating Station Employee Handbook 1953Industry - State Line Generating Station Employee Handbook 1953 Subject: SCH_Industry,_State_Line_Generating_Station; ; Format: Printed Materials - Publications |
Industry - State Line Generating Station Unit One 1929Industry - State Line Generating Station Unit One 1929 Subject: SCH_Industry,_State_Line_Generating_Station; ; Format: Printed Materials - Publications |
Industry - Steel Processing Flow LinesIndustry - Steel Processing Flow Lines Subject: SCH_Industry,_Steel; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - Steelworkers 1907Group of steelworkers sitting on steps. Twenty workers in unidentified mill. Subject: SCH_Industry,_Steel; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - The Picture Story of SteelIndustry - The Picture Story of Steel Subject: SCH_Industry,_Steel; ; Format: Printed Materials - Publications |
Industry - The State Liner Plant Magazine, December 1946Industry - The State Liner Plant Magazine, December 1946 Subject: World_War_II; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - The State Liner Plant Magazine, March 1947Industry - The State Liner Plant Magazine, March 1947 Subject: SCH_Transportation; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Industry - Valley Mould and Iron CorporationHistory of Valley Mould and Iron Corporation at 108th Street and the Calumet River. Published in East Side Centennial Commemoration booklet, "History and Progress of East Side 1851-1951 July 5, 6, 7 and 8 Chicago 17, Illinois" Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_Industry,_Miscellaneous; SCH_East_Side; SCH_Industry,_Valley_Mould; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Labor - Agreement Between Republic Steel and USWA March 1, 1983Agreement (union contract) between Republic Steel Corporation and the United Steelworkers of American for Production and Maintenance Employees March 1, 1983 Subject: Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_Labor,_Local_1033_(Republic); Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Labor - Local 1033 News & Views Aug. 1971Labor - Local 1033 News & Views Aug. 1971 Subject: SCH_Labor,_Local_1033_(Republic); ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Labor - Local 1033 News & Views February 1986Labor - Local 1033 News & Views February 1986 Subject: SCH_Labor,_Local_1033_(Republic); ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Labor - Local 1033 News & Views June 1977Labor - Local 1033 News & Views June 1977 Subject: SCH_Labor,_Local_1033_(Republic); ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Labor - Local 1033 News & Views May 1974Labor - Local 1033 News & Views May 1974 Subject: SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Labor - Local 1033 on the picket lineLocal 1033 picketers on strike after World War II Subject: SCH_Industry,_Steel; SCH_Labor_General; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Labor - Local 65 Christmas PartyChristmas Party for members and families of Local 65 at Avalon Theater, 79th and Stony Island Subject: SCH_Labor,_Local_65_(US_Steel); SCH_Industry,_Steel; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Labor - Local 65 Christmas PartyChristmas Party of members and families of Local 65 at Avalon Theater, 79th & Stony Island Avenue Subject: SCH_Labor,_Local_65_(US_Steel); SCH_Industry,_Steel; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Labor - Local 65 MeetingLocal 65 union meeting at Marquette Gardens, 83rd and Marquette Avenue. Exterior view from 83rd Street, 1960s. Subject: SCH_Streets; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Labor - Local 65 MeetingUnion meeting at Marquette Gardens, 83rd and Marquette Avenue. Members arrive for meeting, exterior view. Subject: SCH_Industry,_Steel; SCH_Labor_General; SCH_South_Chicago; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Labor - Local 65 MeetingUnion meeting at Marquette Gardens, 83rd and Marquette Avenue. Members gather outside. Subject: SCH_Industry,_Steel; SCH_Labor_General; SCH_South_Chicago; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Labor - Local 65 Parade FloatUnited Steel Workers of American USA Local 65 CIO parade float Subject: SCH_Industry,_Steel; SCH_Labor_General; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Labor - Local 65 Parade FloatCar towing Local 65 U. S. Steel Workers' parade float on 92nd Street and Exchange Avenue in front of South Chicago Post Office, c1950. Subject: SCH_Streets; SCH_South_Chicago; SCH_Labor,_Local_65_(US_Steel); Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Labor - Local 65 Social EventUnions were important community organizations. They not only dealt with workplace issues but with political issues and social activities. They were organizations that crossed over ethnic, religious, and racial lines. Photo shows social event at Local 65 union hall. Subject: SCH_South_Chicago; SCH_Labor,_Local_65_(US_Steel); Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Labor - Local 65 South Works Parking Lotc1970s. From Local 65 photo collection. Cars in parking lot and on the street outside South Works. Caption on back of photo states "Large unguarded lots with no fences are open invitation to rip-off artists. Photo by Jerry Harris." Subject: SCH_South_Chicago; SCH_Labor,_Local_65_(US_Steel); U.S._Steel; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Labor - Local 65 Strikers"This Plant on Strike" Local 65 strikers pass time by playing checkers Subject: SCH_Industry,_Steel; SCH_Labor_General; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Labor - Local 65 StrikersU. S. Steelworkers picket at gates of Carnegie South Works at start of strike, October 1. Subject: SCH_South_Chicago; SCH_Labor,_Local_65_(US_Steel); SCH_Industry,_Steel; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Labor - Local 65 StrikersU. S. Steelworkers picket at gates of Carnegie South Works at start of strike, October 1 Subject: SCH_South_Chicago; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Labor - Local 65 Strikers July 1959United Steelworkers Vice President, Howard Hague, visits Local 65 picket lines with district 31 Director, Joseph Germano, July 1959 Subject: SCH_South_Chicago; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Labor - Local 65 U.S. Steel WorkersUSWA District 31 picket in downtown Chicago in support of Chicago firefighters' strike. Photo from Local 65 collection 1980. Subject: SCH_Labor,_Local_65_(US_Steel); Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Labor - On StrikeGroup of men standing outside shed with painted "On Strike CIO" Subject: SCH_Industry,_Steel; SCH_Labor_General; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Labor - ProtestersProtesting workers seated on steps with anti-Abel sign. Sign reads "Abel - Bosses waiter, labor's traitor" Subject: SCH_Labor_General; SCH_Industry,_Steel; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Labor - Steelworkers MarchGroup of steel workers marching down unidentified street. Two American flags carried in front of the marchers. Subject: SCH_Industry,_Steel; SCH_Labor_General; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Labor, Local 1033 Union Elections ExhibitLocal 1033 samples of materials from union elections. Part of an exhibit on history of Local 1033. Exhibit panel #30. Subject: SCH_East_Side; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_Labor,_Local_1033_(Republic); Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Labor, Local 65 United Steel WorkersLocal 65 United Steel Workers dedication of the Hilding Anderson Union Hall. Subject: SCH_South_Chicago; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Labor, Steel Strike HeadlinesNewspaper headlines and articles about steel strike in 1959. Image from Local 1033 exhibit. Subject: SCH_Industry,_Steel; SCH_Labor_General; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Labor, This Plant on StrikeTwo workers playing checkers at United States Steel South Works while on strike. Sign reads "This Plant on Strike - Local 65 United Steel Workers of America." Ore dock unloaders in background. Subject: SCH_South_Chicago; SCH_Labor,_Local_65_(US_Steel); SCH_Labor_General; U.S._Steel; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Labor, Workers on StrikeWorkers on strike, picketers carrying signs from Local 65 USA CIO at entrance to Carnegie Illinois Steel (United States Steel South Works) Subject: U.S._Steel; SCH_Labor,_Local_65_(US_Steel); SCH_South_Chicago; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Memorial Day MassacreWoman steps over injured marcher, May 30, 1937, outside of Republic Steel Subject: SCH_East_Side; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Memorial Day Massacre - "Who Said Policy Brutality"Four police load injured man into police wagon, May 30, 1937. Quote is taken from a Local 1033 labor exhibit in the 1970s. Subject: SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; SCH_Industry,_Steel; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Memorial Day Massacre - Commemoration 1939Memorial Day Massacre - Commemoration 1939 Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_Industry,_Republic_Steel/LTV; SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Memorial Day Massacre - Police ActionRunning striker is hit on the back by policeman with a night stick, May 30, 1937. Subject: SCH_East_Side; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Memorial Day Massacre - Police BrutalityExhibit #16: "Who Said Police Brutality" from Local 1033 United Steel Workers display Subject: SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Memorial Day Massacre - Policeman in ActionPoliceman, back to camera, strikes fallen protester with night stick, May 30, 1937. Subject: SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Memorial Day Massacre "Who Said Police Brutality"Policemen load man into car. Quote is taken from a Local 1033 labor exhibit in the 1970s. Subject: SCH_East_Side; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_Industry,_Steel; SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Memorial Day Massacre "Who Said Police Brutality"Four policemen carry injured man, May 30, 1937. Quote is taken from a Local 1033 labor exhibit in the 1970s. Subject: SCH_East_Side; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_Labor_General; SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Memorial Day Massacre "Who Said Policy Brutality"Marchers carry inured man, May 30, 1937. Quote is taken from a Local 1033 labor exhibit in the 1970s. Subject: SCH_East_Side; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_Industry,_Steel; SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Memorial Day Massacre ChaseMemorial Day Massacre police chase fleeing strikers and marchers outside Republic Steel, May 30, 1937 Subject: SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Memorial Day Massacre ConfrontationStrikers and police confront each other outside Republic Sttel prior to outbreak of violence, May 30, 1937. Subject: SCH_East_Side; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Memorial Day Massacre marchersStrikers and other marchers mass at police line outside Republic Steel prior to outbreak of violence, May 30, 1937 Subject: SCH_East_Side; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Memorial Day Massacre MarchersMemorial Day Massacre marchers approach police line outside of Republic Steel prior to outbreak of violence, May 30, 1937 Subject: SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Memorial Day Massacre VictimChicago policemen loading victim of the Memorial Day Massacre into a car, May 30, 1937. Subject: SCH_East_Side; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Memorial Day Massacre VictimGroup of Chicago policemen carrying a victim of the Memorial Day Massacre, May 30, 1937. Subject: SCH_East_Side; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Memorial Day Massacre VictimHilding Anderson, victim of Memorial Day Massacre (May 30, 1937), in hospital bed with doctor in attendance. Anderson died June 3, 1937. Subject: SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Memorial Day Massacre ViolenceMemorial Day Massacre violence erupts as strikers and marchers flee police when shots are fired outside Republic Steel, March 30, 1937. Subject: SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Pressed Steel - Adolofo Hegewisch visitAdolofo Hegewisch (center), nephew of Achilles Hegewisch, founder of community, visits Pressed Steel in Hegewisch. Picture shows Perry Hallberg (left) civic leader and Eugene Czachorski (right). Picture originally taken in 1952 and published in Hegewisch News January 25, 1974 Subject: Pressed_Steel; Western_Steel; SCH_Hegewisch; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Pressed Steel - Western Steel Car Company c1918Pressed Steel - Western Steel Car Company c1918 Subject: SCH_Hegewisch; SCH_Industry,_Pressed_Steel/Western_Steel; World_War_I; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Pressed Steel - World War I Liberty Bond RallyWar bond rally at Pressed Steel Corporation in Hegewisch, 1918. View of stage. Subject: SCH_Hegewisch; Pressed_Steel; Western_Steel; World_War_I; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Pressed Steel WWI Liberty Bond Rally 1918Image of hundreds of men attending World War I Bond rally at Pressed Steel Corporation, 1918 Subject: SCH_Hegewisch; Pressed_Steel; Western_Steel; World_War_I; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Railroads - South Chicago B&O StationRailroads - South Chicago B&O Station Subject: SCH_Transportation; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Railroads - Train WorkersRailroad crew workers in rail yards behind 83rd and Baltimore Avenue. Man sitting on front of train wearing suspenders is Billy Behn. Engine #622 Subject: SCH_South_Chicago; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Railroads - Train WorkersRailroad crew workers in rail yards behind 83rd and Baltimore Avenue. Man leaning against railroad wheel wearing suspenders is Billy Behn, friend of Mrs. Parus's (donor) father. Engine 622 Subject: SCH_South_Chicago; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Railroads - Train Workers CWP & S RRRailroad crew workers,5 men, standing next to locomotive Engine #27. Chicago West Pullman and Southern Railroad serviced Wisconsin Steel. Subject: SCH_Transportation; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Republic Steel - 79th Street FacilityRepublic Steel facility at 79th Street and South Chicago Avenue. Originally Grand Crossing Tack Company, a predecessor company to Republic. Subject: SCH_Streets; SCH_South_Chicago; Republic_Steel; LTV; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Republic Steel - Aerial Photos 1954Republic Steel - Aerial Photos 1954 Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_Industry,_Republic_Steel/LTV; SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; ; Format: Mixed media |
Republic Steel - Background Information Chicago District, January 1982Republic Steel - Background Information Chicago District, January 1982 Subject: SCH_Industry,_Republic_Steel/LTV; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Republic Steel - Chicago District c1978Republic Steel - Chicago District c1978 Subject: SCH_Industry,_Republic_Steel/LTV; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Republic Steel - Chicago District Safety Award c1978Republic Steel - Chicago District Safety Award c1978 Subject: SCH_Industry,_Republic_Steel/LTV; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Republic Steel - Coke Plant PhotosRepublic Steel - Coke Plant Photos Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_Industry,_Republic_Steel/LTV; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Republic Steel - Genealogy of the Republic Steel Corp. 1935Chart showing the corporate development of the Republic Steel Corporation. Chicago District development can be found at middle right. Subject: Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Republic Steel - Good Jobs Now Sign 1945Sign at entrance to Republic Steel advertising good jobs in 1945. Includes line to "Your Service Man". Subject: World_War_II; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Republic Steel - Grand Crossing Tack Steel Mills c1902Republic Steel started in the Chicago area on the East Side as Grand Crossing Tack company located at 77th and Woodlawn and moved to 79th and South Chicago Avenue in 1883. In the early 1900s, they acquired a site at 118th and the Calumet River where they built two open hearth furnaces and a 35" blooming mill. Photo shows East Side side amid wetlands. Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Republic Steel - Hulett Construction 06/23/43Photo showing construction of Hulett Iron Ore Unloaders at Republic Steel in 1943. These bulk material unloaders are the last two surviving examples of a very efficient machine that was unique to the Great Lakes and was used at numerous ports. More than 75 of these huge machines once existed. These two Huletts operated until the plan shutdown in 2001. Subject: Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Republic Steel - Job Description for Manipulator in 44" Bloooming MillRepublic Steel - Job Description for Manipulator in 44" Bloooming Mill Subject: SCH_Industry,_Republic_Steel/LTV; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Republic Steel - New Alloy Steel Works Drawing c1940Aerial drawing of Republic Steel, South Chicago, Illinois. James Stewart and Company, Inc. Engineers and Contractors. View toward SE, Calumet River in foreground. Ore boat along east bank of river being unloaded by Hulett Unloaders, blast furnace at lower right. Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Republic Steel - Plant Visit Program 1955Republic Steel - Plant Visit Program 1955 Subject: SCH_Industry,_Republic_Steel/LTV; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Republic Steel - Plants and Facilities Booklet c1985Republic Steel - Plants and Facilities Booklet c1985 Subject: SCH_Industry,_Republic_Steel/LTV; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Republic Steel - Q-BOP Furnace c1977Republic Steel - Q-BOP Furnace c1977 Subject: SCH_Industry,_Republic_Steel/LTV; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Republic Steel - Railroad Locomotives Used at Chicago PlantRepublic Steel - Railroad Locomotives Used at Chicago Plant Subject: SCH_Industry,_Republic_Steel/LTV; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Republic Steel - Republic Builds for D.P.C. October 1944Republic Steel - Republic Builds for D.P.C. October 1944 Subject: World_War_II; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Republic Steel - Republic Goes to WarRepublic Steel - Republic Goes to War Subject: World_War_II; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Republic Steel - Republic Reports Christmas 1956Republic Steel - Republic Reports Christmas 1956 Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_Industry,_Republic_Steel/LTV; ; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Republic Steel - Republic Reports December 1958Republic Steel - Republic Reports December 1958 Subject: SCH_Industry,_Republic_Steel/LTV; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Republic Steel - Republic Reports Fall 1953Republic Steel - Republic Reports Fall 1953 Subject: SCH_Industry,_Republic_Steel/LTV; ; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Republic Steel - Republic Reports January 1945Republic Steel - Republic Reports January 1945 Subject: SCH_Industry,_Republic_Steel/LTV; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Republic Steel - Republic Reports July 1947Republic Steel - Republic Reports July 1947 Subject: SCH_Industry,_Republic_Steel/LTV; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Republic Steel - Republic Reports July 1950Republic Steel - Republic Reports July 1950 Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Republic Steel - Republic Reports July 1958Republic Steel - Republic Reports July 1958 Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_Industry,_Republic_Steel/LTV; ; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Republic Steel - Republic Reports June 1955Republic Steel - Republic Reports June 1955 Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_Industry,_Republic_Steel/LTV; ; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Republic Steel - Republic Reports November 1967Republic Steel - Republic Reports November 1967 Subject: SCH_Industry,_Republic_Steel/LTV; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Republic Steel - Republic Steel Corporation Annual Report 1951Cover of 1951 Republic Steel Annual Report shows coke plant and blast furnace at South Chicago Plan along the Calumet River. Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Republic Steel - Safety PhotosRepublic Steel - Safety Photos Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_Industry,_Republic_Steel/LTV; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Republic Steel - Salute to Republic SteelRepublic Steel - Salute to Republic Steel Subject: SCH_Industry,_Republic_Steel/LTV; ; Format: Photograph (all forms) |