Images in the collection -- Subject SCH East Side

Acme Steel - Whaleback Ship

Early whaleback lake boat unloading at Federal Furnace, predecessor company to Acme/Interlake Steel. Boats tied up along the Calumet River to unload cargo at Federal Furnace. Blast furnace and stoves are visible in the background. Location at approximately 107th and Calumet River. c1913

Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_Transportation; Acme_Steel; Interlake_Iron_Corporation; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Bridges - 92nd Street

c1912. Old 92nd street swing bridge over Calumet River connected communities of South Chicago and East Side. View looks west across river toward earliest section of South Chicago near Harbor Avenue. The scene also reflects the river traffic bottleneck caused by swing bridges which were built on piers in the middle of the river channel.

Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_Transportation; SCH_Streets; SCH_South_Chicago; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Bridges - 95th Street Draw Bridge

Photo from postcard. View of 95th Street Bridge looking north from west bank of the Calumet River. The bridge connected the South Chicago and East Side communities and was built in the early 1900s to replace a swing bridge that was located at this site. This bridge was replaced in the late 1950s.

Subject: SCH_Transportation; SCH_South_Chicago; SCH_East_Side; SCH_Bridges; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Bridges - Calumet River at 106th Street

c1915. 106th Street bridge over the Calumet River. View NW from east side of the river.

Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_East_Side; SCH_Bridges; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Bridges - Calumet River Railroad Bridges

Four railroad elevator lift bridges crossing the Calumet River at 96th Street. Lake boat passing under, steel mills in the distance. Small structures on top center of the bridges were occupied by bridge tenders. c1915

Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_Transportation; SCH_South_Chicago; SCH_East_Side; SCH_Industry,_Miscellaneous; SCH_Bridges; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Bridges - Pennsylvania Railroad Bridges

Construction of railroad elevator lift bridges crossing the Calumet River at 96th Street. View shows construction of the two bridges for the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne, and Chicago RR. Old Lake Shore & Michigan Southern RR swing bridge is visible in the distance. View is north toward mouth of Calumet River and Lake Michigan.

Subject: SCH_Transportation; SCH_South_Chicago; SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

East Side - 100th and Ewing Avenue

Streetscape of Ewing Avenue looking south from 100th street c1910. Filson Saloon, 10003 South Ewing, at left. Streetcar tracks visible.

Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_Streets; SCH_East_Side; SCH_Streets; Format: Photograph (all forms)

East Side - Ewing Avenue

Streetscape of Ewing Avenue looking north from 100th Street c1910. Hotel St. Elmo (9921 South Ewing) at right. Street car tracks visible. Original shopping district of East Side community was centered around 99th Street and Ewing Avenue. As community grew, development moved south.

Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_Streets; SCH_East_Side; SCH_Streets; Format: Photograph (all forms)

East Side - Panoramic View

View of East Side from Albert Schwill Plant located at 103rd and Avenue C. Part of a set of five images. Shown in foreground is dirt road, currently Indianapolis Boulevard. Also in view at center is Bethlehem Lutheran Church, at right center is St. Francis De Sales Church and School, and grain elevators along the Calumet River.

Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_Streets; SCH_Industry,_grain_elevators; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

East Side - Panoramic View

c1912. View of East Side Albert Schwill Plant located at 103rd and Avenue C. Part of a set of five images. Shown in the foreground is a dirt road, currently Indianapolis Boulevard. Also in view is Gallistel School (center right). In center background are Keystone Grain Elevator and mills along the Calumet River.

Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_Industry,_Steel; SCH_Industry,_grain_elevators; SCH_Streets; SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_East_Side; SCH_Industry,_Schwill_Company; SCH_Industry,_grain_elevators; SCH_Streets; SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; Format: Photograph (all forms)

East Side - Panoramic View from Albert Schwill Company c1912

View of East Side from Albert Schwill Plant location at 103rd and Avenue C. Part of a set of six images. Shown at lower left are railroad tracks running parallel to Indianapolis Blvd. Most of the photo shows Calumet Park and Taylor Pier. Lake Michigan is at right. In distance in smoke and haze is Illinois Steel South Works.

Subject: SCH_Waterways; SCH_Industry,_Miscellaneous; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

East Side - Panoramic View from Albert Schwill Company c1912

View of East Side from Albert Schwill Plant located at 103rd and Avenue C. Part of a set of six images. Shown at left and right are railroad tracks running parallet to Indianapolis Blvd. Currently the Chicago Skyway runs along with same route. At right, trees of Calumet Park and Lake Michigan can be seen.

Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_Transportation; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

East Side - Pennsylvania Railroad Depot

Pennsylvania Railroad East Side station, c1908, located at 100th Street and Ewing Avenue. The station is at ground level. The tracks would be elevated a few years after the photo was taken. View looks west, intersection of 100th Street and Avenue L is to the left of the station in the background. House visible at right on Avenue L.

Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_Streets; SCH_Transportation; Format: Photograph (all forms)

East Side - Republic Steel Millgate Photos c1940

East Side - Republic Steel Millgate Photos c1940

Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_Industry,_Republic_Steel/LTV; SCH_Streets; ; Format: Photograph (all forms)

East Side parade float

Robert E. L. Brooks, Inc. float, part of the 106th Street Bridge Opening Celebration, in front of the East Side Bank, 101st and Ewing Avenue. Truck was property of C. G. Osterberg Co. Circa 1930

Subject: SCH_Streets; SCH_East_Side; SCH_Bridges; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Industry - Aerial Photo of Steel Mills on the Calumet River

Aerial photograph looking ESE from over South Deering toward steel mills on the Calumet River between 106th and 116th Streets. South Deering neighborhood and Bright School are in the foreground. Wisconsin Steel is located across the middle of the photo on the west side of the river. On the east side is Acme/Interlake Furnace Plant at left and Republic Steel at the top right.

Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_South_Deering; Acme_Steel; Interlake_Iron_Corporation; SCH_East_Side; Wisconsin_Steel; Republic_Steel; LTV; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Industry - Albert Schwill and Company

Exterior view of Albert Schwill and Company. View northwest toward Calumet River, Gallistel School, Keystone grain elevator, Calumet River, Wisconsin Steel in background.

Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_Industry,_Miscellaneous; SCH_Transportation; SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Industry - Keystone Grain Elevator

Keystone grain elevator located on the east bank of the Calumet River at 106th Street. Looking from 2nd floor of 10617 Mackinaw Avenue. In the distance is 106th Street bridge. c1914

Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_East_Side; SCH_Bridges; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Industry - National Malting Company Fire

Fire at National Malting Company on the East Side. Spectators view fire from railroad tracks. Company was located at 103rd and Fort Wayne tracks. c1915

Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_Industry,_Miscellaneous; SCH_Transportation; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Industry - National Malting Company Fire

c1915. Fire equipment gathers to battle fire at National Malting Company near 104th and Indianapolis Avenue.

Subject: SCH_Industry,_Miscellaneous; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Industry - Valley Mould and Iron Corporation

History of Valley Mould and Iron Corporation at 108th Street and the Calumet River. Published in East Side Centennial Commemoration booklet, "History and Progress of East Side 1851-1951 July 5, 6, 7 and 8 Chicago 17, Illinois"

Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_Industry,_Miscellaneous; SCH_East_Side; SCH_Industry,_Valley_Mould; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Labor, Local 1033 Union Elections Exhibit

Local 1033 samples of materials from union elections. Part of an exhibit on history of Local 1033. Exhibit panel #30.

Subject: SCH_East_Side; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_Labor,_Local_1033_(Republic); Format: Photograph (all forms)

Memorial Day Massacre

Woman steps over injured marcher, May 30, 1937, outside of Republic Steel

Subject: SCH_East_Side; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Memorial Day Massacre "Who Said Police Brutality"

Policemen load man into car. Quote is taken from a Local 1033 labor exhibit in the 1970s.

Subject: SCH_East_Side; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_Industry,_Steel; SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Memorial Day Massacre "Who Said Police Brutality"

Four policemen carry injured man, May 30, 1937. Quote is taken from a Local 1033 labor exhibit in the 1970s.

Subject: SCH_East_Side; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_Labor_General; SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Memorial Day Massacre "Who Said Policy Brutality"

Marchers carry inured man, May 30, 1937. Quote is taken from a Local 1033 labor exhibit in the 1970s.

Subject: SCH_East_Side; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_Industry,_Steel; SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Memorial Day Massacre - "Who Said Policy Brutality"

Four police load injured man into police wagon, May 30, 1937. Quote is taken from a Local 1033 labor exhibit in the 1970s.

Subject: SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; SCH_Industry,_Steel; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Memorial Day Massacre - Commemoration 1939

Memorial Day Massacre - Commemoration 1939

Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_Industry,_Republic_Steel/LTV; SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; ; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Memorial Day Massacre - Police Action

Running striker is hit on the back by policeman with a night stick, May 30, 1937.

Subject: SCH_East_Side; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Memorial Day Massacre - Police Brutality

Exhibit #16: "Who Said Police Brutality" from Local 1033 United Steel Workers display

Subject: SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Memorial Day Massacre - Policeman in Action

Policeman, back to camera, strikes fallen protester with night stick, May 30, 1937.

Subject: SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Memorial Day Massacre Chase

Memorial Day Massacre police chase fleeing strikers and marchers outside Republic Steel, May 30, 1937

Subject: SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Memorial Day Massacre Confrontation

Strikers and police confront each other outside Republic Sttel prior to outbreak of violence, May 30, 1937.

Subject: SCH_East_Side; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Memorial Day Massacre marchers

Strikers and other marchers mass at police line outside Republic Steel prior to outbreak of violence, May 30, 1937

Subject: SCH_East_Side; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Memorial Day Massacre Marchers

Memorial Day Massacre marchers approach police line outside of Republic Steel prior to outbreak of violence, May 30, 1937

Subject: SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Memorial Day Massacre Victim

Group of Chicago policemen carrying a victim of the Memorial Day Massacre, May 30, 1937.

Subject: SCH_East_Side; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Memorial Day Massacre Victim

Hilding Anderson, victim of Memorial Day Massacre (May 30, 1937), in hospital bed with doctor in attendance. Anderson died June 3, 1937.

Subject: SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Memorial Day Massacre Victim

Chicago policemen loading victim of the Memorial Day Massacre into a car, May 30, 1937.

Subject: SCH_East_Side; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Memorial Day Massacre Violence

Memorial Day Massacre violence erupts as strikers and marchers flee police when shots are fired outside Republic Steel, March 30, 1937.

Subject: SCH_Labor,_Memorial_Day_Massacre; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Republic Steel - Aerial Photos 1954

Republic Steel - Aerial Photos 1954

Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_Industry,_Republic_Steel/LTV; SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; ; Format: Mixed media

Republic Steel - Coke Plant Photos

Republic Steel - Coke Plant Photos

Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_Industry,_Republic_Steel/LTV; ; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Republic Steel - Genealogy of the Republic Steel Corp. 1935

Chart showing the corporate development of the Republic Steel Corporation. Chicago District development can be found at middle right.

Subject: Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Republic Steel - Grand Crossing Tack Steel Mills c1902

Republic Steel started in the Chicago area on the East Side as Grand Crossing Tack company located at 77th and Woodlawn and moved to 79th and South Chicago Avenue in 1883. In the early 1900s, they acquired a site at 118th and the Calumet River where they built two open hearth furnaces and a 35" blooming mill. Photo shows East Side side amid wetlands.

Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Republic Steel - Hulett Construction 06/23/43

Photo showing construction of Hulett Iron Ore Unloaders at Republic Steel in 1943. These bulk material unloaders are the last two surviving examples of a very efficient machine that was unique to the Great Lakes and was used at numerous ports. More than 75 of these huge machines once existed. These two Huletts operated until the plan shutdown in 2001.

Subject: Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Republic Steel - New Alloy Steel Works Drawing c1940

Aerial drawing of Republic Steel, South Chicago, Illinois. James Stewart and Company, Inc. Engineers and Contractors. View toward SE, Calumet River in foreground. Ore boat along east bank of river being unloaded by Hulett Unloaders, blast furnace at lower right.

Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Republic Steel - Republic Reports Christmas 1956

Republic Steel - Republic Reports Christmas 1956

Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_Industry,_Republic_Steel/LTV; ; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Republic Steel - Republic Reports July 1958

Republic Steel - Republic Reports July 1958

Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_Industry,_Republic_Steel/LTV; ; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Republic Steel - Republic Reports June 1955

Republic Steel - Republic Reports June 1955

Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_Industry,_Republic_Steel/LTV; ; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Republic Steel - Republic Steel Corporation Annual Report 1951

Cover of 1951 Republic Steel Annual Report shows coke plant and blast furnace at South Chicago Plan along the Calumet River.

Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Republic Steel - Safety Photos

Republic Steel - Safety Photos

Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_Industry,_Republic_Steel/LTV; ; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Republic Steel - Steel Making Chicago District c1970

Republic Steel - Steel Making Chicago District c1970

Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_Industry,_Republic_Steel/LTV; ; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Republic Steel - YMCA Industrial Softball League - 1939

Photo of softball team from Republic Steel who played in the YMCA Industrial Softball League. It was very common for differnt steel mills and other industrial concerns to sponsor teams in sports' competition. League was sponsored by the South Chicago YMCA.

Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_South_Chicago; Republic_Steel; LTV; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Republic Steel Corporation

Republic Steel plant on the east side of the Calumet river. View toward SSE. Calumet River at right of picture. Turning Basin #3 at top right. Published in the East Side Commemoration booklet, "History and Progress of East Side 1851-1951 July 5, 6, 7 and 8 Chicago 17, Illinois"

Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Lake_Calumet; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Sadlowski Campaign

Ed Sadlowski talking to steelworkers at Interlake Steel Chicago Furnace plant

Subject: Acme_Steel; SCH_East_Side; SCH_Labor,_Ed_Sadlowski; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Shipyards - American Shipbuilding launch

c.1913. Launching of scow at American Shipbuilding at 101st and Calumet River.

Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_Industry,_Shipyards; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Shipyards - American Shipbuilding Scow

Scow in the water after launch at American Shipbuilding at 101st and the Calumet River, c1913

Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_Industry,_Shipyards; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Shipyards - Chicago Shipbuilding Company

Photo of postcard view of entrance to Chicago Shipbuilding Company, c1920

Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_Industry,_Shipyards; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Shipyards - Launch of Steamer Manta

Large crowd at American Shipbuilding Company at 101st and the Calumet River awaiting launch of Steamer Manta, c1915.

Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_Industry,_Shipyards; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Shipyards - Pere Marquette Launching c1910

Pere Marquette car ferry is launched at the American Shipbuilding Company located at 101st and the Calumet River, c1910

Subject: SCH_East_Side; SCH_Industry,_Miscellaneous; SCH_Industry,_Shipyards; SCH_Transportation; SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Waterways - Calumet River at 106th Street

c1915. View of 106th and Calumet River looking NE from west bank of the river. 106th Street swing bridge is in view as well as Keystone elevator on East Side of the river.

Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Lake_Calumet; SCH_Industry,_grain_elevators; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Waterways - Calumet River at 92nd Street

View of Calumet River looking SE toward Ewing Avenue. Railroad tracks at left are EJ&E railroad which crossed Calumet River into South Works. 92nd Street crosses Calumet river at right on the photo. Turning Basin No. 1 is in distance beyond the bridge. c1918

Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_Transportation; SCH_Industry,_Railroads; SCH_East_Side; SCH_Bridges; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Waterways - Swimming in Calumet River

Swimming in slip on the Calumet River c 1914. Written on original negative sleeve: "Linus diving in Salt Dock Slip".

Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_Industry,_Miscellaneous; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Wisconsin Steel Old "A" Blast Furnace

The old "A" blast furnace was of great historical significance. Erected in 1879, it was the first built in the Chicago territory. It had a capacity of 300 tons a day and was replaced in 1930. Published in the East Side Centennial Commemoration booklet, "History and Progress of East Side 1851-1951 July 5, 6, 7 and 8 Chicago 17, Illinois"

Subject: SCH_South_Deering; Wisconsin_Steel; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company, Iroquois Plant

c1950, Youngstown Sheet and Tube, an outgrowth of the Iroquois Iron and Steel Plant originally located at 95th and the Calumet River by owner Rogers Brown. Later moved to mouth of the Calumet River across from United States Steel South Works. Also known as Sheet and Tube Company of American Iroquois Plant.

Subject: Youngstown_Sheet_and_Tube_Company; Iroquois_Iron_and_Steel_Company; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Youngstown Steel - Construction of Iroquois Steel

Photo from 1912 Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company book shows landfilling and construction of blast furnaces and concrete ore unloading dock for Iroquois Iron and Steel, predecessor company of Youngstown Steel. Plant was located on south (east) bank of Calumet River where the river meets Lake Michigan.

Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; Youngstown_Sheet_and_Tube_Company; Iroquois_Iron_and_Steel_Company; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Youngstown Steel - Iroquois Iron Company Blast Furnace Construction

South Chicago IL. View of a portion of blast furnace foundations of the new plant for the Iroquois Iron Company. 18,000 foundation piles driven, and 35,000 cubic yards of concrete placed in ten months. Page 66 from Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company book.

Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; Youngstown_Sheet_and_Tube_Company; Iroquois_Iron_and_Steel_Company; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Youngstown Steel - Iroquois Iron Company Cold Air Tunnel

South Chicago IL. Main cold air tunnel below stoves lined with fire brick for heavy foundations for the Iroquois Iron Company's new Furnace Plant. Page 67 from Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company book.

Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; Youngstown_Sheet_and_Tube_Company; Iroquois_Iron_and_Steel_Company; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Youngstown Steel - Iroquois Iron Company Construction

South Chicago, IL. Construction

Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; SCH_South_Chicago; Youngstown_Sheet_and_Tube_Company; Iroquois_Iron_and_Steel_Company; SCH_East_Side; Format: Artwork

Youngstown Steel - Iroquois Iron Company Construction

South Chicago, IL. Construction view of blast furnace foundations, concrete ore unloading dock, etc. for Iroquois Iron Company's new plant. 35,000 yards of concrete placed in eleven months. A fill of two acres of ground in 15 feet of water was made in 14 days. 4,000 feet of breakwater in Lake Michigan completed in three months. Pages 32 and 33 from Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company book.

Subject: Youngstown_Sheet_and_Tube_Company; Iroquois_Iron_and_Steel_Company; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Youngstown Steel - Iroquois Iron Company Ore Unloading Dock

South Chicago, IL. Showing portion of 1,400 lineal feet of ore unloading dock constructed for the Iroquois Iron Company's new plant on the Calumet River. Page 82 from Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company book.

Subject: Youngstown_Sheet_and_Tube_Company; Iroquois_Iron_and_Steel_Company; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Youngstown Steel - Iroquois Iron Company Pile Pier

South Chicago IL. Steel derrick scow placing stone in 3,700 lineal feel of pile pier in Lake Michigan for the Iroquois Iron Company. Page 83 from Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company book.

Subject: World_War_II; Youngstown_Sheet_and_Tube_Company; Iroquois_Iron_and_Steel_Company; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Youngstown Steel - Iroquois Steel Company

Photo of postcard view of Iroquois Steel Company, predecessor company to Youngstown Steel. Handwritten date on front is August 22, 1907. View is from west bank of Calumet River just south of 95th Street, South Chicago, looking east

Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; Republic_Steel; LTV; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Youngstown Steel - No 1 blast furnace

Blast furnace No 1 at Iroquois Steel, predecessor of Youngstown Steel, 1918 Black smoke in picture was not considered a negative factor but a sign of prosperity.

Subject: Youngstown_Sheet_and_Tube_Company; Iroquois_Iron_and_Steel_Company; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Youngstown Steel - No 3 Blast Furnace

Blast furnace No 3 at Iroquois Steel, predeccessor to Youngstown Steel, 1918. Photo also shows high line rail tracks.

Subject: Youngstown_Sheet_and_Tube_Company; Iroquois_Iron_and_Steel_Company; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Youngstown Steel - Steel and Tube Company of America

Picture of Youngstown Steel. At the time the picture was taken, the plant was known as Steel and Tube Company of America. Published in East Side Centennial Commemoration booklet, "History and Progress of East Side 1851-1951 July 5, 6, 7 and 8 Chicago 17, Illinois"

Subject: Youngstown_Sheet_and_Tube_Company; Iroquois_Iron_and_Steel_Company; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Youngstown Steel History

History of Youngstown Steel (originally Iroquois Iron, later Steel and Tube Company of America) up to 1951. Plant was at the mouth of the Calumet River across from South Works. Published in East Side Centennial Commemoration booklet, "History and Progress of East Side 1851-1951 July 5, 6, 7 and 8 Chicago 17, Illinois"

Subject: SCH_Waterways,_Calumet_River; Youngstown_Sheet_and_Tube_Company; Iroquois_Iron_and_Steel_Company; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Youngstown Steel-Iroquois Iron Company Dredging for New Plant

South Chicago, IL. 24-inch hydraulic dredge working in Lake Michigan and pumping material into a fill for the Iroquois Iron Company's new plant located on the east bank of the Calumet River where it meets Lake Michigan. Page 30 of the Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company book.

Subject: SCH_South_Chicago; Youngstown_Sheet_and_Tube_Company; Iroquois_Iron_and_Steel_Company; SCH_East_Side; Format: Photograph (all forms)


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