A Pullman Bibliography

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A Pullman Bibliography

April, 30, 1997, Rev. February 23, 1999; Complied by Frank H. Beberdick

Adams, Mary Faith. Present Housing Conditions in South Chicago,South Deering and Pullman. (unpub. Master's diss. School of Social Service Adminstration, University of Chicago, 1926).

Adelman, William J. Touring Pullman, Labor History Society, Chicago, 1977.

Alanen, Arnold R. "The Planning of Company Communities in the Lake Superior Mining Region." APA Journal, July 1979, 256-278.

Alanen, A.R. "The Rise and Fall of a Company Town." The Professional Geographer 22, February 32-39.

Alanen, A.R. and Peltin, T.J. "Kohler, Wisconsin: Planning and Paternalism in a Model Industrial Village." Journal of the American Institute of Planners 44, April 145-159.

Allen, J.B. The Company Town in the American West. Norman, Oklahoma, University of Oklahoma Press, 1966.

Allen, Leslie, H. "Industrial Housing Problems." Aberthaw Construction Company. Boston, 1917.

"The Allen Paper Car Wheel." The Western Manufacturer 9, November 30, 1881, 219.

Anderson, C. A Sleeping Car Porter's Experience, Treating in Brief an Ordinary Life. Chicago, n.d., but stamped 1916 by the Library of Congress.

Anderson, C.F. Freemen Yet Slaves Under Abe Lincoln's Son, or, Service and Wages of Pullman Porters. Chicago, C.S. White 1904.

Anderson, Jervis. A. Philip Randolph, A Biographical Portrait. New York, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1973.

Andreas, A.T. History of Chicago From the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Vol. III, Chicago, 1886. Biography of Benezette Williams, p.431-432.

Andreas, A.T. History of Cook County, Illinois, From the Earliest Period to the Present Time Vol. III. Chicago: By the Author, 1886. p. 610-628.

Anjou, Gustave. The Pullman Family. At Mormon Library, Salt Lake City, 929.273 P967a.

Annual Report of the Attorney General of the United States for the Year of 1894. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1894.

Annual Reports of the Pullman Palace Car Company, 1883-1921 Library of Congress. (Mimeographed.)

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Annual Report of the Secretary of War for the Year 1894. 3 Vols. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1894

Annual Report of the President and Village Officers of the Village of Hyde Park style='font-family: "Times New Roman"'>. Chicago, 1882-1889.

Anonymous. "Le Grand-Hornu: Premier Example d'urbanisme Industrial." Architect Action, Bruxells, Avril-Mai, 1977.

Annonymous. "Living Conditions on the Lake Superior Ranges." Iron Trade Review 52, Jan. 20: 245-248.

Anonymous. Pullman And Private Car Pictorial, New York, Wayner Publications, n.d.

Anonymous. "Saltaire and Its Founder". Harper's New Monthly Magazine XLIV, 1872, 827, 830-831, 835

Appendix to the Annual Report of the Attorney General of the United States for the Year 1896 . Government Printing Office, 1896.

"The Arcadian City of Pullman." Agricultural Review, Vol. 3, January, 1883, 63-89.

Armstrong, John Borden. Factory Under the Elms: A History of Harrisville, N.H. Cambridge, MIT Press, 1969.

Ashley, William J. The Railroad Strike of 1894. The statements of the Pullman Co. and the Report of the Commission, together with an analysis of the issues. Cambridge, England. Church Social Union, 1895.

Augur, Tracy B. Industrial Growth in America and the Garden City," M.L.A. thesis, Cambridge, Harvard University, 1921.

Atterbury, Grosvenor. Model Towns in America. Scribner's Magazine, Vol. 52, 1912, 20-35.

Bach, Ira, J. "Pullman a Town Reborn." Chicago History, Spring 1975, 44-53.

Bacon, Thomas R. "The Railroad Strike in California." The Yale Review 3. Nov 1894, 241-250.

Bancroft, Edgar A. The Chicago Strike of 1894. Chicago, Gunthorp-Warren Printing Co., 1895.

Barger, Ralph L. A Century of Pullman Cars, Vol. 1 Alphabetical List. Sykesville, Maryland, Greenberg Publishing Co., 1988.

Barger, Ralph L. A Century of Pullman Cars, Vol. 2, The Palace Cars. Sykesvile, Maryland, Greenberg Publishing Company, Inc., 1990.

Barnard, Harry. Eagle Forgotten: The Life of John Peter Altgeld. New York, Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1938.

BASF. "Badische Anilin & Soda Fabrik." Ludwigshafen a/Rhein, Germany, 1908. Textile Museum Archives.

Batchelor, Peter. "The Origin of the Garden City Concept of Design." Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 28, October 1969, 184-200.

Beaudry, Mary C. and Mrozowski, Stephen A. "The Archeology of Work and Home Life in Lowell, Massachusetts: An Interdisciplinary Study of the Boot Cotton Mills Corporation." Industrial Archeology Journal Vol. 14, No. 2, 1988, 1-22.

Beberdick, Frank. Chicago's Historic Pullman District. Charleston, SC, Arcadia Publishing, 1998.

Beebe, L.M. The Big Spenders. New York, Doubleday, 1966.

Beebe, L.M. The Overland Limited. Berkeley, Calif., Howell-North Books, 1963.

Beebe, L.M. Mr. Pullman's Elegant Palace Car. Garden City, NY, Doubleday & Company, 1961.

Beebe, L.M. Mansions on Rails. Berkeley, Calif., Howell-North Books, 1959.

Beebe, Lucius & Clegg, Charles. The Trains We Rode, Vol. 1, and Vol. 2. Burbank, CA. Howell-North Books. 1965 and 1966.

Behrend, George. Luxury Trains. New York, Vendome Press, 1977.

Behrend, George. Pullman in Europe. London, Ian Allen, 1962

Belanger, Dian O. "The Corliss at Pullman." Technology and Culture Vol. 25, No. 1, 83-90, 1984.

Benevolo, Leonardo. The Origins of Modern Town Planning. Cambridge, MIT Press, 1985.

Bennett, Lola, M. The Company Towns of the Rockhill Iron and Coal Company: Robertsdale and Woodvale, Pennsylvania. Washington, DC HABS/HAER, National Park Service, 1990.

Benoit-Levy, Georges. Cites jardins d'Amerique. Paris, Henri Jouve, 1905.

Biennial Report of the Adjutant General of Illinois to the Governor and Commander-in-Chief, 1893 and 1894 . Springfield, E.F. Hartman, 1895.

Birmingham, Stephen. America's Secret Aristocracy. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1987.

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Blackwell, Sam, Jr. "The Pullman Strike and the National Guard, Part I and II", Illinois Magazine, March-April, 1982, 8-12 and Summer, 1982, 18-22.

Blank, Joseph P. "Good-by to the Company Town." Readers Digest 74, January 1959, 109-112.

Blauner, Robert. Alienation and Freedom: The Factory Worker and His Industry. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1964.

Blowers, Frank W. "Yesterday,s City", edited by Roger Grant. Chicago History, Spring & Summer

1991, Vol. 20 No. 1 & 2,

Bogart, Sewall. Carolands Hillsboro - Imperious Survivor. San Mateo, CA, San Mateo County Historical Association, 1991.

Bonney, Richard J. "The Pullman Strike of 1894. Pocatello Perspective. Idaho Yesterdays, 1980, V.24,No,.3, p.23-28.

Boston Board of Trade. Trans-Continental Excursion, Boston to San Francisco, 1870. W.R. Steele, Editor. Reprinted by R.J. Hughes, Williamsport, PA, 1981.

Bournville Village Trust. The Bournville Village Trust. Bournville, England, 1912.

Bowles, Samuel. Our New West. Hartford, CT, Hartford Publishing Co.1869.

Brandes, Stuart D. American Welfare Capitalism. Chicago, University of Chicago Press. 1986.

Brazeal, Brailsford. The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters: Its Origin and Development. New York, Harper Brothers, 1946.

Brown, Rollo Walter. I Travel by Train. New York, Appleton, 1939.

Buder, Stanley. Pullman: An Experiment in Industrial Order and Community Planning, 1880-1930. New York, Oxford University Press, 1967.

Burns, W.F. The Pullman Boycott. St. Paul, McGill Printing Co., 1894.

Business Training Corporation. Pullman Production Methods. 5 Vol. New York, Chicago: J.J. Little and Ives Company 1926.

Byington, Margaret F. "Homestead: The Households of a Mill Town." The Pittsburgh Survey, edited by Paul U. Kellogg, vol.1 New York, Charities Publication Committee, Russell Sage Foundation, 1910.

Calliste, Agnes. "Sleeping Car Porters in Canada: An Ethnically Submerged Split Labour Market." Canadian Ethnic Studies 19, No. 1, 1987, 1-20.

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Calliste, Agens. "The Struggle for Employment Equity by Blacks on American and Canadian Railroads." Journal of Black Studies 25, January 1995, p.297-317.

Candee, Richard M. "Architecture and Corporate Planning in the Early Waltham System." Essays from the Lowell Conference on Industrial History 1982 and 1983. ed. Robert Weible, No. Andover, MA, Museum of American Textile History, 1985.

Candee, Richard M. Atlantic Heights: A World War I Shipbuilders' Community Vol. 7. Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Portsmouth Marine Society, 1985.

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Carter, Harold, and Wheatley, Sandra. Merthyr Tydfil in 1851: A Study of the Spatial Structureof a Welsh Industrial Town. Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 1982.

Carwardine, William. The Pullman Strike. Chicago, Charles H. Kerr & Co., 1894. (Reprinted 1973).

Cash, Joseph. Working the Homestake. Ames, Iowa, 1973

Cavalier, Julien. American Castles. Cranbury, A.S. Barnes and Co., Inc., 1973.

Chapin, John R. "The Infamous Pullman Strike as Revealed by the Robert Todd Lincoln Collection." Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society. Springfield? Autum 1981, 179-198.

Chapman, Stanley D. The History of Working Class Housing: A Symposium. Newton Abbott, England, David and Charles, 1971.

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Chicago Herald, May 7, 1883, "Scrapbooks Misc.," General Superintendent's Office, Vol. 1, 1882-1886, p. 27

Chicago Plan Commission. Housing in Chicago Communities, Chicago Land Use Survery Vol. 46-50. WPA, 1940.

Clark, Norman. Mill Town: A Social history of Everett, Washington, Beginnings to the Present. Seattle, 1970.

Clark, Victor. History of Manufacturers in the United States. 3 vols. Washington, D.C., Carnegie Institution, 1929.

Cleveland, Grover. The Government in the Chicago Strike of 1894. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1913.

_____. 'The Government in the Chicago Strike of 1894," McClure's Magazine, Vol. XXIII. 1904, p. 227-240.

Cobb, Stephen. "William H. Cowardine and the Pullman Strike." Unpublished PhD Thesis, Northwestern University, 1970.

Cohen, Ronald D. Children of the Mill: Schooling and Society in Gary, Indiana, 1906-1960. Bloomington. Indiana Univ. Press, 1990.

Cole, Donald. Immigrant City: Lawrence, 1845-1921. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1963,

Colton, Craig. Industrial Wastes in the Calumet Area, 1869-1970:An Historical Geography. Springfield, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, 1985.

Comey, Arthur C., and Max S. Wehrly. "Planned Communities." In Supplementary Report of the Urbanism Committee, pt. 1. Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office, 1939.

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Cookridge, E.H. Orient Express; The Life and Times of the World's Most Famous Train. New York, Harper & Row, 1980.

Coolidge, John. Mill and Mansion: A Study of Architecture and Society in Lowell, Massachusetts, 1820-1865. New York, Columbia University Press, 1965.

Cooper, Jerry M. "The Army as Strike Breaker - The Railroad Strikes of 1877 and 1894." Labor History, 1977, V.18, No.2, p.179-196.

Cooper, Jerry M. The Army and Civil Disorder: Federal Military Intervention in Labor Disputes. 1877-1900. Westport, CT. Greedmwood Press, 1980.

Crawford, Margaret. Building the Workingman's Paradise: The Design of American Company Towns. London, Verso, 1995.

Crawford, T.C. The Pullman Company and Its Striking Workmen." "Harper's Weekly" 38. 1894, 686-687.

Creamer, Daniel, and Coulter, Charles W. Labor and the Shutdown of the Amoskeag Textile Mills. Philadelphia, Works Projects Adminstration, 1939.

Creese, Walter. The Search for Environment: The Garden City Before and After. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1966.

Crew, David, F. Town in the Ruhr: A Social History of Bochum, 1860-1914." New York, Columbia University Press, 1979.

Cumbler, Robert F. Working Class Community in Industrial America: Work, Leisure, and Struggle in Two Industrial Cities, 1880-1930. Westport Conn., Greenwood Press, 1979.

Currey, Josiah Seymour. Manufacturing and Wholesale Industries of Chicago. (3 vols.) Chicago: Thomas B. Poole Company, 1918.

Darley, Gillian. Villages of Vision. London, Architectural Press, 1975.

Darrow, Clarence. The Story of My Life. New York and London, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1932.

Daunton, Martin, (Editor). Housing the Workers, A Comparative History, 1850-1914. Leicester, Leicester University Press, 1990

Davis, Daniel S. Mr. Black Labor, The Story of A. Philip Randolph, Father of the Civil Rights Movement. New York, E.P. Dutton and Co., Inc., 1972.

Davis, H.B. 'Company Towns." Encylopedia of the Social Sciences Vol. 4, New York, The Macmillian Company.

Davis, Michael B. "Prospector: The Judge's Train." Colorado Rail Annual No. 9. 1971, 51-97.

Dean & Dean Architects. "Morgan Park, Minn.: An Industrial Suburb for the Minnesota Steel Company." American Architect 113, June 5: 743-758 & 761.

Derber, Milton. The American Idea of Industrial Democracy, 1865-1965. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1970.

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De Wolf, Oscar, C. "Pullman from a State Medicine Point of View." (Reprinted from American Public Health Association Procedure, IX, 290 ff.). Concord, NH, Republican Press Association, 1894.

Doty, Duane. "D. Doty." Handwritten record book kept by Pullman Town Agent 1882. Historic Pullman Foundatioin Archives, Chicago.

Doty, Duane. Scrapbook. At Historic Pullman Foundation Archives. Covers period from 1889 to 1893.

Doty, Mrs. Duane. The Town of Pullman: Its Growth with Brief Accounts of Its Industries. Pullman, Illinois: T.P. Struhsacker, 1893. Rev. ed. Chicago: Pullman Civic Organization, 1974.

Draper, Earle S. "Southern Textile Village Planning." Landscape Architecture 18. Oct 1927, `1-27.

Draper, Earle S. "The TVA's Forgoten Town: Norris, Tennessee." Landscape Architectured 78, No.2. March 1988, 96-102.

Dreiser, Theodore. "The Town of Pullman." Ainslee's Magazine, March 1899, 189-200.

Dubin, Arthur, D. " A Pullman Postscript, 'The World's Greatest Hotel' Closes Its Doors". Trains, November 1969, 20-33.

Dublin, Thomas. Women at Work: The Transformation of Work and Community in Lowell, Massachusetts, 1826-1860. New York, Columbia University Press, 1979.

Duchene, Achille. Les Jardins Francais Etats-Unis. Paris, La Gazette Illusteee, 1923.

Dumont, Andre-Alfred. Les Habitations ouvrieres: Dans les grands centres industriels et plus particulieremont dans la region du Nord. Lile, V.A. Masson, 1905.

Eaton, Charles, H. "Pullman and Paternalism." American Journal of Politics V, 1894, 571-579.

Eaton, Charles H. "Pullman, A Social Experiment." To-Day 2, January 1895, 1-9.

Eggert, Gerald G. "The Great Pullman Strike." American History Illustrated, 1971. V.6, No.1, 32-39.

Eggert, Gerald G. Railroad Labor Disputes: The beginings of a Federal Strike Policy. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1977.

Eliassen, John W., Jr. and Ringler, J.P. Carolands, The Chateau Remillard. Published by the authors, 1975.

Ellis, Hamilton. Nineteenth Century Railway Carriages in the British Isles - from the Eighteen-Thirties to the Nineteen -Hundreds. London, Mdern Transport Publishing Co. 1949.

Ely, Richard T. "Pullman: A Social Study." Harpers New Monthly Magazine 70m, 1885, 452-465.

Ely, Richard. "Industrial Betterment." Harper's Monthly 105, September 1902, 548-553.

Enman, John Aubrey. "The Shape, Structure and Form of the Pennsylvania Company Town". Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 42, Magnusson, 870-871. 1968.

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Feiss, Carl. "The Factory and the Town." Architectural Record 109, May 1951, 112.

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Films and Videos

Miles of Smiles, Years of Struggle

Pullman With Robert Winks, 1984, Channel 11, Chicago

The Emperor Jones, 1933, LC# FCA 6017 18

The Girl in the Pullman, DeMille Pictures, 1927. Not in the Library of Congress

The Holdup of thd Rocky Mountain Express, LC # FAA 3958

The Last Pullma Car, 1984

Journals and Newspapers

Arcade Journal, 1889-1892. Decame Pullman Journal. Disc. 1898

The Brotherhood (1920)

The Carbuilder

Pullman Car Works Standard. (First issue May 1916)

The Pullman Porter (1926)

Libraries/Special Collections

Archives, Historica Pullman Foundation, Chicago

Brooklyn College Library, A.P. Randolph Papers

Burnham Library, Art Institute of Chicago

Chicago Historical Society, Pullman Collection

Illinois Railroad Museum, (apporx. 75,000 linen tracings of Pullman cars, 1800's to 1932)

Library of Congress, A. P. Randolph Papers

National Archives, Midwest Region, records of midwest Federal Courts and Agencies

Newberry Library, Pullman Collection, Chicago

Schomburt Center for Research in Black Culture, A.P. Randolph Papers and Brotherhood of

Sleeping Car Porters

South Suburban Genealogical and Historical Society, personnel records from PullmanCar. Co.,

c. 1900-1949

Smithsonian Institution, print and photograph collection

California State Railroad Museum, Sacramento, CA, Pullman Negative Collection


11111 S. Forrestville Avenue
Chicago, IL 60628

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Other Pullman-Related Sites

  • Historic Pullman Garden Club - An all-volunteer group that are the current stewards of many of the public green spaces in Pullman. (http://www.hpgc.org/

  • Historic Pullman Foundation - The HPF is a non-profit organization whose mission is to "facilitate the preservation and restoration of original structures within the Town of Pullman and to promote public awareness of the significance of Pullman as one of the nation's first planned industrial communities, now a designated City of Chicago, State of Illinois and National landmark district." (http://www.pullmanil.org/)
  • The National A. Philip Randolph Pullman Porter Museum is a 501(c)3 cultural institution. Its purpose is to honor, preserving present and interpreting the legacy of A. Philip Randolph, Pullman Porters, the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters and the contributions made by African-Americans to America's labor movement. ((http://www.nationalpullmanportermuseum.com/)
  • Pullman Civic Organization - The PCO is a strong and vibrant Community Organization that has been in existence since 1960. (http://www.pullmancivic.org/)
  • Pullman National Monument - The official page of the Pullman National Park. (https://www.nps.gov/pull/)
  • South Suburban Genealogical & Historical Society - SSG&HS holds the Pullman Collection, consisting of personnel records from Pullman Car Works circa 1900-1949. There are approximately 200,000 individuals represented in the collection. (https://ssghs.org/)
  • The Industrial Heritage Archives of Chicago's Calumet Region is an online museum of images that commemorates and celebrates the historic industries and workers of the region, made possible by a Library Services and Technology Act grant administered by the Illinois State Library. (http://www.pullman-museum.org/ihaccr/)
  • Illinois Digital Archives (IDA) is a repository for the digital collections libraries and cultural institutions in the State of Illinois and the hosting service for the online images on this site. (http://www.idaillinois.org/)