John A. Lawson Soundex |
Occupation: Tailor | Born: Unknown |
Martin J. Pearce Soundex |
Occupation: Tailor | Born: Unknown |
Henry Beal Relation in household: Roomer (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Upholsterer | Born: Kingdom of Sweden |
Helen Kane Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Republic of Ireland |
John 3-1 pf 3 Kane Relation in household: Head 1B (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Steamfitter | Born: Republic of Ireland |
Martin W. Lovett Relation in household: Head 1 (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Timekeeper at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: United States (Indiana) |
May R. Lovett Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Indiana) |
Anton Kontosjordas Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Georgia Kontosjordas Relation in household: Wife-H (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Hellenic Republic |
Helen Kontosjordas Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Peter Kontosjordas Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Machinist [Wood] at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Hellenic Republic |
Anthony Kontos Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Anthony Kontos Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
George Kontos Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: Laundry Worker at Laundry | Born: Hellenic Republic |
George Kontos Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: Laundry Worker at Laundry | Born: Hellenic Republic |
Helen Kontos Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Helen Kontos Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Peter Kontos Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Machinist at Railroad | Born: Hellenic Republic |
Peter Kontos Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Machinist at Railroad | Born: Hellenic Republic |
Georgia Kontos Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Born: Greece | |
Peter Kontos Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex |
Born: Greece | |
Anthony Jr Satriano Relation in household: Grandson (Male) Soundex |
Born: Illinois | |
Frank Satriano Relation in household: Son-in-law (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Driver at Trucking co | Born: Illinois |
Helen Satriano Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: Saleslady at Retail Salesman Co | Born: Illinois |