Enumeration District No: 1063 | Sheet No: 39 | (Original) |
Line Number: | 7 |
Order of Visit: | 395 |
Also resident at this address: |
Name: | John P Gazdik |
Soundex values: | G232 Soundex is a method for indexing names by sound as pronounced in English, attempting to match names despite minor differences in spelling. |
Age in 1950: | Age: 26 |
Marital status: | Married |
Previously Married?: | |
If so, how many years ago?: | |
Children born: | |
Race & gender: | White Male |
Relation to Head of Household | Head |
Address: | 11445 Champlain Room: 2fl |
Occupation: | Apprentice Bicklayer |
Industry: | Building Construction |
Class of Worker: | Private |
Occupation most of this week: | Working |
Employed? | |
Looking for work? | |
How many hours worked last week? | 32 |
Born in: Nativity entries in this data set were standardized and translated to official names of countries. The original census entries are included in brackets. | Illinois [Illinois] |
Father's place of birth: | Czechoslovakia [Czechoslovakia] |
Mother's place of birth: | Czechoslovakia [Czechoslovakia] |
Citizen? | |
Ship, if known: |
Speaks English: | |
Reads English: | |
Writes English: | |
Speaks Other Language: | |
Reads Other Language: | |
Writes Other Language: |
Served in World War I: | No |
Served in World War II: | Yes |
Veteran: | No |