1. Magnabasco, Pierina (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italy Lived at: 11430 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Source: 1950 Federal Census |
2. Magnabosco, Alan J (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Illinois Lived at: 11354 Langley
Occupation: Source: 1950 Federal Census |
3. Magnabosco, Angelo (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italy Lived at: 11354 Langley
Occupation: Storekeper Tin Car Dept Mfg Paint Co. Source: 1950 Federal Census |
4. Magnabosco, Angnes Leo (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11444 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Checker Source: 1940 Federal Census |
5. Magnabosco, Antonia (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic (Genoa) Lived at: 11354 Langley
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census |
6. Magnabosco, Antonia (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italy Lived at: 11354 Langley
Occupation: Source: 1950 Federal Census |
7. Magnabosco, Antonio (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic (Genoa) Lived at: 11116 Champlain
Occupation: Paint Maker Paint Company Source: 1930 Federal Census |
8. Magnabosco, Aristeo (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11444 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1940 Federal Census |
9. Magnabosco, Bernard (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Illinois Lived at: 11440 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Source: 1950 Federal Census |
10. Magnabosco, Bosco Attillio (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Illinois Lived at: 11444 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Office Clerk Diesel Mfg Source: 1950 Federal Census |
11. Magnabosco, Bosco Dominic (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italy Lived at: 11444 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Derr of Machinery Linean Mfg Co Source: 1950 Federal Census |
12. Magnabosco, Christ (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic (Genoa) Lived at: 11248 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Shader Paint Company Source: 1940 Federal Census |
13. Magnabosco, Christ (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic (Genoa) Lived at: 11248 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Shader Paint Company Source: 1940 Federal Census |
14. Magnabosco, Christ (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11442 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Salesperson Cigar Store Source: 1930 Federal Census |
15. Magnabosco, Christ (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11360 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Driver Furniture Store Source: 1940 Federal Census |
16. Magnabosco, Christ S (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Illinois Lived at: 11360 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Maintenance Man Retail Furnature Store Source: 1950 Federal Census |
17. Magnabosco, Dahlia (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11354 Langley
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census |
18. Magnabosco, Delia (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11354 Langley
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1940 Federal Census |
19. Magnabosco, Delia E (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Illinois Lived at: 11354 Langley
Occupation: Secretary Wpa Paints Source: 1950 Federal Census |
20. Magnabosco, Domenica (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic (Genoa) Lived at: 11442 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census |
21. Magnabosco, Domenica (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic (Genoa) Lived at: 11442 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1940 Federal Census |
22. Magnabosco, Dominic (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic (Genoa) Lived at: 11436 Forrestville
Occupation: Proprietor Source: 1930 Federal Census |
23. Magnabosco, Dominick (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic (Genoa) Lived at: 11212 Langley
Occupation: Expressman Moving Company Source: 1920 Federal Census |
24. Magnabosco, Dora (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Lithuania Lived at: 11311 Cottage Grove
Occupation: Bartender Tavern Source: 1950 Federal Census |
25. Magnabosco, Erma (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11354 Langley
Occupation: Clerk Source: 1940 Federal Census |
26. Magnabosco, Gay (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic (Genoa) Lived at: 510 115th
Occupation: Bartender Tavern Source: 1940 Federal Census |
27. Magnabosco, Guy (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italy Lived at: 11311 Cottage Grove
Occupation: Source: 1950 Federal Census |
28. Magnabosco, Herm (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Republic of Lithuania Lived at: 510 115th
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1940 Federal Census |
29. Magnabosco, Ida (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11444 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census |
30. Magnabosco, Irma (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11354 Langley
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census |
31. Magnabosco, Irma M (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Illinois Lived at: 11354 Langley
Occupation: Sery Bookkeeper Trade Accountant Source: 1950 Federal Census |
32. Magnabosco, Jack (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Illinois Lived at: 11440 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Truck Driver Furniture De Retail Furniture Store Source: 1950 Federal Census |
33. Magnabosco, Jack Jr (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Illinois Lived at: 11440 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Source: 1950 Federal Census |
34. Magnabosco, Jackob (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11440 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Driver Furniture Store Source: 1940 Federal Census |
35. Magnabosco, John (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italy Lived at: 11444 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Source: 1950 Federal Census |
36. Magnabosco, John (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic (Genoa) Lived at: 11444 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Laborer Paint Company Source: 1930 Federal Census |
37. Magnabosco, John (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic (Genoa) Lived at: 11444 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1940 Federal Census |
38. Magnabosco, Lawrence (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11248 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1940 Federal Census |
39. Magnabosco, Lawrence (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11248 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1940 Federal Census |
40. Magnabosco, Leo (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11444 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Clerk Paint Company Source: 1930 Federal Census |
41. Magnabosco, Leo (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Illinois Lived at: 11444 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Tinekeeper of Paperator Machine Parts Mfg Source: 1950 Federal Census |
42. Magnabosco, Libera (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11301 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census |
43. Magnabosco, Madalena (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italy Lived at: 11444 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Source: 1950 Federal Census |
44. Magnabosco, Madaline (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic (Genoa) Lived at: 11444 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1940 Federal Census |
45. Magnabosco, Madeline (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic (Genoa) Lived at: 11444 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census |
46. Magnabosco, Malso (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic (Genoa) Lived at: 11354 Langley
Occupation: Carpenter Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1930 Federal Census |
47. Magnabosco, Margaret (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11440 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1940 Federal Census |
48. Magnabosco, Mario (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic (Genoa) Lived at: 11442 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Machinist Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1930 Federal Census |
49. Magnabosco, Mary (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Michigan Lived at: 11440 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Source: 1950 Federal Census |
50. Magnabosco, Mary (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic (Genoa) Lived at: 11248 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1940 Federal Census |
51. Magnabosco, Mary (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic (Genoa) Lived at: 11248 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1940 Federal Census |
52. Magnabosco, Mary (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic (Genoa) Lived at: 11360 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1940 Federal Census |
53. Magnabosco, Mary (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11301 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census |
54. Magnabosco, Mary M (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italy Lived at: 11360 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Source: 1950 Federal Census |
55. Magnabosco, Minnie (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic (Genoa) Lived at: 11212 Langley
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1920 Federal Census |
56. Magnabosco, Minnie (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic (Genoa) Lived at: 11250 Langley
Occupation: Machinist Radio Factory Source: 1930 Federal Census |
57. Magnabosco, Minnie (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic (Genoa) Lived at: 11436 Forrestville
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1940 Federal Census |
58. Magnabosco, Minnie (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic (Genoa) Lived at: 11436 Forrestville
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census |
59. Magnabosco, Nina (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic (Genoa) Lived at: 11354 Langley
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1940 Federal Census |
60. Magnabosco, Onelia (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11436 Forrestville
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census |
61. Magnabosco, Parina (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic (Genoa) Lived at: 11440 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1940 Federal Census |
62. Magnabosco, Peter (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic (Genoa) Lived at: 11440 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1940 Federal Census |
63. Magnabosco, Robert (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11444 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1940 Federal Census |
64. Magnabosco, Robert (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Illinois Lived at: 11444 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Source: 1950 Federal Census |
65. Magnabosco, Romonia (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic (Genoa) Lived at: 11444 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Laborer Paint Company Source: 1940 Federal Census |
66. Magnabosco, Ronald (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Illinois Lived at: 11360 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Source: 1950 Federal Census |
67. Magnabosco, Ronald (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11360 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1940 Federal Census |
68. Magnabosco, Rosalie (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Illinois Lived at: 11360 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Source: 1950 Federal Census |
69. Magnabosco, Rose M (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italy Lived at: 11354 Langley
Occupation: Source: 1950 Federal Census |
70. Magnabosco, Roselie (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11360 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1940 Federal Census |
71. Magnabosco, Tilio (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11444 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census |
72. Magnabosco, Valerio (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11436 Forrestville
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1940 Federal Census |
73. Magnabosco, Valerio (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11436 Forrestville
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census |
74. Magnabosio, Onelia (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11212 Langley
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1920 Federal Census |
75. Magnabosio, Valerio (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11212 Langley
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1920 Federal Census |
76. Magnobosco, Christanio (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11446 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census |
77. Magnobosco, Domenica (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic Lived at: 11444 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census |
78. Magnobosco, Emma (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11446 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census |
79. Magnobosco, Joe M. (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic Lived at: 11444 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Machinist [Iron] Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1910 Federal Census |
80. Magnobosco, Mary (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11446 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census |
81. Magnobosco, Petro (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11446 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census |
82. Magnobosco, Petro (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic Lived at: 11446 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Machinist [Iron] Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1910 Federal Census |
83. Magnobosco, Piorinor (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic Lived at: 11446 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census |
84. Magnobosco, [Christianna] (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11446 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census |
85. Majnabasco, Dora (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Republic of Lithuania Lived at: 508 115th
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census |
86. Majnabasco, Guy (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic (Genoa) Lived at: 508 115th
Occupation: Electrician Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1930 Federal Census |
87. McComb, Claude R. (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Kentucky) Lived at: 11111 Forrestville
Occupation: Blacksmith Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1920 Federal Census |