11329 Forrestville

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1889 City Directory

William J. Brumble
Occupation: Teamster

Born: Unknown
Harry Den Basten
Occupation: Teamster

Born: Unknown
William T. Dwyer
Occupation: Woodworker

Born: Unknown
William J. Trumble
Occupation: Teamster

Born: Unknown
James M. Walsh
Occupation: Teamster

Born: Unknown

1900 Federal Census

Chas B Fritzell
Relation in household: Roomer (Male) Soundex
Occupation: Upholsterer

Born: Kingdom of Sweden
Florence Runsten
Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex
Occupation: None

Born: United States (Illinois)
Johanna Runsten
Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex
Occupation: None

Born: Kingdom of Sweden
Rudolph x pf 5 Runsten
Relation in household: Head 1C 2B (Male) Soundex
Occupation: Upholsterer

Born: Kingdom of Sweden
Ellen Rutherford
Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex
Occupation: None

Born: United States (Indiana)
Frost Rutherford
Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex
Occupation: None

Born: United States (Illinois)
Robert 8-2 pf 3 Rutherford
Relation in household: Head 1C (Male) Soundex
Occupation: Watchman

Born: United States (Pennsylvania)
S E Segersten
Relation in household: Roomer (Male) Soundex
Occupation: Upholsterer

Born: United States (Iowa)

1910 Federal Census

Nels M Olson
Relation in household: Head H (Male) Soundex
Occupation: Cabinetmaker at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company

Born: Kingdom of Sweden
[Hulsa] E Olson
Relation in household: Wife wf (Female) Soundex
Occupation: None

Born: Kingdom of Sweden

1920 Federal Census

Charles Anderson
Relation in household: Roomer (Male) Soundex
Occupation: Laborer at Western Steel Car and Foundry Company

Born: Kingdom of Sweden
Carl H. Carlson
Relation in household: Head 1 (Male) Soundex
Occupation: Blacksmith at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company

Born: United States (Illinois)
Rose Carlson
Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex
Occupation: None

Born: United States (Indiana)
August Strand
Relation in household: Father (Male) Soundex
Occupation: Laborer at Morris & Company

Born: Kingdom of Sweden
Axel Strand
Relation in household: Head 1 (Male) Soundex
Occupation: Brickmaker

Born: United States (Indiana)
Edward W. Strand
Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex
Occupation: None

Born: United States (Illinois)
Hilda Strand
Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex
Occupation: None

Born: United States (Wisconsin)
Raymond Strand
Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex
Occupation: None

Born: United States (Illinois)

1930 Federal Census

Charles Anderson
Relation in household: Lodger (Male) Soundex
Occupation: Molder at Steel Foundry

Born: Kingdom of Sweden
Floyd Bergeson
Relation in household: Ward (Male) Soundex
Occupation: None

Born: United States (Illinois)
Carl H. Carlson
Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex
Occupation: Inspector at Pullman Palace Car Company

Born: United States (Illinois)
Rose Carlson
Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex
Occupation: None

Born: United States (Indiana)
Axel W. Strand
Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex
Occupation: Brickmaker at Pullman Brickyard

Born: United States (Indiana)
Edward Strand
Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex
Occupation: None

Born: United States (Illinois)
Hilda Strand
Relation in household: Wife H. (Female) Soundex
Occupation: None

Born: United States (Wisconsin)
Raymond Strand
Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex
Occupation: None

Born: United States (Illinois)

1940 Federal Census

Herbert Carlson
Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex
Occupation: Fireman; Watchman at Pullman Palace Car Company

Born: United States (Illinois)
Rose Carlson
Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex
Occupation: None

Born: United States (Indiana)
Carroll Fiedler
Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex
Occupation: None

Born: United States (Illinois)
Gene Fiedler
Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex
Occupation: None at Automobile Company

Born: United States (Illinois)
Katherine Fiedler
Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex
Occupation: None

Born: United States (Illinois)

1950 Federal Census

Rose Carlson
Relation in household: Head (Female) Soundex
Born: Germany
Alvers Tanner
Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex
Occupation: Upholster at Auto Car Mfg Co

Born: Illinois
Cecil L Tanner
Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex
Born: Illinois


The Property at 11329 Forrestville
was known as 351 Morse before 1907.

PIN Number: 25222190020000

Façade Documentation

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