Martin Barrett Soundex |
Occupation: Clerk at W.O. Sutherland & Co. | Born: Unknown |
John Bennett Soundex |
Occupation: Carpenter | Born: Unknown |
John T. Connell Soundex |
Occupation: Blacksmith | Born: Unknown |
John Gufler Soundex |
Occupation: Machinist | Born: Unknown |
William Gufler Soundex |
Occupation: Painter | Born: Unknown |
Harry G. Hawks Soundex |
Occupation: Firefighter | Born: Unknown |
Carl Kartz Soundex |
Occupation: Carpenter | Born: Unknown |
John Knippel Soundex |
Occupation: Finisher | Born: Unknown |
Edward J. Martin Soundex |
Occupation: Car Builder | Born: Unknown |
William E. Martin Soundex |
Occupation: Car Builder | Born: Unknown |
John McNamara Soundex |
Occupation: Inspector | Born: Unknown |
John Peterson Soundex |
Occupation: Laborer | Born: Unknown |
Otto Rehbock Soundex |
Occupation: Teamster | Born: Unknown |
Frank Robbins Soundex |
Occupation: Laborer | Born: Unknown |
Norris Robbins Soundex |
Occupation: Laborer | Born: Unknown |
Joseph Stevens Soundex |
Occupation: Painter | Born: Unknown |
Antone Arko Relation in household: Boarder (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Cabinetmaker at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Republic of Austria |
Adolph Burgnem Relation in household: Boarder (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Laborer at Pullman Lumberyard | Born: Kingdom of Sweden |
C A x pf 5 Carlson Relation in household: Head 2C 1S 1ot (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Cabinetmaker at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Kingdom of Sweden |
Herbert Carlson Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Blacksmith [Apprentice] | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Signe Carlson Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Charles x pf 3 Henriksen Relation in household: Head 1C (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Car Trimmer at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Kingdom of Norway |
Helen Henriksen Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Federal Republic of Germany |
Jennie Henriksen Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Hermann x pf 2 Jobst Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Laborer at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Federal Republic of Germany |
Lizzie Jobst Relation in household: Wife (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Charles H x pf 2 Koop Relation in household: Head 2B (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Cabinetmaker at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: United States (New York) |
Mary Koop Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Massachusetts) |
Flora G MacKay Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: Laundry Worker | Born: Canada (Anglophone Prov.) |
Gerald MacKay Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Canada (Anglophone Prov.) |
James x pf 5 MacKay Relation in household: Head 3C (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Bookkeeper at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: United States (Massachusetts) |
Lionel J MacKay Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (New York) |
William J MacKay Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (New York) |
Fritz Norell Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Gunard Norell Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
John x pf 7 Norell Relation in household: Head 5C (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Scrap Cutter at Rolling Mill: Union Foundry | Born: Kingdom of Sweden |
Ludwig A Norell Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Kingdom of Sweden |
Mary Norell Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Kingdom of Sweden |
Milda M Norell Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Kingdom of Sweden |
Robert J Norell Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Kingdom of Sweden |
Leonard Olson Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Los x pf 3 Olson Relation in household: Head 1C (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Carpenter | Born: Kingdom of Sweden |
Louise Olson Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Kingdom of Sweden |
John Pitillen Relation in household: Boarder (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Cabinetmaker at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Republic of Austria |
Charles x pf 6 Plachta Relation in household: Head 4C (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Cabinetmaker at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Federal Republic of Germany |
Elsie Plachta Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Frederick Plachta Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Frieda Plachta Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Gertrude Plachta Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Ida Plachta Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Federal Republic of Germany |
Herbert Schamhorst Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Meta Schamhorst Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Federal Republic of Germany |
Shermann x pf 4 Schamhorst Relation in household: Head 1C 1B (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Woodworker at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Federal Republic of Germany |
Anteric 28-6 pf 5 Sobel Relation in household: Head 3C (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Cabinetmaker at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Federal Republic of Germany |
Conrad Sobel Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Elizabeth Sobel Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Federal Republic of Germany |
Marguerite Sobel Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Mary Sobel Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Harry Tureson Relation in household: Boarder (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Mary Tureson Relation in household: Housekeeper (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: Housekeeper | Born: Kingdom of Sweden |
Jacob 2-26 pf 4 Vouk Relation in household: Head 2B (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Painter [Car] at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Republic of Austria |
Marie Vouk Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Republic of Austria |
Bertha Winkler Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
John x pf 4 Winkler Relation in household: Head 2C (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Painter [Car] at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Republic of Austria |
Katie Winkler Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Mary Winkler Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Czech Republic (Bohemia) |
Steve Bobst Relation in household: Roomer (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Laborer at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Hungary |
Emil Cortapassi Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Tinsmith at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: French Republic |
Gina Cortapassi Relation in household: Wife-H (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Italian Republic (Genoa) |
Robert Cortapassi Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Mary Cortipassi Relation in household: Wife-H (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Ohio) |
Ronald Cortipassi Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Car Polisher | Born: Italian Republic (Genoa) |
Ronald (Jr.) Cortipassi Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Adela Owak Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Antony Owak Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Steel Worker at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Republic of Poland |
Cecelia Owak Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Nellie Owak Relation in household: Wife-H (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Republic of Poland |
Raymond Owak Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Sophie Owak Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Wanda Owak Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
George Polaschek Relation in household: Head-H (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Locksmith at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Hungary |
Ferdinand Rill Relation in household: Head-H (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Cabinetmaker at Furniture Store | Born: Romania |
Steve Tomassik Relation in household: Brother-in-law (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Polisher [Chassis] | Born: Czechoslavakia |
Irene Bither Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Margaret Bither Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Peter Bither Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Thomas Bither Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Laborer at Ford Motor Company | Born: Hellenic Republic |
Thomas Bither Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Catherine Engles Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: Cleaner at Department Store | Born: Republic of Poland |
Felix Engles Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Riveter at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Republic of Poland |
Jimmie Engles Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Violet Engles Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: Laundry Worker at Laundry | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Jeannete Karp Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Martha Karp Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Theodore Karp Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Machinist [Helper] at Steel Mill | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Steve Klemke Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Republic of Austria |
Adella Owad Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Anthony Owad Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Heater [Furnace Tender] at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Republic of Austria |
Cecelia Owad Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: Seamstress at Apron Factory | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Nellie Owad Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Republic of Austria |
Ramon Owad Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Spiros Owad Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Wanda Owad Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
George Polacheck Relation in household: Partner (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Republic of Austria |
Arthur L Barbog Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Hydraulic Press and ??? Lathe Operator at Restaurant Supplies Mfg | Born: Illinois |
Donna M Barbog Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Born: Illinois | |
Irene M Barbog Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Born: Illinois | |
T Anne Barbog Relation in household: Silsheet Soundex |
Thomas A Barbog Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Born: Illinois | |
Garry M Hoholik Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Born: Illinois | |
Wanda I Hoholik Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Born: Illinois | |
Wilfred P Hoholik Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Carpenter ???tail Truck Driver at Housing Contractor Own Driveness | Born: Michigan |
Marie A Hurt Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Born: Massachusetts | |
Rose M Hurt Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: Filing at Railroad Car Mfg | Born: Illinois |
William H Hurt Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Research & Developing at Railroad Car Mfg | Born: Ohio |
William H Jr Hurt Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Pipe Fitter at Railroad Car Repair | Born: Illinois |
Catherine Inglop Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: Matron at Retail Department Store | Born: Poland |
Felix Inglop Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: General Machinist at Railroad Car Repair | Born: Poland |
Jennie Inglop Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: Neven Worked | Born: Delaware |
Walter Kohut Relation in household: Stepson (Step Son) (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Carpenter Apprentice at Retail Lumber Yard | Born: Poland |