People with the SOUNDEX code of P625

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1. Parkins, Richard (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Unknown Lived at: 102 Fulton
Occupation: Paperhanger Source: 1883 City Directory
2. Parkonish, Durhan (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Republic of Serbia Lived at: 11217 Langley
Occupation: Laborer Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1910 Federal Census
3. Parsaan, Charels (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Holland Lived at: 11221 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Steam Fitter Railroad Car Mfg Source: 1950 Federal Census
4. Parsaan, Nellie (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Holland Lived at: 11221 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Shirt Polder Laundry Source: 1950 Federal Census
5. Parson, Hiram (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Unknown Lived at: 309 Watt
Occupation: Woodworker Source: 1889 City Directory
6. Parson, Ludwig (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 11325 Champlain
Occupation: Carpenter Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1910 Federal Census
7. Parsons, George L. (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Unknown Lived at: 309 Watt
Occupation: Machinist Source: 1889 City Directory
8. Pearson, Alfred (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 361 Stephenson
Occupation: Photographer Source: 1900 Federal Census
9. Pearson, Alice M. (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Indiana) Lived at: 10624 Langley
Occupation: Clerk Mail Order Company Source: 1920 Federal Census
10. Pearson, Andrew (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 10707 Champlain
Occupation: Car Builder Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1910 Federal Census
11. Pearson, Andrew (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 10756 Cottage Grove
Occupation: Car Builder Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1920 Federal Census
12. Pearson, Annie (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11323 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census
13. Pearson, August G. (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Unknown Lived at: 227 Stephenson
Occupation: Cabinetmaker Source: 1883 City Directory
14. Pearson, Aurthor (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 11323 Champlain
Occupation: Cabinetmaker Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1910 Federal Census
15. Pearson, Beatrice (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 10660 Langley
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census
16. Pearson, Cecelia (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 11324 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census
17. Pearson, Cecilia (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 10620 Langley
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census
18. Pearson, Clarence (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10707 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census
19. Pearson, Edward (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Indiana) Lived at: 642 Fulton
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1900 Federal Census
20. Pearson, Edward (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 519 Stephenson
Occupation: Carpenter Source: 1900 Federal Census
21. Pearson, Edward (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11356 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Carpenter Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1910 Federal Census
22. Pearson, Edwin C. (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10660 Langley
Occupation: Clerk Car Works, Audit Dept.: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1910 Federal Census
23. Pearson, Elmer A. (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11111 Forrestville
Occupation: Finisher [Wood] Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1920 Federal Census
24. Pearson, Emil G. (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10660 Langley
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census
25. Pearson, Ernest (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10762 Champlain
Occupation: Metal Worker Automobile Company Source: 1930 Federal Census
26. Pearson, Ernest A. (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10660 Langley
Occupation: Inlayer Car Works, Marquetry Shop: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1910 Federal Census
27. Pearson, Frank (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 11324 Champlain
Occupation: Watchman Railroad Source: 1930 Federal Census
28. Pearson, Fred (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 10620 Langley
Occupation: Carpenter Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1910 Federal Census
29. Pearson, Fred x pf-5 (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 642 Fulton
Occupation: Car Builder Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1900 Federal Census
30. Pearson, Gustaf (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 10762 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census
31. Pearson, Gustaf (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 10625 Champlain
Occupation: Laborer Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1920 Federal Census
32. Pearson, Gustaf (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 10660 Langley
Occupation: Laborer Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1910 Federal Census
33. Pearson, Gustar S (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 11111 Forrestville
Occupation: Steel Press Operator Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1940 Federal Census
34. Pearson, Gustav (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Sweden Lived at: 11111 Forrestville
Occupation: Blacksmith Rail Car Mfg Source: 1950 Federal Census
35. Pearson, Gustave (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Unknown Lived at: 250 Stephenson
Occupation: Carpenter Source: 1889 City Directory
36. Pearson, Hilda (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 11323 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census
37. Pearson, Ida (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11323 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census
38. Pearson, J. R. (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Unknown Lived at: 203 Morse
Occupation: Watchman Source: 1889 City Directory
39. Pearson, Jewel Ab (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Republic of Poland Lived at: 10762 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census
40. Pearson, John (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 602 Fulton
Occupation: Car Builder Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1900 Federal Census
41. Pearson, John (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Unknown Lived at: 543 Pullman
Occupation: Foreman Source: 1889 City Directory
42. Pearson, John H. (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Unknown Lived at: 607 Stephenson
Occupation: Car Builder Source: 1889 City Directory
43. Pearson, Julius (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10620 Langley
Occupation: Rivet Heater Car Works, Steel Car Shop: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1910 Federal Census
44. Pearson, Julius (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 642 Fulton
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1900 Federal Census
45. Pearson, Mary (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 11248 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census
46. Pearson, Mary (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 10624 Langley
Occupation: Dressmaker Source: 1920 Federal Census
47. Pearson, Mary E (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 10621 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1940 Federal Census
48. Pearson, Mary E (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 10621 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1940 Federal Census
49. Pearson, Olaf (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 10530 Maryland
Occupation: Machinist Columbia Screw Factory Source: 1910 Federal Census
50. Pearson, Olaf (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 10532 Maryland
Occupation: Laborer Rolling Mill: Union Foundry Source: 1920 Federal Census
51. Pearson, Olof (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 11229 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Machinist Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1940 Federal Census
52. Pearson, Oscar (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11323 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census
53. Pearson, Paul (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10707 Champlain
Occupation: Finisher Car Works, Steel Car Shop: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1910 Federal Census
54. Pearson, Roy F (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10621 Champlain
Occupation: Draftsman Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1940 Federal Census
55. Pearson, Roy F (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10621 Champlain
Occupation: Draftsman Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1940 Federal Census
56. Pearson, Roy F. (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10624 Langley
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1920 Federal Census
57. Pearson, Rudolph (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 11229 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census
58. Pearson, Secily (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 642 Fulton
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1900 Federal Census
59. Pearson, Stanley (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10620 Langley
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census
60. Pearson, Stanley (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 642 Fulton
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1900 Federal Census
61. Pearson, Stanley (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11324 Champlain
Occupation: Riveter Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1930 Federal Census
62. Pearson, Stanley (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Illinois Lived at: 11324 Champlain
Occupation: Bartender Tavern Source: 1950 Federal Census
63. Pearson, Stanley (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11324 Champlain
Occupation: Car Builder Source: 1940 Federal Census
64. Pearson, Walter (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10707 Champlain
Occupation: Salesperson Grocery Source: 1910 Federal Census
65. Pearson, Walter (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10701 Champlain
Occupation: Carpenter Car Works, Railway Car Repair Shop: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1940 Federal Census
66. Perkins, Charles 3-1 pf 3 (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 4 Market Square
Occupation: Painter Source: 1900 Federal Census
67. Perkins, Cora (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 4 Market Square
Occupation: Dressmaker Source: 1900 Federal Census
68. Perkins, J. (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Unknown Lived at: HOTEL Hotel Florence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1883 City Directory
69. Perkins, Lacy (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Kentucky) Lived at: 358 Watt
Occupation: Electrician Source: 1900 Federal Census
70. Perkins, Vangeline (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11314 Forrestville
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1940 Federal Census
71. Perkins, Vergiline (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Michigan) Lived at: 11314 Forrestville
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census
72. Person, John (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Sweden Lived at: 11264 Champlain
Occupation: Had Carrier Building Construction Source: 1950 Federal Census
73. Person, Oscar (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 545 Stephenson
Occupation: Laborer Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1900 Federal Census
74. Perssan, Gertrude (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Holland Lived at: 11221 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Source: 1950 Federal Census
75. Perssan, Henry (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Holland Lived at: 11221 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Steam Fitter Railroad Car Mfg Source: 1950 Federal Census
76. Perssan, John (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Holland Lived at: 11221 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Source: 1950 Federal Census
77. Pierson, Alfred (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Unknown Lived at: 254 Stephenson
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1889 City Directory
78. Pierson, Andrew (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Unknown Lived at: 228 Stephenson
Occupation: Carpenter Source: 1883 City Directory
79. Pierson, Hilma (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 11350 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census
80. Pierson, Oscar (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 366 Stephenson
Occupation: Cabinetmaker Source: 1900 Federal Census
81. Pierson, Oscar (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 11350 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Carpenter Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1910 Federal Census
82. Pierson, Slady (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11350 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census
83. Pierson, Wilbur (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11350 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census
84. Pierson, William (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Unknown Lived at: Bldg. E Fulton
Occupation: Laborer Source: 1883 City Directory
85. Poaraznik, John (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Slovak Republic Lived at: 11217 Langley
Occupation: Laborer Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1910 Federal Census
86. Porsen, Henry (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Unknown Lived at: 706 Ericsson
Occupation: Molder Source: 1889 City Directory
87. Prussing, Ernst (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Unknown Lived at: 511 Stephenson
Occupation: Polisher Source: 1889 City Directory


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