Eskell Photo Shoot at the Hotel FlorencePhoto shoot at the Hotel Florence for the Spring 2009 collection of the Chicago based designer Eskell. Subject: ; Hotel_Florence_--_Post_1975; Format: Other Ephemera |
Face-lift for a LandmarkNewspaper story about closing of Hotel Florence for rehab. Subject: Hotel_Florence_--_Post_1975; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Future uncertain for historic Hotel FlorenceArticle about the closing of the Hotel Florence for restoration and the moving of the Historic Pullman Foundation from the Hotel. Subject: Hotel_Florence_--_Interior; Hotel_Florence_--_Exterior; Hotel_Florence_--_Post_1975; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Historic Pullman Foundation Business CardTan paper card with black lettering and red logo of Historic Pullman Foundation. Located at Hotel Florence during this period. Subject: Hotel_Florence_--_Post_1975; Format: Printed Materials - Other |
Hotel FlorenceA negative showing the Hotel Florence, looking north, with enclosed front porch. Subject: Hotel_Florence_--_Exterior; Hotel_Florence_--_Post_1975; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Hotel FlorenceArticle regarding shutting of Hotel by the state. Subject: ; Hotel_Florence_--_Post_1975; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Hotel FlorenceA negative showing the Hotel Florence, looking north, with enclosed front porch. Subject: Hotel_Florence_--_Exterior; Hotel_Florence_--_Post_1975; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Hotel Florence Development Plan SummaryStudy done by Environment Seven, Ltd., dated 3-2-84 Subject: Hotel_Florence_--_Post_1975; Format: Printed Materials - Publications |
Hotel Florence Exterior Porch WorkCollection of 11 photographs taken during porch restoration in 1999. Subject: Hotel_Florence_--_Post_1975; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Hotel Florence Original Heating SystemSeries of photographs of the original heating system in the Hotel Florence basement. Subject: ; Hotel_Florence_--_Post_1975; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Hotel Florence Study for Dining FacilitiesDrawings done by Mike Shymanski Subject: Hotel_Florence_--_Post_1975; Format: Printed Materials - Other |
Hotel Site Improvement Concept PlanPlan of potential changes to the Hotel Florence site. Subject: Hotel_Florence_--_Post_1975; Format: Mixed media |
Model Town RevitalizedArtile from the Economist newspaper, January 5, 1986. Subject: Pullman_-_Post_1975; Greenstone_Church; Hotel_Florence_--_Post_1975; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman State Historic SiteInvitation to attend Governor Thompson's announcement about the purchase and development of the Pullman Historic Site. Subject: Factory_Site; Hotel_Florence_--_Post_1975; Format: Printed Materials - Other |
Pullman State Historic Site Hotel FlorencePartial copy of Historic Structure Report for the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency. Full record available for viewing at the Bertha Ludlum Reading Room at the Hotel Florence. Subject: Hotel_Florence_--_Post_1975; Format: Printed Materials - Other |
Pullman's "Grand Old Lady" gets another lease on lifeArticle from the Chicago Tribune, May 26, 1975. Subject: Hotel_Florence_--_Post_1975; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |