Format Correspondence

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1896 Pullman's Palace Car Company Letter

Letter written by Pullman's Vice-President, Horace Porter, on June 11, 1896 to Henry R. Reed concerning Vice-President Adali Stevenson and his use of a train car during convention week.

Subject: Victorian_Era_-_general; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Historic_Reference; Events_-_Other; Format: Correspondence

Accounting Plans of Interstate Commerce Commission

File containing information related to accounting plans to accomodate Interestate Commerce Commission needs for information. File includes Correspondance Wrapper, cover letter, conference meeting summary, and brief memo advising on upcoming meeting with ICC.

Subject: ; Pullman_Company; Format: Correspondence

Acknowledgement of Sympathy Expression

Small card from Mrs Pullman and family sent in response to expressions of sympathy related to George Pullman death.

Subject: Pullman_Family; Victorian_Era_-_general; Format: Correspondence

Agreement between Alabama Great Southern Railroad Co. and Pullman Co.

Contract with supplemental agreement as well. Dated November 1, 1895 through November 1, 1913. Multiple pages of correspondence included as well; related to contract revisions due to inclusion of Southern Railroad Company into the Alabama Great Southern Railroad Company.

Subject: ; Pullman_Company; Pullman_Rail_Travel; Format: Correspondence

Agreement between Alabama Great Southern Railroad Co. and Pullman Co.

Contract with supplemental agreement as well. Dated November 1, 1895 through November 1, 1913. Multiple pages of correspondence included as well; related to contract revisions due to inclusion of Southern Railroad Company into the Alabama Great Southern Railroad Company.

Subject: ; Pullman_Company; Pullman_Rail_Travel; Format: Correspondence

Arcade Park Christmas Card

1975, issued by The Northern Trust Company

Subject: Arcade_Park; Factory_Site; Hotel_Florence_--_Exterior; Pullman_Views; Format: Correspondence

Atlantic & Danville Railway Company Contract and Correspondence

Contract between Atlantic and Danville Railway and Pullman Palace Car Company, April 1889 through April 1914. Correspondence re: additional sleeping cars included in file.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Rail_Travel; Rail_Travel_-_Other; Format: Correspondence

Atlantic and Gulf R.R. Meeting Summary

11 page handwritten letter from Pullman Palace Car Company General Supt. D.N. Welch to George Pullman summarizing two day meeting in Baltimore.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Rail_Travel; Rail_Travel_-_Other; Format: Correspondence

Contract between Alabama Central Railroad Co. & Pullman's Palace Car Company

Early contract, handwritten, including internal revenue stamps on each page of contract. Cover letter included with contract.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Rail_Travel; Format: Correspondence

Contract_Correspondence between Ann Arbor Railway and the Pullman Company

Original typed, signed contract between Ann Arbor Railway and the Pullman Company with correspondence and telegram message re: immediate need for a second Pullman car.

Subject: ; Pullman_Company; Pullman_Rail_Travel; Format: Correspondence

Correspondance from Chesapeake and Ohio Railway re: lawsuite

Letter from Chesapeake and Ohio Railway to Pullman Palace Car Company re: shooting lawsuit for which both companies are plaintiffs. Requesting lawyers work together on this case.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Rail_Travel_-_Other; Format: Correspondence

Correspondance re: potential litigation against Pullman Palace Car Co.

Letter from Law Offices of Francis Dugro (New York) re: claim related to building of coal cars for Pittsburgh, Shenango and Lake Erie Railroad Co.

Subject: ; Pullman_(General); Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Rail_Travel_-_Other; Format: Correspondence

Correspondance re: purchase or lease of property from Pullman

Request from Eagle Tanning Works to lease or purchase land assumed to belong to Pullman.

Subject: ; Pullman_(General); Pullman_Town; Format: Correspondence

Correspondance: Potential litigation for non-payment on car mfg.

Correspondance re: claim for unpaid commissions due to Charles Evans from Pullman Palace Car Co.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Train_Cars; Format: Correspondence

Correspondance: U.S. Consolute Patent Review

Request from U.S. Consolute to review German invention for inner car suspension via elastic supporting device.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Rail_Travel_-_Other; Format: Correspondence

Florence Lowden Miller Note

Handwritten thank-you note to Mario Avignone from Florence Lowden Miller, granddaughter of George Pullman. Undated.

Subject: ; Pullman_Family; Format: Correspondence

Landmark Status, National

Letter to Abner J. Mikva, U.S. House of Representatives, notifing him that the Pullman Historic District was awarded national landmark status. Letter from Roger C. B. Morton, Secretary of the Interior, dated February 25, 1971.

Subject: Pullman_Landmark; Format: Correspondence

Letter about Inspectress job

Letter to George Pullman, from Nellie Duryea, regarding job prospects for a Inspectress job asking for his intervention.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter about sale of Woodruff Sleeping Car stock

A letter about the possible sale of Woodruff Sleeping Car stock by Doubleday and a letter from Doubleday to Pullman about a meeting to discuss the sale.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Train_Cars; Format: Correspondence

Letter and article regarding land dispute

Letter from Lyman & Jackson to George Pullman regarding a dispute over 72 acres of land, along with an article about the land owned by Clark Hollenback.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter and Statements of Earnings from Boston & Maine Railroad

Letter from Boston & Maine Railroad to George Pullman, along with a comparative statement, operating expenses, and construction expenses.

Subject: ; Format: Correspondence

Letter and Washington Irving pamphlet

Pamphlet from Prof. Alvah Bradish, regarding his visits to Washington Irving as he painted Irvings portrait.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter asking support for invention

Letter to George Pullman, from Ms. D. Chalon,asking support for an invention developed by her brother.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Train_Cars; Format: Correspondence

Letter expressing sorrow over death of George Pullman

Telegram from L. M. Johnson to C. S. Sweet, expressing great sorrow over death of George Pullman and regrets he cannot get to Chicago in time for funeral.

Subject: Pullman_Family; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Accidnet Insurance The Fidelity and Casualty Co. of New York

Letter regarding a new coupler that Harry R. Hay is trying to sell to Pullman.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Train_Cars; Format: Correspondence

Letter from America Illustration

Letter to George Pullman, from American Illustrated, requesting information needed for inclusion in their publication.

Subject: Advertising; Pullman_(General); Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from American Surety Company for reference

Letter requesting a reference for the B.B. Frost & Co. and financial standing with the Pullman PCC.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Annie M. Fowler

Letter to George Pullman requesting several checks for $100 and for interest...

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Belle Powell

Letter from Belle Powell to George Pullman asking him to buy an apt. building to help her out.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Boston & Main Railroad

Letter from Lucius Tuttle, President of the Boston & Main Railroad, to George Pullman, describing his version of a railroad accident in Medford,MA.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Train_Cars; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Boston & Main Railroad re Annual Meeting

Letter from Lucius Tuttle, President, requesting Pullman's attendance at their Annual Meeting or return of waiver of notice.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Boston & Maine Railroad re Board meeting

Letter to George Pullman reminding him of Main Central annual meeting at Portland on Wednesday the 20th. A special train has been engaged to bring him and other members and return them.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Boston & Maine Railroad re substitute proxy

Letter from Lucius Tuttle regarding returning a substitute proxy for their annual meeting. Apparently Pullman lost the first one sent.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from C. J. Hicks, YMCA

Letter thanking George Pullman for his "favor of the 16th" and his interest in their work.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from C. N. Fay, Orchestra Association

Letter to George Pullman from C. N. Fay, Orchestra Association, regarding part payment of $500 on a $1,000 pledge.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from C. P. Campbell offering property

Letter to George Pullman offering property at NW corner of Jackson & Michigan in Chicago ( 166 Michigan). Figures for costs discussed. Mentions "large music house" interest in locating near there...Orchestra Hall?

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter from C. W. Branski re: coupler

Letter to Pullman Palace Car Company regarding a new coupler he has invented.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Train_Cars; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Cary & Whitridge Law Firm

Letter, agreement, memos to George Pullman from Cary & Whitridge Law Firm regarding items to consider for reorganization.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Charles S. Trudeau asking for loan

Letter to George Pullman, telling of receiving his CPA with Pullman's help and asks for loan to help situate his elderly mother.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Chicago Board of Education re: additional school facilities at Pullman

Letter from J.A. Guilford, Board of Education of City of Chicago, Business Mgr., advising Pullman the request for additional school facilities at Pullman had been presented to the Board.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Schools; Pullman_Town; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Clara Doolittle

Letter asking George Pullman for a rail pass for her son to get to Seattle as he is in a "serious state of health" and needs to get to Seattle.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Clarence Bennett re: Church of Johnstown

Note from Clarence Bennett with facsimile letter to George Pullman requesting money for the 2nd Presbyterian Church of Johnston, PA to assist expansion of church and school ( 9 years after the Johnstown flood).

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Committee of '97

Letter and tickets sent to George Pullman from the Committee of '97 (Illinois Convention) asking for payment or return of tickets. He returned the tickets.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Consulate General of US and German Newspaper article

Cover letter from the Consulate General of the US based in Germany and certifying newspaper article.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter from D. H. Pinney with news clipping

Letter from D. H. Pinney to George Pullman that notes he has just returned from a trip east including Albion Heading Reunion, with a news clipping.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Daniel T. Hunt re Meeting of American Surety Company

Letter requesting the presence of George Pullman at the Trustees mtg of the American Surety Company of New York on October 19, 1897.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Dunlap Smith & Co.

Letter to George Pullman offering Pullman American Express Company property on Clinton & Jefferson in Chicago...building outfitted for 750 horse stalls, 500 wagons, 110,000 bushels of grain, shoeing shop, 20-ton elevators.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter from E. Leaden re job

Letter to C. S. Sweet pleading for a job for a family member long out of work

Subject: Pullman_Workers; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Edward Bryant re Charles Seeburger

Letter to George Pullman from his secretary Edward Bryant regarding a bad loan made to Mr. Charles Seeburger.

Subject: Pullman_Bank; Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Edward Mason, Mason Brothers

Letter to George Pullman from Edward Mason, regarding the situation of a Mr. Badger who is about to be foreclosed on for some unnamed property.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Edwin P. Merwin & Co., Bankers

Letter of introduction to George Pullman, from Merwin & Co., explaining they handle stocks and bonds for the Kansas City, Pittsburg & Gulf R. R. as well as stock of Missouri, Kansas & Texas Trust.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman,_George; Rail_Travel_-_Other; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Etna Insurance Company, Pacific Branch

Letter to George Pullman from T. E. Pope, Etna Insurance Company, Pacific Branch, asking to meet with him when he is in San Francisco.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Eva Pope to Pullman Co. executives

Letter from Eva Pope citing her qualifications as a manager of estates; seeking a position helping to manage the Pullman estate after George Pullman died.

Subject: Pullman_Family; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter from F. L. Adams, Holmes, Booth & Haydens

Letter to George Pullman requesting a credit reference for a Mr. C. E. Loss of Freeport, IL for $1,000.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter from F. S. Moseley & Co., Note Brokers

Letter to George Pullman, offering money at 4% for 12 months.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from F. Wolcott Jackson re pass

Letter from F. Wolcott Jackson, General Superintendent of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, requesting a pass for his son returning from China to come home - Tacoma to Chicago.

Subject: Pullman_Rail_Travel; Format: Correspondence

Letter from former employee

Letter to George Pullman from a former employee explaining his circumstances and wanting a job back.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Workers; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Frank Orren Lowden re addition

Letter to George Pullman from Frank Orren Lowden discussing potential pros and cons of building a $250K addition to "west side" plant.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Franklin Smith, National Museums, Washington

Correspondence between Franklin Smith, Curator of National Museums, Washington and George Pullman, seeking funds to build "Ten Halls of the Ancients" at the National Gallery.

Subject: ; Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Fred L. Fake to George M. Pullman

Letter from Fred L. Fake, real estate broker to George M. Pullman offering land adjacent to the Pullman Building.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter from George Brown comparing couplers

Letter to George Pullman, from George Brown, Pullman General Manager, comparing the Gould coupler vs the janney-Buhoup coupler.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Train_Cars; Format: Correspondence

Letter from George Brown, Pullman General Manager

Letter from George Brown to George Pullman, forwarding the suggestion by J. W. Thomas of Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railroad offering to give old wheels for $6,270.88 debt to Pullman.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Train_Cars; Format: Correspondence

Letter from George Ryder re Hotel Bill

Letter to George Pullman from George E. Ryder of the Maine Central Hotel in Bar Harbor, Maine, requesting payment of a hotel bill.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Goldstone Mining and Milling Company

Letter to George Pullman, from A. H. Johnston, of Goldstone Mining and Milling Company in Idaho, requesting tickets to move his invalid mother and a brother from New York to Utah...

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Rail_Travel; Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Gould Coupler Company

Letter from Charles A. Gould, Gould Coupler Company, regarding clarification re furnishing buffers for platforms.

Subject: Pullman_Train_Cars; Format: Correspondence

Letter from H. K. Porter & Co.

Letter from H. K. Porter & Co., Builders of Light Locomotives, to George Pullman, asking for a reference for Bessrs. C. E. Loss & Co. before they commit to doing business with them.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Rail_Travel_-_Other; Format: Correspondence

Letter from H. L. Hollis

Letter from metallurgist H. L. Hollis to George Pullman offering his services regarding mining properties in Western U.S.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from haberdasher to George Pullman

Letter from J. F. Thompson reminding Pullman that he had promised him a railpass ? 3 months before as gratitude for a small favor Thompson had done for him.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Rail_Travel; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Harrietta P. Graley Re Invention

Letter to George Pullman offering to sell her invention for a sled-train for frozen climates. Also letter she received from the Secretary of War.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Train_Cars; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Helen Simmonds asking for train ticket

Letter to George Pullman from Helen Simmonds, an old friend??, asking for a train ticket from Duluth, Minnesota to Paw Paw, Michigan...largely illegible.

Subject: Pullman_Rail_Travel; Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Illinois Trust and Savings Bank

Letter from Bank asking George Pullman what he would be willing to pay for some amount of money? illegible

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Indianapolis & St. Louis Railroad Co

Letter written to George Pullman by E. W. Woodward of the Indianapolis & St. Louis Railroad Co. regarding possible sale of stock.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Train_Cars; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Inventor Arthur C. Robbins

Correspondence between inventor Arthur C. Robbins and J. P. Meehan of Pullman, Edgar Mayer, Sec. to George Pullman

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter from J. G. Lumbrd, Union Line

Letter to George Pullman from J. G. Lumbard of the Union Line, Pennsylvania Railroad Co., asking to re-transfer an adopted son back to old job so he and wife will have family nearby.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Workers; Format: Correspondence

Letter from J. P. Meehan, Pacific Division

Letter from the Superintendent of Pullman's Palace Car Company Pacific Division regarding a trip General Superintendent Fillmore is unable to accompany Mr. Pullman on due to his assistant's illness.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from J. P. Meehan, Pacific Division of PPCC

Letter from J. P. Meehan, Pullman Pacific Division, advising that no mail had arrived for Mr. Pullman and his party since their departure.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from James Brown Lord, Architect

Three notes to George Pullman regarding architectural plans underway for a home for Pullman at Elberon, N.J.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from James Jarvis

Letter to Pullman Company from James Jarvis regarding his invention for providing electricity for lighting in cars via steam line to small machine.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Rail_Travel; Pullman_Train_Cars; Format: Correspondence

Letter from James M. Wilson

Letter from Mr. Wilson to George Pullman, asking for his influence regarding the vacancies in the U.S. Attorney General office.

Subject: Pullman_Family; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Jane Byrd Bryan re Ambassadorship

Correspondence including letter from Bryan to George Pullman asking if he can channel a query to the President through the Secretary of War Gen. Alger regarding an ambassadorship. Also, clippings from Mrs. Bryan's letter and a separate note from Hattie Pullman transmitting a check to Mr. Sweet.

Subject: ; Pullman_Family; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Kennett Hopkins Co. re meeting

A letter from Edmund Norton, of Kennett Hopkins Co., Bankers & Brokers, requesting a meeting with Pullman, at his home to talk over some business.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from L. D. Maxcornell regarding repairs and finishing work

Letter to George Pullman from L. D. Maxcornell, Chicago, detailing work; including finishing and repairs.

Subject: ; Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from L. G. Morris

Letter from L. G. Morris of Deming, New Mexico, about opening a rail line to service coal mines and offering "fine woods" for car construction.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Train_Cars; Format: Correspondence

Letter from L. L. Moe

Letter from L. L. Moe(sp.?) regarding an invention for railroad usage (unspecified); wants to send Pullman model.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Train_Cars; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Lange & Minton re a song and news article

Letter from Mr. Minton to Charles S. Sweet, regarding a song and newsarticle forwarded separately and a new plant being built.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Lucius Tuttle re Stockholders Mtg

Letter to George Pullman from Lucius Tuttle, President of Boston & Maine RR, giving details of logistics for Directors attending upcoming stockholders meeting.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Lucius Tuttle, Pres. Boston & Maine Railroad

Letter to Pullman from Lucius Tuttle, President of Boston & Maine Railroad, reports on his recent re-election as President, earnings & expenses, etc.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Train_Cars; Format: Correspondence

Letter from M. A. Brooks regarding loan

Letter to George Pullman asking for money for loan to build a hotel. Describes some relationship with Pullman from 50 years earlier by way of introduction...

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Mary Walker Liam

Letter to George Pullman pleading to be allowed to bring her fox terrier "Bob" on the train car with her...he is a "world traveler and highly refined".

Subject: Pullman_Rail_Travel; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Mason Brothers Law Offices

Letter to George Pullman from Mason Brothers Law Offices regarding a property under foreclosure with a second mortgage and outstanding bill of $1,312.76 due.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Milton H. Smith, introducing son-in-law

Letter from the President of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company, introducing his son-in-law, Thomas J. Felder to George Pullman and letter from Felder requesting a meeting.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Miss Ida R. Harrison

Letter to George Pullman from Miss Ida R. Harrison, asking for money for a new parsonage for their church in Stevensville, VA

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Mr. Birnbaum re debt

Letter from stockholder, Mr. Birnbaum, asking Pullman to begin to pay debt to the Central Transportation Co.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Mrs. Bissell re free pass

Letter asking George Pullman for a pass from Tupelo, Mississippi to Delaware, Ohio for her son who was a company stockholder.

Subject: Pullman_Rail_Travel; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Mrs. C. Phillip Miller

Typed personal letter from Florence Lowden Miller (Mrs. C. Phillip Miller, granddaughter of George Pullman. Dated November 4, 1986.

Subject: Pullman_Family; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Mrs. C. Phillip Miller

Personal, typed letter to Frank Beberdick from Florence Lowden Miller (Mrs. C. Phillip Miller), granddaughter of George Pullman. Dated November 4, 1986.

Subject: Pullman_Family; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Mrs. C. Phillip Miller

Personal, typed letter to Frank Beberdick from Florence Lowden Miller (Mrs. C. Phillip Miller), granddaughter of George Pullman. Dated November 21, 1986.

Subject: Pullman_Family; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Mrs. S. B. Reed

Letter to George Pullman requesting a revised train pass and detailed itinerary, as well as a reply from the Pullman Secretary

Subject: ; Pullman_Rail_Travel; Format: Correspondence

Letter from New York and Long Branch Railroad

Letter requesting photographs of interiors of Pullman Palace Cars for their offices.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Perry H. Smith, Jr. to George Pullman

Letter from the Law Office of Perry H. Smith, Jr. offering his services to Geoge M. Pullman.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Philip D. Armour to George Pullman

Letter requesting time to talk about "Biscuit matters".

Subject: Pullman_Family; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Pinney, Orr & Sherman, Attorneys

Letter from D. H. Pinney, asking Pullman to help get him a judgeship in New Mexico...

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Pullman Atlantic Division

Letter to George Pullman from James Martin, Superintendent of Pullman's Palace Car Company, Atlantic Division, regarding use of car for Mrs. Dullard.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Rail_Travel; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Pullman relative requesting passes

Letter asking for passes for sister-in-law Florence and Miriam Sanger to go to Kansas City.

Subject: Pullman_Rail_Travel; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Railway Age asking for Pullman photograph

A letter to Mr. Sweet from H. P. Robinson, asking for a photograph of George Pullman, on the day he died. Probably for obituary...

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Ralph L. Doerr

Letter to George Pullman from Ralph L. Doerr, former US Consul to Switzerland, requesting a free ticket to Philadelphia.

Subject: Pullman_Rail_Travel; Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from S. W. Bretzfield about move

Letter to George Pullman regarding the moving of their offices in New York to another building.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Sam Royall re job

Letter requesting reinstatement to PPCC service, letters of recommendation.

Subject: ; Pullman_People; Pullman_Rail_Travel; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Samuel Dick, Pittsburgh, Shenengo & Lake Erie Railroad Company

Letter to George Pullman suggesting a syndicate for loans to company with forms, along with an earnings statement and expense statement for year ending 31 Dec. 1893.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Secretary of Phillip Armour

Note from secretary to George Pullman, letting him know that Phillip Armour cannot meet him at his club that evening.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Sherman Clay & Co.

A letter to George Pullman confirming the delivery of a Steinway Grand Piano to Mrs. F. J. Carolan in California. Letter says bill enclosed but not included with correspondence.

Subject: Pullman_Family; Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from T. J. Keenan, Jr., Pittsburgh Press

Letter to George Pullman accepting Pullman's terms for reduced travel rates but wanting bigger discounts... reply with costs for travel they requested.

Subject: ; Pullman_Rail_Travel; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Tennessee Baptist State Convention

Letter requesting a free annual pass for a sleeper, for their Corresponding Secretary who travels to their annual meetings.

Subject: Pullman_Rail_Travel; Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from The Buyers Reference Co.

Letter regarding Dr. Robert Grimshaw relocating to Dresden, Germany, who could serve as intermediary to European railway product manufacturers.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter from The Civic Federation of Chicago

Letter to Pullman Palace Car Co., asking George Pullman for money to support their current projects: revision of the revenue and primary election laws for which they require additional clerical and legal hires.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from the Cripple Creek Guide Co.

Letter to Charles S. Sweet, Secretary to George Pullman, asking for attention to an earlier letter/request.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Rail_Travel; Format: Correspondence

Letter from the Director of Columbian Museum of Chicago

Letter to George M. Pullman from J. G. Pangborn, director of the Museum of the World's Railway, Columbian Museum of Chicago, regarding the presentation of a silver Tiffany trophy to Chief Smith of the Dept. of Transportation, World's Columbian Exposition.

Subject: ; Chicago_History; Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from the Pittsburgh Shenango & Lake Erie Railroad Co.

Letter to George Pullman pleading for time on board with Pullman to discuss EU contracts; also prospectus for above railroad co.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Train_Cars; Format: Correspondence

Letter from The Railway Review

Letter to C. S. Sweet, detailing how he would like his passes made out.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Rail_Travel; Format: Correspondence

Letter from The Volunteers of America

Request for money to George Pullman.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from The Windsor Hotel, NYC

Letter from Warren F. Leland, Manager of the Windsor Hotel, sending George Pullman $9.50 which he was overcharged, as he is very anxious to have Pullman and friends stay at the Windsor in the future.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Thomas W. Bullitts to George Pullman

Letter from Thomas W. Bullitts of Law Offices of Bullitt & Sheilds, regarding some property.

Subject: Pullman_Family; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Victor v. Euen

Letter to George Pullman asking for help by buying his family title "von" (a German title of old standing) as his crops failed and he is desperate.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from W. L. Brown regarding Chicago Club event

Letter to George Pullman from W. L. Brown regarding a previous engagement preventing his attendance at the Chicago Club last night.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from W. L. Minton of the Westfield, Mayville & Chautauqua Motor Railroad Company

Letter to George Pullman requesting a meeting to discuss a new contract and sign bonds.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Waldo F. Minton, Secy of State of New York

Letter to George Pullman from Waldo F. Minton, Secy of State of New York, asking for a free RR pass for his wife to Mexico.

Subject: Pullman_Rail_Travel; Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from William C. Browning

Letter regarding some changes he and Pullman were promoting to some leisure property.

Subject: Pullman_Family; Format: Correspondence

Letter from William H & J. H. Moore & Purcell Law Offices

Letters to George Pullman discussing a proposed new building in Chicago and consolidation of NY Biscuit Co. & American Biscuit Co.

Subject: ; Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter from William Wirt Smith re business for sons

Letter to George Pullman suggesting business opportunities for Pullman's sons.

Subject: Pullman_Family; Format: Correspondence

Letter from Woodruff Sleeping & Parlor Coach Co.

Letter requesting data on suit between Pullman Palace Car Co. vs Jonah Woodruff and reply regarding the suit.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Train_Cars; Format: Correspondence

Letter informing George Pullman of Board Meeting of Chicago Telephons Company

Letter from C. E. Mosley, Sec'y, informing Mr. Pullman of the date and time of the next meeting of the Bd of Dir., Chicago Telephone Co. and location

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter of condolence from John C,. Yorston

Letter of condolence to Charles S. Sweet from John C. Yorston, regarding the sudden death of George Pullman

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter of Condolence on passing of Pullman

A letter of condolence sent to Mr. Sweet regarding the passing of George Pullman.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter of introduction for Jesse Baxter

Letter to George Pullman, from H. L. Horton & Co., for Jesse Baxter as an introduction and recommendation.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter of introduction from A. Onderdonk

Letter to George Pullman, from A. Onderdonk, introducing S. Hughs (M.P. Canada) and J. Grace, visiting Chicago.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter of reference for B.B. Frost & Co.

Letter to George Pullman requesting references for B. B. Frost & Co. and their financial standing with Pullman.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter of thanks from Ernest H. Jackson

Letter from Ernest H. Jackson to Mr. and Mrs. Pullman, with thanks for congratulating cable of Leonora Jackson's win at Leipzig musical competition.

Subject: ; Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter of thanks from L. M. Johnson in Mexico

Letter from L. M. Johnson, in Coahuila, Mexico, to George Pullman, with effusive thanks for hospitality in Chicago and for great work on Pullman cars for Mexican President Diaz.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Train_Cars; Format: Correspondence

Letter re books for sale from Robert Elliott

Letter to George Pullman regarding books that Robert Elliott is selling from his private collection.

Subject: Pullman_Family; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter re Commemoration for George Pullman

Letter from Charles Fluhrer, of Albion, N.Y., about a church service commemorating George Pullman, upon his recent death.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter re Greenstone Church lecture

Letter from H. H. Sessions, Chief Mechanical Engineer, PPCC, to C. S. Sweet, regarding the subject matter of the lecture delivered by Rev. Dr. Oggel at the Green Stone Church, Sunday night.

Subject: Greenstone_Church; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter re photo of South Chicago Works

A letter from A. M. Crane, of Illinois Steel Co., with a photograph of the South Chicago works of Illinois Steel Co. (no photograph enclosed)

Subject: Industry,_other; Regional; Format: Correspondence

Letter re: Cars for International Press League convention

Correspondance between International Press League and Pullman re: request for free sleeping cars for first convention of north and south press combined after the war. Letters include what appears to be original shorthand notes as well.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter re: George Jr., Progress in school

Letter from Edward Bryant to George Pullman regarding George, Jr.'s progress in school.

Subject: Pullman_Family; Format: Correspondence

Letter re: Milk Bucket Invention

Sales letter from John Platt to Pullman re: milk bucket invention.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Rail_Travel; Format: Correspondence

Letter re: Pension Claim

One page typed letter from Mr Lincoln's secretary to Mr. Longstreet denying pension claim due to lack of stock in Longstreet name.

Subject: Pullman_Company; Pullman_Workers; Format: Correspondence

Letter re: Potential Closing of Post Office

Letter to Pullman from high ranking employee summarizing conversations with various government officials regarding Pullman-Kensington Post Office.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter re: Reduction in Boston Commuter Congestion

Letter from Wellman Parks of Dept. of Interior to Pullman regarding ideas to reduce City of Boston commuter congestion.

Subject: ; Pullman_(General); Rail_Travel_-_Other; Format: Correspondence

Letter re: sale of Woodruff Sleeping Car stock

Letter to George Pullman regarding possible sale of Woodruff Sleeping Car stock by Doubleday.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Train_Cars; Format: Correspondence

Letter re: Story of Pullman

Letter from T. C. Crawford to Mr. Sweet complaining of the quality of the photographs and writing in "The Story of Pullman".

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter re: Water Meters and Water Usage

Letter to G. Pullman with list of water meter locations, readings for past 7 days. Related to efforts to reduce excess water usage.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter regarding Cars requested by Woodruff

Several letters regarding feasibility of selling old cars to Woodruff Car Co., includes two inventory lists

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Train_Cars; Format: Correspondence

Letter regarding check for Diamond Medal

Thank you to George M. Pullman from Chicago Musical College for donation for the Diamond Medal.

Subject: Pullman_Family; Format: Correspondence

Letter regarding Chicago Roof Company

Letter from George F. Brown, General Manager, to George Pullman, regarding the cost of roofing for train cars, from the Chicago Roof Company.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Train_Cars; Format: Correspondence

Letter regarding Chicago Times Strike article

Letter from George Brown, Pullman General Manager, to George Pullman regarding Chicago Times article about a strike at Pullman and why there is no evidence of this.

Subject: ; Pullman_Labor_History; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter regarding downtown building for sale

Letter to George Pullman from Louis A. Seeberger, regarding a building for sale in downtown Chicago, location unspecified.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter regarding financial updates and check from Waterbury Gas check

Letter with illegible signature regarding financial update with interest rates, stock value & trade information, etc.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter regarding offer of Equitable Life Insurance Stock

Letter to George Pullman from F. D. Ketcham regarding offer of Equitable Life Insurance stock, written on University Club letterhead.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter regarding passes for Miss Kellogg

Letter from James Martin, Superintendent of Pullman's Palace Car Company, regarding passes for Miss Kellogg from Chicago to Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh to Jersey City.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Rail_Travel; Format: Correspondence

Letter regarding piano for Mrs. Carolan

Letter to Mr Sweet (Pullman's Secretary) regarding a piano for Mrs. Carolan's birthday from Monitor company.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter regarding property in Jamestown, New York

Letter from W. J. Weeks, requesting Pullman consider purchasing some property in Jamestown, New York.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter regarding tex receipt for Stuart estate property

A letter to George Pullman from Eugene E. Prussing, regarding a duplicate tax receipt for taxes on the Stuart estate property which were paid Sept. 30, 1897.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter regarding value of coupler

Letter from J. W. Harpst, inquiring whether a coupler he owns is still in use and what value it might have.

Subject: Pullman_Train_Cars; Format: Correspondence

Letter request for "Story of Pullman" photos

Letter from Harvey Middleton, Manager of Pullman Car Works, to C. S. Sweet, Secretary to the President, requesting photos from the "Story of Pullman".

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter requesting money for School in France

Letter from E. Dussauze asking Pullman for $2,000 to start a private school in France based on a new teaching method that will exceed all other schools in France.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter requesting Pullman pictures

Letter to Mr. Sweet requesting a full set of pictures he took for a Pullman book.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter requesting Pullman Porter job

Letter to George Pullman requesting a job as a Pullman porter, citing his good character and church membership.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Porters; Format: Correspondence

Letter telegram thank you

Telegram sent to George Pullman thanking him for a favor.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter to Charles Sweet, Secretary to George Pullman

Letter is a plea for money for the YWCA, citing the good work they do.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter to G. Pullman pleading for return to employment

8 page letter on Atlantic Hotel (Chicago) stationery from former Pullman employee pleading for his job back after a scandal.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Workers; Format: Correspondence

Letter to George Pullman from E. O. Campbell

Letter from Mrs. E. O. Campbell to George Pullman, seeking an audience to discuss her organizations laudable work and ask for donation.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter to George Pullman from Emma Butler

Letter to George Pullman requesting a pass to visit her husband, assigned to "yellow fever" duty in Fountainbleau, Mississippi.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Rail_Travel; Format: Correspondence

Letter to George Pullman from World's Gospel Union

Letter requesting a reply to their earlier letter of March 31st, regarding E. E. Helms and wife.

Subject: Pullman_Rail_Travel; Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letter to Mr. Sweet re: pictures

Series of 3 letters to Charles S. Sweet, from Charles E. Smith regarding photographs of the Castle Rest group and views ordered by Uncle George (Pullman).

Subject: Pullman_Family; Format: Correspondence

Letter to Panmure Gordon

Extracts from letter to Panmure Gordon, London, England discussing deal with Pullman and London company to offer preferred stock and extract of reply

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter to Pullman Iron and Steel Company

Letter from F. H. Taylor, Pullman Iron and Steel Company, regarding instructions to remove the old stack at their own expense.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letter to Woodruff Cars

Letters between Woodruff Sleeping & Parlor Coach Co. and Pullman's Palace Car Co. regarding issues/leaks in Woodruff cars.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Train_Cars; Format: Correspondence

Letters between Governor James Mount of Indiana and Robert Todd Lincoln

Correspondence between the Governor of Indiana and Robert Todd Lincoln regarding the movement of the buriel place of Lincoln's grandmother, Nancy Hanks.

Subject: ; Robert_Todd_Lincoln; Format: Correspondence

Letters between New York and New England Railraod Company and Pullman

Letters between N.Y.and N.E. RR Co. and P.P.C.C. regarding additional equipment needed to purchase...box cars and coal cars. Also letter regarding bill for the car Virginia.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Train_Cars; Format: Correspondence

Letters Between Pullman and Richmond, Nicholasville, Irvine & Beattyville RR

Letters and telegrams exchanged between Pullman and the railroad in Kentucky regarding purchase of above railroad.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Rail_Travel; Format: Correspondence

Letters between Pullman and the Philadelpia Reading Railroad Co.

A series of correspondence between the Pullman's Palace Car Company and the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad regarding funds owed PPCC from PRR which was under receivership.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Rail_Travel_-_Other; Format: Correspondence

Letters between Pullman and YMCA

Correspondence between Pullman Company and multiple branches of YMCA "Railroad Departments" as to how much Pullman should donate annually. YMCA says they have a high usage of rooms by Pullman employees but Pullman Company feels the usage has less value.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letters between YMCA, Robert Todd Lincoln and NYC and Hudson River RR

A series of letters regarding the matter of a free annual pass for Mr. Warburton, Secretary of the Railroad Division of the YMCA.

Subject: ; Format: Correspondence

Letters discussing new electric lights for train cars

Three letters about new electric lights: 1. offering stock in electric Lights for train cars, 2. negative letter from current vendor of gas lights, 3. rebuttal of vendors ideas

Subject: ; Pullman_Rail_Travel; Pullman_Train_Cars; Format: Correspondence

Letters from Angus Sinclair of Locomotive Engineering

Letters written asking for an interview in preparation for an article about "Luxurious Railway Travel" and asking for help since Pullman died before the scheduled meeting.

Subject: ; Advertising; Pullman_Rail_Travel; Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letters from E. W. Appelman regarding patent infringement

Correspondence between E. W. Appelman of Clermont, IA and the Pullman Co., other railroads and various attorneys regarding alleged infringement by Pullman and others of Appelman patent for platform extensions on railcars. Letters, patents, newsclipping, etc.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Train_Cars; Format: Correspondence

Letters from George Grantham Bain

One note to George Pullman requesting recent portrait, one note to Charles Sweet, asking for information prior to meeting with Pullman in NYC.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Rail_Travel; Format: Correspondence

Letters from L.P. & M.P.RR.Co.

Two letters to Superintendents and conductors of their company, instructing them to move George Pullman's personal car for free. Plus cover folder.

Subject: Pullman_Rail_Travel; Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letters from Lange & Minton Piano Sales

Two letters requesting passes to attend a funeral, then a thank you and explanation why he cannot attend the funeral...

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Rail_Travel; Format: Correspondence

Letters from Methodist Espiscopal Church

A series of pleas from the Methodist Episcopal Church asking for relief of debt from rental of space in the Casino Building in 1898 and again in 1900. includes accounts income.

Subject: ; Casino_Building; Churches_-_Roseland,_Pullman; Format: Correspondence

Letters from Monetary Commission of the Indianapolis Convention

Letters asking for George Pullman's thoughts on monetary issues of the time.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letters from Mrs. J. B. West, Rochester, NY

Two letters to Charles S. Sweet, from Mrs. J. W. West of Rochester, New York, with condolences of sorrow for Pullman's death, and requesting return of photo of her deceased husband.

Subject: ; Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letters from publication The Nation's Leaders

Correspondence to George Pullman asking for endorsement of the publication, with sample letters included.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letters from Wicks to Pullman discussing brick yards value and other topics

Letters from Wicks to Pullman discussing brick yards value and other topics, inventory and assessed value, repairs, etc.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Town; Format: Correspondence

Letters re Commercial Travelers' Sound Money League

A letter from H. W. Dearborn, President of the ...Money League, explaining quality of proofs for a book and a letter of recommendation for Mr. Dearborn.

Subject: ; Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letters re: History of Pullman publication

Two letters from/to James Howard of James Howard & Co. re: "History of Pullman." One letter remarks on individuals' personal knowledge of Mr. Pullman.

Subject: Pullman,_George; Format: Correspondence

Letters re: Possible Sale of Brick Yards

Letters from Wicks to Pullman discussing brick yards value and other topics, inventory and assessed value, repairs, etc.

Subject: ; Pullman_(General); Format: Correspondence

Letters regarding brochures for World's Fair

Letter from Charles Sweet (Pullman's Secretary) to George Pullman, regarding the printing of brochures about the Pulllman's Palace Car Co. that would be for sale at the World's Fair, as well as correspondence about terms of publication and proposal from Dibble Publishing Co.

Subject: ; Advertising; Chicago_History; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence

Letters regarding car leases to Kansas City, Pittsburg and Gulf RR

Letters and notes regarding car leases to Kansas City, Pittsburg & Gulf RR; lease payments in arrears and looking for further extensions.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Train_Cars; Format: Correspondence

Letters regarding history of land transfers at Brigantine Beach property

A series of letters, titles, etc. regarding property at Brigantine Beach and involving the Brigantine Improvement co. and Woodruff Car Co. and Pullman Co.

Subject: ; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Correspondence



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