Images in the collection -- Subject Factory_Site

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"50" Pullman Art & Music Festival

Handout made for the "50" Pullman Art & Music Festival held at the Coop-Op, through out the town and at the Pullman Factory Site August 23, 2014.

Subject: ; Events_-_Other; Factory_Site; General/Misc.; Market_Hall; Regional; Format: Printed Materials - Other

"50" Pullman Art & Music Festival

Handout made for the "50" Pullman Art & Music Festival held at the Coop-Op, through out the town and at the Pullman Factory Site August 23, 2014.

Subject: ; Events_-_Other; Factory_Site; General/Misc.; Market_Hall; Regional; Format: Printed Materials - Other

$10 million expected for rebuilding tower

Article about Gov. Ryan releasing $10 million in Illinois First funds for reconstructing the Clocktower/Factory buildings.

Subject: Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Factory_Site; Administration_Building; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

A landmark up in smoke

Image of the Pullman factory burning the night of December 1, 1998.

Subject: Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Factory_Site; Administration_Building; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Administration Bldg

North Elevation, North FactoryWest Elevation. Black and white photograph, Post fire/pre-rebuild.

Subject: Factory_Site; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Administration_Building; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Administration Building

Subject: Pullman_Town; Factory_Site; Format: Artwork

Administration Building

View looking South

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Administration Building

Employee parking in front of north wing. Note South wing enlargment. Mid 1940s

Subject: Factory_Site; Administration_Building; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Administration Building

View of Chocktour about 1915. Note watchman at door, US Mail post box by street

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Administration Building

Color photo dated 12/30/2003 shows buidling during post-fire reconstruction.

Subject: Factory_Site; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Administration_Building; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Administration Building

Photograph copy from disc of Clock Tower at time of conversion into warehouse by Kasle Steel Corp. Undated.

Subject: Factory_Site; Administration_Building; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Administration Building

Color photograph of the front facade of the Administration Building at the Pullman Factory.

Subject: Factory_Site; Architecture; Administration_Building; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Administration Building

Showing the newly graded Cottage grove, picture was taken after Lake Visa was filled in (1903) but before South wing was demolished.

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Administration Building

Administration Building with parking area. 1940s

Subject: Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Administration Building

Clock Tower and with view of south wing enlarged to accomodate manufacturing larger train cars

Subject: Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Administration Building (South Elevation)

Black and white photograph of post fire/ pre-rebuild Administration Building.

Subject: Factory_Site; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Administration_Building; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Administration Building - Old Clock Tower

Poem extracted from Vol. 29, Issue 4 of Where the Trails Cross, Fall 1999

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Administration Building and Lake Vista

Looking North at the Administration Building with Allen Wheel Works and North Pullman in the distance.

Subject: Factory_Site; Administration_Building; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Administration Building and Lake Vista

View from south showing additional landscaping

Subject: Factory_Site; Pullman_Landscape_Design; Administration_Building; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Administration Building and Lake Vista

Sepia tone photographs (1 8x10 and 1 5x7 showing the Pullman factory and administration sections and part of Lake Vista as newly erected. (2)

Subject: Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Administration Building and Lake Vista

View showing completed landscaping with name "Pullman" in flowers.

Subject: Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Administration Building and Lake Vista

View from north showing two young girls on road by Lake.

Subject: Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Administration Building and Lake Vista

Closeup of Admin. Bldg and Lake Vista

Subject: Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Administration Building Triptych

Photos of building in 1910, 1990, 1998 after the fire.

Subject: Factory_Site; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Administration_Building; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Allen Paper Car Wheel Building

Ca 1890 George Pullman's only business partner at the factory site relocated from Ohio to anchor a proposed industrial park. Allen "Paper Wheels" were part of the smooth ride important to the stature of the Palace Cars. G. Pullman allowed the Allen Company to own it's land (not offered to anyone else) including two executive houses, one of which still stands.

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Allen Paper Car Wheel Works

Negative of Wheel Works with Executive Housing on left border. 108th Street in that area was know locally as the Allen Block or "allenbach"

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

American Gas Light Journal

Copies of four pages from various years and issues of American Gas Light Journal, referencing Pullman and the latest gas equipment available in the 1880's.

Subject: ; Factory_Site; Historic_Reference; Hotel_Florence_History; Pullman_Gas_Works; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

An Alternative Proposal For Stabilizing The Pullman Factory Complex

Report dated February 12, 1999, prepared by the Beman Committee of the Pullman Civic Organization proposing permanent rather than temporary repair of structures including cost and site plans.

Subject: Factory_Site; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Plans/_Reports/_Studys; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Format: Printed Materials - Other

An Economic Development Program For The Reuse Of Historic Buildings In Pullman

This report presents findings, analyses and conclusions regarding the market potential for various uses and buildings in Pullman, rehabilitation cost estimates, based upon conceptual design parameters analysis of financial feasibility and recommendations for implementing the reuse program.

Subject: Factory_Site; Hotel_Florence_--_Post_1975; Market_Hall; Plans/_Reports/_Studys; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Arcade Park

View looking north toward Hotel Florence. c1893.

Subject: Arcade_Park; Hotel_Florence_--_Exterior; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Arcade Park Christmas Card

1975, issued by The Northern Trust Company

Subject: Arcade_Park; Factory_Site; Hotel_Florence_--_Exterior; Pullman_Views; Format: Correspondence

Bird's Eye View from Water Tower Looking East

Framed and matted photograph showing the Pullman factory site, looking towards Lake Calumet and the Pullman lumber yard, with round house in background.

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Lake_Calumet; Factory_Site; Aerial_Views; Pullman_Water_Tower; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Bird's Eye View from Water Tower Looking North

Framed and matted photograph showing the Pullman factory site, part of the lumber yards, various buildings and the northern residential area.

Subject: Aerial_Views; Factory_Site; North_Pullman; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Birds Eye View from Water Tower Looking South

Framed and matted photograph showing the Pullman factory site, looking towards the Town of Pullman. Black and white. Undated.

Subject: Pullman_Water_Tower; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Company; Pullman_Company; Factory_Site; Aerial_Views; Administration_Building; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Blaze Destroys Pullman Factory

Pullman Factory Burns Article about trhe December 1, 1999 fire. Chicago Sun-Times, December 2, 1998.

Subject: ; Factory_Site; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Blaze guts Pullman landmark

Article about the Pullman factory fire in December, 1998.

Subject: Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Building 001 (Administration Building)

Photograph and floor plans c.1951.

Subject: ; Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Building 001 (Administration Building) Clocktower Area B Sheet 17

Slow burning construction and automatic sprinkling in the executive offices of the Chicago Plant 3rd floor lunchroom built in 1917 30,000 sq ft floor plan

Subject: Pullman_Standard_Car_Mfg_Company; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Building 002

Photograph and floor plans c.1951.

Subject: ; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Building 003

Photograph and floor plans c.1951.

Subject: ; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Building 004

Photograph and floor plans c.1951.

Subject: ; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Building 004, Area B, Sheet 20

Architectural drawing including cross section and floor plan of rear erecting shops adjacent to the transfer table. Used by U. S. Army for ordnance production.

Subject: World_War_II; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Building 005

Photograph and floor plans c.1951.

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Building 005, Area B

Architectural drawing of three story building, 65,000sf, former Wood Work Shops (per Doty Map, 1901).

Subject: Pullman_Standard_Car_Mfg_Company; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Building 006

Photograph and floor plans c.1951.

Subject: ; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Building 006, Area B, Sheet #22

Architectural drawing, three floors, 119,952sf, accessable by rail. Former Wood Machine Shops

Subject: Pullman_Standard_Car_Mfg_Company; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Building 007

Photograph and floor plans c.1951.

Subject: ; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Building 008

Photograph and floor plans c.1951.

Subject: ; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Building 010 Plan of Proposed Landscaping

Blueprint drawing of proposed landscaping plan for Building #10 of Pullman Standard Car Mfg. Co., Plant Engineering Dept.

Subject: Pullman_Standard_Car_Mfg_Company; Factory_Site; Format: Blueprint

Building 021 Area B Sheet 27

Architectural drawing of 12,000sf building of concrete and masonry construction.

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Building 022 and 023 Area B Steel 28

Architectural drawings of car painting buildings, 170,136sf.

Subject: Pullman_Standard_Car_Mfg_Company; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Building 042, 043, 044 of Area B

Pullman buildings adjacent to transfer table, totaling 88,500sf, masonry and wood construction

Subject: Factory_Site; Pullman_Standard_Car_Mfg_Company; Format: Artwork

Building 066 Area A Sheet 10

Architectural drawing of first-floor plan.

Subject: Factory_Site; Pullman_Standard_Car_Mfg_Company; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Building 100

Photograph of what is believed to be interior of Building 100 of the Pullman factory.

Subject: Pullman_Company; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Building 100 Blueprint

Blueprint of floor plan of Pullman Building #100, passenger steel car and machine shop. Date unknown.

Subject: Pullman_Standard_Car_Mfg_Company; Factory_Site; Format: Blueprint

Burned-out Pullman plant to be shored up

Newspaper article from Chicago Sun-Times, dated Thursday, April 8, 1999.

Subject: Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Factory_Site; Administration_Building; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Celebrating a railroad town

Article about the importance of the Pullman Factory and Hotel Florence and their place in the history of Chicago and Illinois.

Subject: Chicago_History; Factory_Site; Hotel_Florence_History; Illinois_History; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Chicago Landmarks Awards for Preservation Excellence Program

Program booklet from awards ceremony on September 4, 2008. Awards presented for both the Factory complex restoration and the Beman Committee's work in the Pullman Historic District.

Subject: Factory_Site; Pullman_Town; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Organizations_--_Other; Format: Printed Materials - Publications

Chicago's Historic Pullman District

Paperback book, 127 pages, Images of America series, with photographs and illustrations.

Subject: Pullman_Town; Pullman_People; Pullman_Company; Historic_Reference; Factory_Site; Corliss_Engine; Arcade_Building; Format: Printed Materials - Publications

Clock Tower, Pullman, Ill.

Tinted postcard of the Factory site, including the Administration Building, Water Tower, smokestack and landscaping. Manhattan Post Card Co. Chicago

Subject: Factory_Site; Administration_Building; Pullman_Water_Tower; Format: Postcard

Clocktower and Erection Shops at the Pullman Historic District

Color print.

Subject: Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Artwork

Clocktower Building Architectural Drawing

Drawing to scale by Charles Gregersen, showing the Pullman Administration Building and clock tower details. Framed.

Subject: ; Administration_Building; Architecture; Factory_Site; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Blueprint

Clocktower Print

Print of a drawing of the Pullman Administration/Clocktower Building

Subject: Administration_Building; Architecture; Factory_Site; Format: Artwork

Clocktower Print

Print of a drawing of the Pullman Administration/Clocktower Building

Subject: Administration_Building; Architecture; Factory_Site; Format: Artwork

Concept Development & Preliminary Feasibility for The Pullman State Historic Site

Photocopy of a presentation containing the following reuse options: Mixed commercial and history center, museum development and solely a commercial redevelopment.

Subject: Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Plans/_Reports/_Studys; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Constructing a Pullman Car

Copy of a photograph showing workers inside factory building constructing a train car. Undated but c. 1910.

Subject: Factory_Site; Pullman_Train_Cars; Pullman_Workers; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Contemporary Images of Pullman

Six photos of Pullman State Historic Site consisting of the Hotel Florence and Factory Site.

Subject: ; Factory_Site; Hotel_Florence_--_Exterior; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Corliss Engine

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Digital Object

Corliss Engine

Subject: Factory_Site; Corliss_Engine; Format: Digital Object

Corliss Engine

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Digital Object

Corliss Engine

Subject: Factory_Site; Corliss_Engine; Format: Digital Object

East Erecting Shop Detail

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

East Part of Factory Complex

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Emanuel basks in Obama's support during Chicago stop

Thank you page and article from the Journal Star in Peoria regarding the designation of the Pullman National Monument and President Obama's friendship with Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel.

Subject: ; Chicago_History; Factory_Site; Illinois_History; Pullman_(General); Pullman_and_Afro-Americans; Pullman_Labor_History; Pullman_Landmark; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Factory - View South 1883

View from top of factory toward Train Station, with curving paths.

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Factory Aerial view

View of Water Tower/Smoke Stack. 1950's?

Subject: Aerial_Views; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Factory and Lake Vista 1883

Early view looking north with natural landscape on east and manmade landscape on west.

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Factory Bay Under Construction

Historic image from a slide showing a section of factory bay under construction. Note figure standing on top of structural beams!

Subject: Factory_Site; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Factory Cart Pulling Three Wagons

Print of photograph taken at the Pullman Factory yards showing cart pulling three wagons loaded with boxes and equipment. Three employees in photo. Train Car Mineric in background.

Subject: Factory_Site; Pullman_Train_Cars; Pullman_Workers; Pullman_and_Afro-Americans; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Factory Clocktower and North Wing

Photographic negative showing the Pullman clocktower and North Wing behind metal fencing along Cottage Grove Avenue.

Subject: Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Pullman_Company; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Factory Complex


Subject: Factory_Site; Aerial_Views; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Factory Dispensary

Rare view of the Allen Wheel Works on the right. Neg # p.19239

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Factory Etching 1887

Erecting shops and offices shown in etching from 1887.

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Photographic Materials

Factory Gate

Photocopy of image of 111th Street (Florence Boulevard) entrance to the factory. Water tower and smokestack in the background.

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Factory Gate

Main Gate with McKinley Memorial Arch, 1901 honoring the slain President.

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Factory Gate

Looking north from the Hotel Florence at the factory gate with the Barrett landscaping and streetscape. Smoke stack and Water Tower in background.ca 1890's

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Factory Gate Detail

Close up deatail of the iron fence ca 1890's

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Factory Gate House 104th Street

Architectural drawiing of 1118sf time card racks, office at 104th Street east of Maryland, adjacent to Union Foundry and Packard Body Shops

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Factory Gate with Safety Flag

Safety flag at gate with sign "Keep safety flag flying today, an accedent will bring it down"

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Factory Images

Five photographic negatives of Pullman factory site taken by Paul Petratis, October 1976.

Subject: ; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Factory Images

Black and white photographs showing Transfer Table and rail lines between factory and Water Tower.

Subject: ; Factory_Site; Transfer_Table; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Factory in spotlight at last

Newspaper article from Chicago Sun-Times, dated Monday June 14, 1999.

Subject: ; Factory_Site; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Factory Interior

B/w photograph of a man burning wooden block flooring in disused Pullman shop building at 109th and Langley.

Subject: Pullman_Workers; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Factory Interior

Photocopy of photo in Chicago Historical Society collection of interior of Pullman building showing work area with lathes and templates.

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Factory Interior

Interior view of Pullman factory shop.

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Factory Post-Fire, Spring 1999

Photos showing damage to site and other photos of site

Subject: ; Factory_Site; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Factory Site

Pullman view looking north from the Arcade, showing left to right, Illinois Central RR tracks, Pullman Train Station, Lake Vista, Administrative Building, Water Tower and in lower righthand corner, Hotel Florence.

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Factory Site

Darkend area is Pullman Plant; this may have been for possible demolition of the site, although the factory was still occupied. Note in forgrownd Visitor's center not built yet, Langley and 111th street Train Station still standing, Gateway Park is a parking lot.

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Factory Site - Looking South from North End

Photograph copy showing very early factory site, looking south from north end. Arcade Building and Hotel Florence visible, as well as Corliss Engine Building on far left. Donald N. Horn Collection

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Factory site from across 111th Street

View taken from top of Hotel Florence, showing south end of site, landscaping, etc.

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Factory Site Images

Two unidentified early photographs of factory-site buildings.

Subject: ; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Factory View

Looking north from 111th Street. Lake Vista has been filled in and Cottage Grove extended south, but 1907 addition not yet built.

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Factory View from Hotel Florence

Copy of early photograph of factory site looking north from the Hotel Florence. Undated but pre-1900.

Subject: Pullman_Views; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Factory View from the Water Tower

Town of Pullman seen in the south east (Greenstone Church steeple on left, Clocktower in view, Hotel Florence in center) Roseland in distance on right with Holy Rosary and Elim churches.

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Factory Views

Eight photocopies of early images of the Pullman factory, probably very early 20th century. Source unknown.

Subject: ; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Factory Views

Photocopy images of ten views of Pullman factory, interior and exterior. Probably late 19th and/or early 20th century. Photocopies from the California State Railroad Museum, Sacramento, CA.

Subject: ; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Federal Funds To Help Complete Restoration

Article from the Calumet Index, March 3, 1971 describing restoration efforts in Pullman.

Subject: Architecture; Chicago_History; Factory_Site; General/Misc.; Greenstone_Church; Historic_Reference; Labor_History,_other; Market_Hall; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Labor_History; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Filling in Lake Vista

Workmen on temporary siding grade the man-made water feature (Lake Vista) once it is no longer necessary for cooling, and so the city can straighten Cottage Grove. Note the train station has been moved to the West side of the tracks. Also Elim church is in it's orrigimnal location, dating the photo to around 1903-04

Subject: Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Fire wrecks last Chicago Pullman plant building

Detroit Free Press newspaper article about fire at Pullman Clock tower complex.

Subject: Factory_Site; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Governor Thompson Announces Purchase

Proof sheet of photographs showing Governor Thompson announcing the purchase of the Hotel Florence and the Pullman Factory site. Taken at the Hotel Florence.

Subject: Factory_Site; Hotel_Florence_--_Post_1975; Hotel_Florence_History; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Harper's New Monthly Magazine

Page from Harper's New Monthly Magazine showing the Hotel Florence and Pullman Factory Site with inset map of Pullman from 1881.

Subject: Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Hotel_Florence_--_Exterior; Pullman_(General); Pullman_Views; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Harper's New Monthly Magazine

Page from Harper's New Monthly Magazine showing the Hotel Florence and Pullman Factory Site with inset map of Pullman from 1881.

Subject: Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Hotel_Florence_--_Exterior; Pullman_(General); Pullman_Views; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Homeless man accused in fire found not guilty

Article about the person responsible for setting the 1998 fire at the Pullman factory.

Subject: Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Hope Stirs in Ashes to Pullman Landmark

Article in Chicago Tribune, December 3, 1998, about the fire at the Pullman factory.

Subject: Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Factory_Site; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Hotel Florence


Subject: Factory_Site; Pullman_Town; Format: Digital Object

Hotel Florence Looking North

Looking from Arcade park to the Hotel, with the smokestack and watertower of the facory visable.

Subject: Factory_Site; Hotel_Florence_--_Exterior; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Icon of industry recovers from fire

Article from the Southtown Star newspaper, dated Monday, April 28, 2008. Subtitle: Pullman District: Visitors can explore historic factory neighborhoods.

Subject: Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Factory_Site; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Inside The Factory Gates

Subject: Factory_Site; Factory_Site; Format: Digital Object

Interesting Things About Pullman Past and Present

Series of articles written for the Pullman Flyer from 2005-2007, including anecdotal history of events and people in Pullman.

Subject: Architecture; Chicago_History; Factory_Site; Genealogy; General/Misc.; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_(General); Pullman_-_Post_1975; Pullman_Abroad; Pullman_Bank; Pullman_Company; Pullman_Family; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_People; Pullman_Standard_Car_Mfg_Company; Pullman_Town; Reference; Regional; Victorian_Era_-_general; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Interesting Things... 2000-2003

Series of essays and anecdotes relating to the social history of Pullman, for publication in the Pullman Flyer. Typed original and draft copies, some with photos and banner layout.

Subject: World_War_II; World_War_I; War_Memorial; Victorian_Era_-_general; The_Snow_Cruiser; Regional; Reference; Pullman_Water_Tower; Pullman_Train_Cars; Pullman_Town; Pullman_People; Pullman_Landscape_Design; Pullman_Labor_History; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Family; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Pullman_-_Post_1975; Pullman_(General); Organizations_--_Pullman_Improvement_Association; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Organizations_--_Other; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Memorials; Lake_Calumet; Labor_History,_other; Illinois_History; Hotel_Florence_History; Historic_Reference; General/Misc.; Factory_Site; Chicago_History; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Barrett,_Nathan_Franklin; Architecture; Arcade_Building; Administration_Building; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Lake Vista and Factory

Lake Vista in front of Pullman Administration Building. Probably about 1895, this view, created by combining two adjacent views by Wylie Dennison, was created in the Chicago Historical Society darkroom by Paul Petraitis.

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Layers of History, but an Uncertain Future

"Fresh efforts afoot to revitalize Chicago's Pullman area".

Subject: Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Pullman_(General); Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Negative of Pullman Smokestack Being Taken Down

1957 black & white negative of a factory smokestack being taken down.

Subject: Factory_Site; Historic_Reference; Photography_-_Misc._vintage; Pullman_Water_Tower; Reference; Format: Photographic Materials

New Clock Tower for Historic Pullman Site

Chicago Tribune newspaper article (original and copies) dated October 19, 2005 regarding installation of new Clock Tower. In photo are Norma Zarris, Sue James, Frank and Ingrid Beberdick, and two unknown people.

Subject: Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Factory_Site; Format: Printed Materials - Other

North Pullman Executive Houses

View from Lake Vista of housing near Allen Wheel Works (houses are gone now). Detail of another photo.

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Over 10,000 Petitioners Ask State and City Authorities to Rebuild Fire-Damaged Pullman Factory Buildins as Museum

Press release put out by the Historic Pullman Foundtion after the Pullman Factory Fire of Dec. 1, 1998.

Subject: Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Plans in Chicago to Restore the Pullman Factory Are Set Back After Fire

Article about the 1998 fire and plans to continue with restoration of buildings for the future.

Subject: Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Positioning Pullman - Collaborative Ideas Workshop

Brochure explaining a 3-day workshop held in Pullman National Monument, organized by the National Park Conservation Association and AIA Chicago. More information at www.positioningpullman.org.

Subject: ; Factory_Site; Organizations_--_Other; Plans/_Reports/_Studys; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Rail_Travel; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Preservation plan advances in Pullman

Article about permits approved to begin stabilization of the historic Pullman rail car factory after the 1998 fire.

Subject: Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Preservation task force members named

Copy of an article in the Metro section of the Chicago Sun-Times about the task force, created after the Pullman 1998 fire.

Subject: Factory_Site; Plans/_Reports/_Studys; Administration_Building; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Preserving Pullman-Historic District Becomes Illinois' First National Monument

Article in DePaul Magazine talks about the history of Pullman and it's new status as Pullman National Monument. Several Pullman residents (DePaul Professors and Alumni) are interviewed.

Subject: ; Chicago_History; Factory_Site; Pullman_(General); Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Proposal Has Money for Pullman

Article about state financing of Pullman reconstructon.

Subject: ; Factory_Site; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Prospectus, Pullman State Historic Site

Prospectus for the redevelopment of the factory site and other Pullman buildings.

Subject: Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Plans/_Reports/_Studys; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Pullman Area Near Landmark Status

Newspaper article clipped from Chicago Tribune, written by Stan Ziembe, January 1, 1970.

Subject: ; Architecture; Barrett,_Nathan_Franklin; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Chicago_History; Factory_Site; General/Misc.; Greenstone_Church; Historic_Reference; Hotel_Florence_History; Illinois_History; Labor_History,_other; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_(General); Pullman_Company; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Labor_History; Pullman_Town; Reference; Regional; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman Calendar 2007

A sample copy of a 12-month calendar created for the PSHS, with historic Pullman photographs.

Subject: Historic_Reference; Factory_Site; Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman Car Works

Photo and negative of east facade of Pullman Car Works by T. Yanul, October 1990. Clocktower bulding (1880) and original north wing (1880) are visible on the right. The south wing, which was enlarged in 1907, and be seen on the left.

Subject: Pullman_Views; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman Car Works Lake Vista in 1892

HR Koopman postcard showing Administration building and Lake Vista.

Subject: Factory_Site; Administration_Building; Format: Postcard

Pullman Clock Tower Fire Remembered - One Year Later

Flyer for presentation by Michael Wolski about the fire in 1998 at the Pullman Factory Site and progress in the restoration.

Subject: Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Pullman Clocktower/Admin Building with Lake Vista

Copy of a photograph showing the original 1881 Pullman Clocktower/Administration Building with north and south wings and Lake Vista om front.

Subject: Administration_Building; Architecture; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Factory_Site; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Standard_Car_Mfg_Company; Pullman_Train_Cars; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman ClockTower/Administration Building Postcard

Postcard created by the Historic Pullman Foundation showing the Clocktower/Admin Building in 1880.

Subject: Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Historic_Reference; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Pullman_Landscape_Design; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Postcard

Pullman Co. Reward Sign

Reward sign posted by the Pullman Company regarding information about theft of Pullman Company property. Framed in wood, painted dark green.

Subject: Pullman_Company; Factory_Site; Advertising; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Pullman Company Truck

Print of photograph showing The Pullman Company truck on the grounds of the Pullman Factory site, in front of Building #42.

Subject: Factory_Site; Pullman_Company; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman Company, Chicago, Rolling Mill


Subject: Factory_Site; Pullman_Company; Pullman_Train_Cars; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman Development Hopes Still Alive

Article about redevelopment at factory site after 1998 fire. From the Southeast Chicago Observer. undated.

Subject: Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman Facility Site Map

A copy of a Pullman facility site map from the early 1950's showing when certain factory buildings were being razed.

Subject: Pullman_Standard_Car_Mfg_Company; Pullman_Company; Historic_Reference; Factory_Site; Format: Map

Pullman Factory

B/W photo of Pullman Factory from 111th Street, with children and bicycles, late 1940s.

Subject: Pullman_Company; Factory_Site; Pullman_Views; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman Factory

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Artwork

Pullman Factory

Photocopy of photograph looking east from 111th Street. Pullman Press on the left. Gas House ahead. c1948

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman Factory and 1907 Addition pre-Fire

A proof sheet showing numerous interior and exterior images of the Pullman Clocktower Building and 1907 Addition building pre 1998 fire.

Subject: Pullman_-_Post_1975; Pullman_(General); Factory_Site; Administration_Building; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman Factory Fire

Proof sheet and negatives taken by Paul Petraitis on the day after the 1998 Factory Fire at the Clocktower.

Subject: Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Format: Photographic Materials

Pullman Factory Images, Chicago

Seven interior views of Pullman manufacturing facility in Chicago, c1920s.

Subject: ; Factory_Site; Pullman_Company; Pullman_Workers; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman Factory Postcard

Postcard showing the Pullman Car Works and Lake Vista in 1892.

Subject: Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Pullman_Landscape_Design; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Postcard

Pullman Factory Site Plan - State History Museum/Destination Cluster

Plan possibilities drawn up for the Factory site after the Clocktower fire.

Subject: Factory_Site; Administration_Building; Plans/_Reports/_Studys; Format: Map

Pullman Factory Task Force

Collection of materials concerning the development of the task force report; including meeting minutes, agenda, notes, and final report.

Subject: Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Plans/_Reports/_Studys; Factory_Site; Administration_Building; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman Factory Task Force

Collection of materials concerning the development of the task force report; including agendas, meeting minutes, notes, spreadsheets and letters.

Subject: Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Plans/_Reports/_Studys; Factory_Site; Administration_Building; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Pullman Factory Task Force

A collection of materials concerning the development of the task force report; including meeting minutes, agendas, notes, draft final report, research materials, etc.

Subject: Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Plans/_Reports/_Studys; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Pullman Factory Task Force Appendix I

Final report to Gov. George H. Ryan and Major Richard M. Daley dated June 28, 2000. Contents consist of meeting agendas and minutes, focus and community group summaries, interim and consultant reports.

Subject: Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Plans/_Reports/_Studys; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Pullman Factory Task Force, personal notebook

Earl Johnson's personal notebook containing materials related to the Pullman Factory Task Force efforts to develop the site such as meeting agendas, minutes, letters, announcements and mission statement.

Subject: Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Plans/_Reports/_Studys; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Pullman Factory View

Photo taken from Illinois Central (now Metra Electric) railroad tracks before the track was raised. Administration Building, water tower and smoke stack in view.

Subject: Pullman_Water_Tower; Pullman_Company; Factory_Site; Administration_Building; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman Factory Workers

HR Koopman photo "Pullman Gate Noon Hour".

Subject: Pullman_Workers; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman Factory Workers

Twenty-three workers posed inside a factory building. Men are surrounded by large equipment. Two men in front of the group in shirts and ties; perhaps formen or managers of some kind. Photograph number 19926.

Subject: Pullman_Workers; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman Factory Workers

Negative of Koopman postcard showing workers leaving factory site. Includes two female workers with parasols.

Subject: Pullman_Workers; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman Factory Workers

Three riveters working on a Pullman Car ca 1949; black and white men working together in the factory.

Subject: Pullman_Workers; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman Factory Workers

Pullman workers in front of erecting shops.

Subject: Pullman_Workers; Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman Factory Workers 1949

1949 view of Pullman workers

Subject: Factory_Site; Pullman_Workers; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman Factory Workers at Lunchtime

c1890. Workers leaving factory for lunch. Note factory workers in suits, vests and hats.

Subject: Factory_Site; Pullman_Workers; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman Factory Workers Leaving at Lunchtime

Photograph showing workers leaving through the Florence Blvd. (111th St.) gate at lunchtime.

Subject: Factory_Site; Pullman_Workers; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman factory would be perfect site for Obama library

Newspaper article from Chicago Sun-Times about the possibility of using the Pullman factory and Administration Building for a presidential library.

Subject: Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman factory, Medinah Temple on list of endangered historic sites

Copy of an article about the top 10 list of endangered sites put out by the Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois in 1999.

Subject: Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman Gas Works

Negative of photograph showing the Pullman Gas Works and Building. Photo is shown in reverse.

Subject: Factory_Site; Pullman_Gas_Works; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman Gate Noon Hour

HR Koopman postcard showing men leaving work from South gate at lunch time.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Factory_Site; Pullman_Workers; Format: Postcard

Pullman Gate Noon Hour

Photograph copy of postcard by Henry R. Koopman of Pullman Factory gates at noon with workers going to lunch. Shows gates on 111th St. (Florence Blvd.) Undated.

Subject: Pullman_Workers; Factory_Site; Format: Postcard

Pullman Gate Noon Hour

c1907. Looking north at 111th & St. Lawrence toward factory. Water tower in the distance. Pullman Company had no company cafeteria, approximately 5,000 workers would leave the factory.

Subject: Pullman_Workers; Factory_Site; Format: Postcard

Pullman Historic American Engineering Record

Copy of Haer report done by the National Park Service in 1976, with maps showing the factory site and town in 1886 and 1901.

Subject: Factory_Site; Historic_Reference; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Pullman_Town; Format: Map

Pullman Images

Clippings from various newspapers and magazines.

Subject: ; Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Greenstone_Church; Hotel_Florence_--_Exterior; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Landscape_Design; Pullman_Town; Pullman_Views; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman Images from Horn Collection

Collection of images of unidentified early Pullman train cars, train car interiors, the town of Pullman, view from Factory north roof, and cooks in train kitchen.

Subject: Aerial_Views; Factory_Site; Pullman_Town; Pullman_Train_Cars; Pullman_Workers; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman in Peril

Copy of an article about Pullman being named to the 10 most endangered list by Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois in 1999.

Subject: Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman Industrial Complex

Photocopy of map showing Pullman factory complex, Lake Vista, lumber yard, and Lake Calumet c. 1866

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Map

Pullman panel gets museum advice

Newspaper article regarding planned museum in the Pullman factory. Date unknown.

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman panel gets museum advice

Chicago Tribune newspaper article, undated.

Subject: Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Pullman_-_Post_1975; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Factory_Site; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman Parade of Men with Flags in Train Yard

Image shows men in suits with American flags parading next to a line of Pullman train cars along rail lines behind the Pullman factory.

Subject: Factory_Site; Pullman_People; Pullman_Train_Cars; Pullman_Workers; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman Proofsheet

Proofsheet showing images of Foreman's Row and Freight shops and Foundry with North Pullman being built in background.

Subject: Factory_Site; Pullman_Houses; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman Residents Regroup

Article regarding plans after 1998 factory fire.

Subject: Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Factory_Site; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman Salvage Effort Estimated at $2 Million

Article about salvaging factory buildings damaged in 1998 fire.

Subject: Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Factory_Site; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman sewer site endangered

University of Chicago warehouse project jeopardizes historic foundation and sewer reservoir from the Pullman Water Tower.

Subject: Factory_Site; Pullman_Water_Tower; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman Shops, Chicago

Koopman postcard showing the south end of the Pullman factory site with workers walking west across the Illinois Central Railroad tracks.

Subject: Pullman_Workers; Illinois_Central_Railroad; Factory_Site; Format: Postcard

Pullman Site Will Receive $10 Million

Copy of an article from the Chicago Tribune about the Illinois FIRST money from Gov. Ryan for the repair of the Administration Building after the 1998 fire.

Subject: Factory_Site; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Administration_Building; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman State Historic Site

Invitation to attend Governor Thompson's announcement about the purchase and development of the Pullman Historic Site.

Subject: Factory_Site; Hotel_Florence_--_Post_1975; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Pullman Trip With Robert Todd Lincoln And Other Notables

Subject: Factory_Site; Pullman_Rail_Travel; Format: Digital Object

Pullman Various Images

Collection of images of unidentified early Pullman train cars, train car interiors, the town of Pullman, view from Factory north roof, and cooks in train kitchen.

Subject: ; Aerial_Views; Factory_Site; Pullman_Town; Pullman_Train_Cars; Pullman_Workers; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman View

Photograph showing view of Pullman looking east from Illinois Central. Factory site with 1907 addition, Hotel Florence and Annex, 111th Street, Cottage Grove and Greenstone Church in view. Addition of the Annex would date the photograph to after 1914.

Subject: Factory_Site; Pullman_Views; Hotel_Florence_--_Exterior; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman's Future in Panel's Hands

Article about future preservation of factory after 1998 fire.

Subject: Factory_Site; Pullman_-_Post_1975; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Railyard Scene at Pullman

Print of photograph showing railyard behind Pullman Factory in Chicago; train car "Thistle" in background, foreground shows 3 men loading rails on rail cart with man in suit sitting on the edge.

Subject: Factory_Site; Pullman_Train_Cars; Pullman_Workers; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Ready to roll

Article about State Senate Minority Leader Emil Jones seeking funding for the restoration of the Pullman factory.

Subject: Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Rear Erecting Shops

Railroad tracks curving around rear erecting shops wih printed sign warning truck drivers.

Subject: Factory_Site; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Repairs aim to stabilize Pullman site

Newspaper article from Chicago Sun-Times, dated Saturday, May 16, 1999.

Subject: Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Factory_Site; Administration_Building; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Restoration of Pullman Slow-Going After Blaze

Article about restoration of Pullman site.

Subject: ; Factory_Site; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Rising from the ashes

Letter to the editor by Robert S. Fioretti, President of the Historic Pullman Foundation about how the press handled the 1998 factory fire.

Subject: Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Ryan releases Pullman repair funds

Article about Gov. Ryan releasing $10 million in Illinois First funds torepair the Pullman Works and Clock Tower.

Subject: Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Factory_Site; Administration_Building; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Ryerson buys part of Pullman plant

Article describing the purchase of the eastern portion of the Pullman Inc. rail plant by Joseph T. Ryerson & Son Inc. Ryerson is a subsidiary of Inland Steel Co.

Subject: Factory_Site; Pullman_-_Post_1975; Pullman_Company; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals



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