Images in the collection -- Subject Pullman Houses

11100 and St. Lawrence

c1885. View east along 111th from across Water (sic) Street (Watt), now St. Lawrence. Note open space where Annex would later be built and original porch on house on right side of the photograph. Executive houses are seen looking east, as is portion of the train station.

Subject: Pullman_Town; Pullman_Houses; Format: Photograph (all forms)

11107 Watt Avenue

Subject: Pullman_Houses; Format: Photograph (all forms)

111th Street, Looking East from Train Station


Subject: Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Views; Format: Artwork

11213 St. Lawrence Avenue

Wide-angle shot of part of east side of St. Lawrence before demolition of large porch. Original Smaller porch replaced about 1910.

Subject: Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Hospital; Format: Photograph (all forms)

11213 St. Lawrence Avenue

c1980. Former Pullman Hospital (1882-1925) with second porch which was built c1920. Porch shown was demolished shortly after this photo was taken. Roof and tower restored 2005.

Subject: Pullman_Houses; Format: Photograph (all forms)

112th & Watt Street

View south from Watt Avenue (St. Lawrence) at 112h Street. From Koopman's "postcard period" 1890-1905. One of the only known view of the west side of the 11200 block of St. Lawrence. Note "carriage rock" at corners on 112th Street.

Subject: Pullman_Views; Pullman_Houses; Format: Photograph (all forms)

113th And Champlain

Subject: Pullman_Houses; Format: Photographic Materials

300 Block of Pullman Avenue

Sepia tone copy of Post card of Pullman Avenue, looking south from 113th Street. Now known as Cottage Grove Avenue. c. 1893

Subject: Pullman_Houses; Format: Photograph (all forms)

300 Block Pullman Avenue

Original J. C. Ferrin postcard dated 4/5/04.

Subject: Pullman_Houses; Format: Postcard

647 E. 111th Street

View of original cricket field next to 647 E. 111th St. - 1910

Subject: Pullman_Houses; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Arcade Row House

c1910. East-most Arcade Row residence, once occupied by Chicago Mayor Hopkins during 1894 strike.

Subject: Pullman_Views; Pullman_Houses; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Arcade Row Houses

4x5 copy negative of T. S. Johnson gravure showing three story residental towhhouses on 112th Street. View SE towards Greenstone Church

Subject: Pullman_Houses; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Champlain Avenue - 11100 Block

Photograph showing north end of 11100 block of Champlain Avenue, east side of street. Good view of original Pullman fence.

Subject: Pullman_Houses; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Champlain Avenue - 11100 Block

Photograph showing north end of 11100 block of Champlain Avenue, west side of street. Good view of original Pullman fence.

Subject: Pullman_Houses; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Chicago Posters

Color photographs of major Chicago landmarks. Includes 2 pages on Pullman, one photomontage of Pullman neighborhood, one of Hotel Florence.

Subject: Pullman_Views; Pullman_Town; Pullman_Views; Pullman_Houses; Hotel_Florence_--_Exterior; Chicago_History; Architecture; Aerial_Views; Format: Printed Materials - Publications

Cottage Grove And 113th Street


Subject: Pullman_Houses; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Council adopts resolution by Adduci declaring Pullman be designated a city landmark

Newspaper article describing the landmarks resolution, and a brief history of Pullman.

Subject: Architecture; Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Labor_History; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Dentist, Dr. J. C. Downer

Possibly 11100 block of St. Lawrence, shows mixed use of homes after Pullman Company sold the buildings.

Subject: Pullman_Houses; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Door Hardware

Pair of doorknobs and hardware and five door plates. Eastlake in style, taken from his Pullman house.

Subject: Pullman_Houses; Format: Building Component

Executive House

Ivy-covred house, originally occupied by Duane Doty, town manager. This view shows the eastern-most 111th Street row house. Left to right, note original Pullman fence, rampant ivy.

Subject: Pullman_Houses; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Executive House

Recently restored Dr. McClean's House located on 111th and Champlain. Brick addition that served for years as a small restaurant was removed. Project won "Restoration of the Year Award".

Subject: Pullman_Houses; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Executive House

c1910. 111th and St. Lawrence Avenue. Known later as The Pullman Club, Session's Restaurant, and by other names, this unique, stand-alone building was purchased by Pullman Bank in 2004.

Subject: Pullman_Houses; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Executive Houses

Southeast corner of 111th and Champlain c1883. 5x7 copy of negative P39698 suggests it was copied in the 1930s or 1940s from the original. Note maid looking out front door, wooden sidewalks.

Subject: Pullman_Houses; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Federal Funds To Help Complete Restoration

Article from the Calumet Index, March 3, 1971 describing restoration efforts in Pullman.

Subject: Architecture; Chicago_History; Factory_Site; General/Misc.; Greenstone_Church; Historic_Reference; Labor_History,_other; Market_Hall; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Labor_History; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Florence Blvd. at Champlain Ave. Executive Homes

Photograph showing Executive homes along 111th St. Undated.

Subject: Pullman_Houses; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Florence Boulevard East of Watt Avenue

Photograph of corner of what is now 111th St. and St. Lawrence Avenue in Pullman.

Subject: Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Views; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Foreman's Row

Negative showing photograph of Pullman Foreman's Row of houses, early 1880s with much of North? Pullman still under construction.

Subject: North_Pullman; Pullman_Houses; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Forrestville Ave. looking north of 113th St.

Early image showing Forrestville Ave. with commercial buildings on west side and the Arcade Building in the background. Note smoke stack on left...a laundry was once located here.

Subject: Arcade_Building; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Town; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Forrestville Ave. looking north of 113th St.

Early image showing Forrestville Ave. with commercial buildings on west side and the Arcade Building in the background. Note smoke stack on left...a laundry was once located here.

Subject: Arcade_Building; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Town; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Garden Walk 2008 Book

Book created as a gift for the Garden owners who participated in Garden Walk 2008. Created by Tony Dzik

Subject: Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Garden_Club; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Landscape_Design; Format: Printed Materials - Publications

Glass Bottle Collection

Collection of 13 glass bottles found in Pullman house basement in 2006.

Subject: Pullman_Houses; Format: Household Accessory

Historic Preservation

Volume 22, No. 2, April-June 1970, with Pullman article.

Subject: ; Pullman_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Town; Pullman_Views; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Historic Pullman

Article from The Chicago Rehabber, April/May 1981.

Subject: ; Pullman_(General); Pullman_Houses; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Historic Pullman Foundation Candlelight House Walk Ticket

Brochure/Ticket with event info and tour stops listed.

Subject: Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_People; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Historic Pullman Garden Club 12th Annual Garden Walk Flyer

Flyer advertising the Garden Walk on Saturday, June 17, 2006.

Subject: Pullman_Landscape_Design; Pullman_Houses; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Garden_Club; Hotel_Florence_--_Exterior; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Historic Pullman Garden Club 14th Annual Garden Walk Poster

Advertising poster for the 14th Annual Garden Walk, 2008.

Subject: Pullman_Landscape_Design; Pullman_Houses; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Garden_Club; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Historic Pullman Garden Club 14th Annual Garden Walk Ticket Booklet and Flyer

Flyer and Booklet with information on open gardens for 14th Annual Walk on Saturday June 15, 2008.

Subject: ; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Garden_Club; Pullman_Houses; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Historic Pullman recalls the flavor of the 19th centruy

Copy of an article about the historic housing market in Pullman, pros and market values.

Subject: Greenstone_Church; Pullman_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Schools; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

House Interior

Subject: Pullman_People; Pullman_Houses; Format: Photograph (all forms)

House Plans Of Pullman

Subject: Pullman_Houses; Format: Photograph (all forms)

House Tour 2008 Poster

Poster for the 2008 Historic Pullman House Tour.

Subject: Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Town; House_Tour; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

House Tour 2008 Ticket Brochure

Brochure with houses and map for 2008 Pullman House Tour.

Subject: Pullman_Town; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Garden_Club; Pullman_Houses; House_Tour; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

House Tour 2012 Plaque

Wooden and brass plaque given to homeowners for participation in Annual House Tour Event.

Subject: Pullman_People; Pullman_Houses; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; House_Tour; Format: Commemorative Plaque

Houses for Pullman Palace Car Company

Houses for Pullman Palace Car Company. Photograph of "office original" architectural drawing. Sheet G, Block R (the south side of 113th east of Cottage Grove) showing north elevation of house at 11301 South Cottage Grove and brick wall extending each to arch over alley. This is the only architectural drawing of a Beman-designed arch - several were built in Pullman over alleys between Champlain and Langley on 112th. The City of Chicago demolished three arches in the 1960s when new large garbage trucks came into use. This is a "working drawing" with windown dimentions.

Subject: Pullman_Houses; Format: Photographic Materials

Interesting Things... 2000-2003

Series of essays and anecdotes relating to the social history of Pullman, for publication in the Pullman Flyer. Typed original and draft copies, some with photos and banner layout.

Subject: World_War_II; World_War_I; War_Memorial; Victorian_Era_-_general; The_Snow_Cruiser; Regional; Reference; Pullman_Water_Tower; Pullman_Train_Cars; Pullman_Town; Pullman_People; Pullman_Landscape_Design; Pullman_Labor_History; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Family; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Pullman_-_Post_1975; Pullman_(General); Organizations_--_Pullman_Improvement_Association; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Organizations_--_Other; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Memorials; Lake_Calumet; Labor_History,_other; Illinois_History; Hotel_Florence_History; Historic_Reference; General/Misc.; Factory_Site; Chicago_History; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Barrett,_Nathan_Franklin; Architecture; Arcade_Building; Administration_Building; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Interior of House 1980s

Interior shown mid-1980s.

Subject: Pullman_Houses; Pullman_-_Post_1975; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Langley Avenue & 113th Street

Copy of color photograph c. 1968 of Langley Avenue at 113th Street showing streetscape.

Subject: Pullman_Houses; Format: Photograph (all forms)

North Pullman

HR Koopman postcard showing Erickson (now Maryland) Avenue at 104th Street. Three children in playing in front.

Subject: Pullman_Houses; North_Pullman; Format: Postcard

Outdoor Illinois

February, 1975 issue with 21-page article on Pullman. Full record available for viewing at the Bertha Ludlam Reading Room in the Hotel Florence.

Subject: Pullman_Workers; Pullman_Views; Pullman_Train_Cars; Pullman_Town; Pullman_Rail_Travel; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Labor_History; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

People On The Front Porch On Champlain Avenue

Subject: Pullman_People; Pullman_Houses; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Photos - Unknown Pullman subjects

A collection of various interior and exterior photographs of people and places around Pullman, including negatives and prints. Photographs of new Pullman Bank ribbon cutting.

Subject: ; Bob's_Sugar_Bowl; Hotel_Florence_--_Exterior; Hotel_Florence_--_Interior; Pullman_Bank; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_People; Pullman_Town; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Preservation of 11109 St. Lawrence

Letter to Frank Beberdick from Gary Frost regarding his plans to restore and reuse property located at 11109 St. Lawrence. Includes an illustration of the property.

Subject: ; Pullman_Houses; Format: Printed Materials - Other


Excerpt from the Chicago Neighborhhods section of the Chicago House Hunt Book

Subject: Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman and his 'perfect' town

Newspaper article describing George M. Pullman's social experiment with the town of Pullman.

Subject: Chicago_History; Churches_-_Roseland,_Pullman; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Lake_Calumet; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Labor_History; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Town; Pullman_Workers; The_Stables; Format: Printed Materials - Publications

Pullman Area Near Landmark Status

Newspaper article clipped from Chicago Tribune, written by Stan Ziembe, January 1, 1970.

Subject: ; Architecture; Barrett,_Nathan_Franklin; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Chicago_History; Factory_Site; General/Misc.; Greenstone_Church; Historic_Reference; Hotel_Florence_History; Illinois_History; Labor_History,_other; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_(General); Pullman_Company; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Labor_History; Pullman_Town; Reference; Regional; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman Beautiful (Nice Things About Pullman Past and Present)

Typed original. Topic: the Dr. John McLean house.

Subject: Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Pullman_Company; Pullman_Hospital; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_People; Pullman_Workers; Victorian_Era_-_general; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman Beautiful (Nice Things About Pullman Past and Present)

Typed and hand-notated original article; topic is John Erstman and the origins of the Beman Committee of the PUllman Civic Organization.

Subject: ; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Historic_Reference; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_People; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman Civic Organization Membership Cards

Collection of membership cards from the Pullman Civic Organization from March of 1983 through March of 1985. Contains names and addresses of Pullman residents.

Subject: Pullman_People; Pullman_Houses; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Pullman Hinge and Lock Pieces

19th century Eastlake design hinge and lock pieces from Pullman building.

Subject: Historic_Reference; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_Houses; Format: Building Component

Pullman homes more modern than looks

Article about Pullman House tour and how people have restored the historic homes.

Subject: Pullman_Houses; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; House_Tour; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman Housing Famous

Newspaper clipping, unknown publication or date.

Subject: Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman Images

40 photographic slides showing various images in Pullman: Market square, interior and exterior of Greenstone Church, Hotel Florence interior and exterior and street views. Photos were taken in late 1970s and early 1980s.

Subject: Pullman_Views; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_-_Post_1975; Hotel_Florence_--_Interior; Hotel_Florence_--_Exterior; Greenstone_Church; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman Images

Clippings from various newspapers and magazines.

Subject: ; Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Greenstone_Church; Hotel_Florence_--_Exterior; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Landscape_Design; Pullman_Town; Pullman_Views; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman opening doors to history - and to you

Newspaper article published October 10, 1974 in the Chicago Tribune. Describes the first Pullman House Tour.

Subject: Architecture; Barrett,_Nathan_Franklin; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; House_Tour; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman Proofsheet

Proofsheet showing images of Foreman's Row and Freight shops and Foundry with North Pullman being built in background.

Subject: Factory_Site; Pullman_Houses; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman Scrapbook

20-page, unbound personal scrapbook of photos of Pullman, past and current, including meetings, neighborhood events, visiting dignitaries, and historic images. Full record available for viewing in the Ludlam Reading Room at the Hotel Florence. Images range in date from the 1950s to the 1970s.

Subject: ; Pullman_(General); Pullman_Family; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_People; Pullman_Schools; Pullman_Town; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman Village and Beverly Hills-Morgan Park

B/W copy of article from "Guide to Chicago Neighborhoods", 1981. Includes map and photos, descriptions of principal buildings, handwritten notes. 8 pages.

Subject: Architecture; Catalogs/Reprints; Chicago_History; Greenstone_Church; Historic_Reference; Hotel_Florence_--_Exterior; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Town; Regional; Format: Printed Materials - Publications

Pullman's friends speak up for town

Newspaper article describes hearing by the Chicago Landmarks Commission to grant status to Pullman.

Subject: Chicago_History; Greenstone_Church; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman: A Social Study

Copy of an article appearing in Harper's New Monthly Magazine, 1889.

Subject: Pullman_Views; Pullman_Stables; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Building; Pullman_Bank; Pullman_Labor_History; Market_Hall; Hotel_Florence_--_Exterior; Greenstone_Church; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Architecture; Arcade_Theatre; Arcade_Shops; Arcade_Park; Arcade_Library; Arcade_Building; Format: Printed Materials - Publications

Real Estate Ad for Pullman Building

Sales ad for sale of Market Circle Colonnade Building, undated.

Subject: Pullman_Town; Pullman_Houses; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Recommend Pullman Landmark Status

Newspaper article from the August 13, 1972 South End Reporter; describes recommendation by Chicago Landmarks Commission to City Council.

Subject: Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Labor_History,_other; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Roseland-Pullman The Golden Years Vol. 1 and Vol. 2

In the early 1980s, a group of five area individuals decided to publish a book of images of Roseland and Pullman spanning from the late 19th to the mid-20th century. The members of this committee were Mario Avignone, Bette Kooistra, Ron Nietupski, Paul Petraitis and Bill Stachmus. More than 150 contributors provided photographs of family, neighbors, events, streetscapes, school photos, sports images, area businesses, etc. In addition to the hundreds of images in each book, Volume 1 contains a history of Roseland by Paul Petraitis and a history of Pullman by Mario Avignone. Volume 2 contains an essay "A View of Things Past: Community Life Along 115th Street" by Paul Petraitis. Each volume is soft cover and 100+ pages. Included in this record is some miscellaneous correspondence, newspaper clippings, and a 7-page list of many of the fraternal, church groups, clubs, etc. that existed in Roseland showing the year each was founded. Full record available for viewing at the Bertha Ludlum Reading Room in the Hotel Florence.

Subject: ; Administration_Building; Greenstone_Church; Hotel_Florence_--_Exterior; Pullman_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_People; Pullman_Schools; Pullman_Town; Pullman_Views; Roseland_Community; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Row house restoration

Article detailing restoration of one Pullman house by resident Mike Wolski.

Subject: Pullman_Building; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_People; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

S.S. Sessions House

A collection of 22 images of the S. S. Sessions House on 111th Street, after occupancy as Mercks Restaurant. Taken in 2001.

Subject: Pullman_Houses; Format: Photograph (all forms)


Red three-ring binder consisting of photographs, newspaper clippings, magazine articles,etc. about Pullman and items relating to Pullman.

Subject: Chicago_History; General/Misc.; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Organizations_--_Other; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Photography_-_Misc._vintage; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_People; Pullman_Town; Reference; Regional; Roseland_Community; Format: Photographic Materials

Session's House

Photocopy of Session's house on 111th Street (Florence Boulevard).

Subject: Pullman_Houses; Format: Photograph (all forms)

South Pullman CompanyTown Eyed as Landmark

Newspaper article from Chicago Tribune, 1972, relating to city landmark status. Describes other neighborhoods under consideration.

Subject: Barrett,_Nathan_Franklin; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Labor_History,_other; Plans/_Reports/_Studys; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Steps Being Taken to Preserve Pullman Area

Article describes the formation of the Beman Committee to acquire Landmarks status for Pullman.

Subject: Architecture; Barrett,_Nathan_Franklin; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Chicago_History; Greenstone_Church; Historic_Reference; Hotel_Florence_--_Exterior; Illinois_History; Market_Hall; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_People; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

The Action Line

Newspaper column with reader questions about Pullman.

Subject: Architecture; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Chicago_History; Factory_Site; Historic_Reference; Pullman_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Tour To Feature First Stop at Pullman School

Article about House Tour Weekend in Pullman for 2015.

Subject: Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Schools; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Touring Pullman

Tour guide booklet produced in 1972.

Subject: Chicago_History; Greenstone_Church; Historic_Reference; Hotel_Florence_History; House_Tour; Market_Hall; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Pullman_(General); Pullman_Hospital; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Landscape_Design; Pullman_Schools; Pullman_Town; Pullman_Water_Tower; The_Stables; Format: Printed Materials - Publications

Touring Pullman brochure

Booklet, "Touring Pullman"

Subject: Architecture; Barrett,_Nathan_Franklin; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Hotel_Florence_History; House_Tour; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Landscape_Design; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials - Publications

Town of Pullman

Booklet compiled by Michael Wolski from prints at the AIC Burnham & Ryerson Library, showing row house drawings and floor plans for 11300-04 Forrestville Ave. and 13301-05 Cottage Grove Ave., plus details.

Subject: Architecture; Barrett,_Nathan_Franklin; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Types of Pullman Homes

Copy of line drawing from portfolio of Pullman house designs, showing two types of cottages. 1st and 2nd floor plans are shown. Plate 2, Drawing NO. 104

Subject: Pullman_Houses; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Walking Tour SLated for Historic Pullman, "The City of Bricks"

Typed original; press release for early tour of Pullman.

Subject: Architecture; House_Tour; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials - Publications

Watt Ave. 111 St. S. Pullman

HR Koopman postcard showing Watt Avenue (now St. Lawrence) looking south from 111th Street. A woman is walking south and several men are sitting on the curb.

Subject: Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Views; Format: Postcard



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