"50" Pullman Art & Music FestivalHandout made for the "50" Pullman Art & Music Festival held at the Coop-Op, through out the town and at the Pullman Factory Site August 23, 2014. Subject: ; Events_-_Other; Factory_Site; General/Misc.; Market_Hall; Regional; Format: Printed Materials - Other |
"50" Pullman Art & Music FestivalHandout made for the "50" Pullman Art & Music Festival held at the Coop-Op, through out the town and at the Pullman Factory Site August 23, 2014. Subject: ; Events_-_Other; Factory_Site; General/Misc.; Market_Hall; Regional; Format: Printed Materials - Other |
$200,000 grant to fund work at Market HallPhotocopy of article from Daily Southtown, December 10, 1998. Subject: Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Market_Hall; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
An Economic Development Program For The Reuse Of Historic Buildings In PullmanThis report presents findings, analyses and conclusions regarding the market potential for various uses and buildings in Pullman, rehabilitation cost estimates, based upon conceptual design parameters analysis of financial feasibility and recommendations for implementing the reuse program. Subject: Factory_Site; Hotel_Florence_--_Post_1975; Market_Hall; Plans/_Reports/_Studys; Format: Printed Materials - Other |
Cross Section of Stairway, New Market HallPhotographic copy of original plans by S.S. Beman for construction of stairway on 1893 Market Hall building. Donald N. Horn Collection. Subject: Market_Hall; Format: Printed Materials - Other |
Federal Funds To Help Complete RestorationArticle from the Calumet Index, March 3, 1971 describing restoration efforts in Pullman. Subject: Architecture; Chicago_History; Factory_Site; General/Misc.; Greenstone_Church; Historic_Reference; Labor_History,_other; Market_Hall; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Labor_History; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Grant approved for Pullman siteArticle about the $1.1 million approved from Illinois First funding for rebuilding the Market Hall. Subject: Market_Hall; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Historic Pullman DistrictTwo copies of report published by Historic Pullman Foundation regarding plans to restore buildings in Pullman, including Market Hall and Hotel Florence, with projected costs. Full record available for viewing at the Bertha Ludlum Reading Room in the Hotel Florence. Subject: Market_Hall; Format: Printed Materials - Publications |
Letter from 2nd Asst. Auditor to George PullmanLetter informing Mr. Pullman the applying the Warren Webster system to the Town heating pipes will tear up roadway around new Market Hall. Subject: Market_Hall; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials - Other |
Market HallOriginal Market Hall, built in 1881. Destroyed by fire in 1892. Contained food store, offices and a meeting hall. All fresh food had to be sold only at this location to ensure sanitary conditions. Sign in front of building advertised "April 28" event. Subject: Pullman_Town; Market_Hall; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Market HallCopy of photo of first Market Hall which burned down in 1892. Subject: Market_Hall; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Market HallSecond Market Hall, built pre-1893 after fire destroyed the original building. At the same time, the collanaded apartment buildings and residences were built which are also shown in the photograph. Subject: Market_Hall; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Market HallDetail of photo showing boys playing in front of the original Market Hall. Only known view of the hall from Champlain Street. Subject: Market_Hall; Pullman_Town; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Market HallCross Section New Market Hall, Sheet #4, S. S. Beman Architect. Photographic copy of original architectural drawing from the office of Solon S. Beman, Architect, showing details of New Market Hall building construction. Subject: Market_Hall; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Market Hallc1950s Subject: Market_Hall; Format: Printed Materials - Other |
Market HallPostcard of original 1881 Market Hall, published by J. C. Ferrin. Subject: Market_Hall; Format: Postcard |
Market Hall 1892-93Photograph of second Market Hall as it appeared after completion in 1893. Subject: Pullman_Town; Market_Hall; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Market Hall 1955Market Hall shops, 1955. Subject: Market_Hall; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Market Hall 1961Market Hall stores, 1961. Subject: Market_Hall; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Market Hall Assessment Report1992 report prepared by the National Park Service regarding condition of Market Hall, owned by the Historic Pullman Foundation. Full record available for viewing at the Bertha Ludlum Reading Room at the Hotel Florence. Subject: Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Market_Hall; Format: Printed Materials - Publications |
Market Hall BurnsFront-page of The Calumet Index, December 19, 1973 showing the fire at Market Hall. Subject: Market_Hall; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Market Hall c2000Series of approximately 36 photographs taken around 2000(?), before roof removed and basement excavated. Images of interior and exterior. Subject: ; Market_Hall; Pullman_-_Post_1975; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Market Hall MagnetReproduction of Market Hall (Circa 1892) as a magnet. Molded rubber in color. Subject: Market_Hall; Format: Magnets |
Market Hall Meat MarketCopy of photograph of the meat market in Market Hall, original in the collection of the Newberry Library. No reproduction rights. Subject: Market_Hall; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Market Hall PlansCopies of microfilm plans by Solon S. Beman, 4 photos to a sheet Subject: ; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Market_Hall; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Market Hall PlansSubject: Market_Hall; Format: Map |
Market Hall Revovations$200,000 to Fund Renovations at Market Hall Subject: Market_Hall; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Market Hall Souvenir DishSmall china dish, probably sold as a souvenir, brown transfer print of Market Building and Arcade apartments with pink flowers around edge. Perhaps used as a ring dish. Subject: Pullman_Town; Market_Hall; Format: Household Accessory |
Market Hall TavernAluminum token stamped on one side "Market Hall Tavern, 630 E. 112th St." and on the other side "Good for 10c In Trade". Subject: ; Market_Hall; Format: Other Ephemera |
Market Hall, Overview Stability AssessmentPhotocopy of Historic Pullman Foundation Study Report on stability assessment and recommendations to enhance the continued preservation of Market Hall in the Pullman Neighborhood. Subject: Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Market_Hall; Format: Printed Materials - Other |
Pullman hall set to take road to renewalNewspaper article about development plans for Market Hall. Subject: ; Market_Hall; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman hall set to take road to renewalNewspaper article from Chicago Tribune Metro Section Subject: ; Market_Hall; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Market HallA Study prepared by the Pullman Architectural and Planning Committee in 1993. Subject: Market_Hall; Format: Printed Materials - Publications |
Pullman Market Hall and Market Circle Community Assistance PanelDraft of a report on behalf of the Historic Pullman Foundation and the Pullman Civic Organization prepared by a panel of nineteen Chicago professionals on redevelopment of the Market Hall in the historic community of Pullman. Subject: Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Market_Hall; Format: Printed Materials - Other |
Pullman MarkethallPhotograph of Beman's original Pullman Markethall, built 1881. Burned down 1891. Subject: Market_Hall; Pullman_Town; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Pullman: A Social StudyCopy of an article appearing in Harper's New Monthly Magazine, 1889. Subject: Pullman_Views; Pullman_Stables; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Building; Pullman_Bank; Pullman_Labor_History; Market_Hall; Hotel_Florence_--_Exterior; Greenstone_Church; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Architecture; Arcade_Theatre; Arcade_Shops; Arcade_Park; Arcade_Library; Arcade_Building; Format: Printed Materials - Publications |
Stables and Arcade RowEarly photo, prior to 1892, of the Stables building, Arcade row. Note first Market Hall and Greenstone Church in background, and original tower on the stable on right. Subject: The_Stables; Pullman_Town; Arcade_Building; Market_Hall; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
State grant to restore Market Hall"With $1.1million from Illinois First and work scheduled to begin October, the burned-out Pullman building will become usable for the first time since 1973"...note images in the article are NOT of the Market Hall. Subject: Market_Hall; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Steps Being Taken to Preserve Pullman AreaArticle describes the formation of the Beman Committee to acquire Landmarks status for Pullman. Subject: Architecture; Barrett,_Nathan_Franklin; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Chicago_History; Greenstone_Church; Historic_Reference; Hotel_Florence_--_Exterior; Illinois_History; Market_Hall; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_People; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
The Broadhead Meat MarketBusiness located in the Market Hall, late 19th century. Subject: Market_Hall; Format: Photographic Materials |
The Town of Pullman18-page typed reference guide. The Town of Pullman section compiled by Carol Tome. Hotel Florence section compiled by Martha Brislen. Corliss Engine section compiled by Frank Beberdick. Full record available for viewing at the Bertha Ludlam Reading Room in the Hotel Florence. Subject: Arcade_Building; Barrett,_Nathan_Franklin; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Corliss_Engine; Greenstone_Church; Hotel_Florence_History; Market_Hall; Pullman_Company; Pullman_Workers; Format: Printed Materials - Other |
Touring PullmanTour guide booklet produced in 1972. Subject: Chicago_History; Greenstone_Church; Historic_Reference; Hotel_Florence_History; House_Tour; Market_Hall; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Pullman_(General); Pullman_Hospital; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Landscape_Design; Pullman_Schools; Pullman_Town; Pullman_Water_Tower; The_Stables; Format: Printed Materials - Publications |