Images in the collection -- Subject Koopman, Henry Ralph and family

111th and Watt

HR Koopman postcard showing east side of Watt Avenue (now St. Lawrence) looking south with men sitting on curb.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Pullman_Views; Format: Postcard

113th and Cottage Grove Avenue

Koopman postcard showing Cottage Grove at 113th Street looking south.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Pullman_Views; Format: Postcard

A Frosty Morning

Tinted Koopman postcard showing view of 111th Street and South Park (now King Drive), 1910.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Admiring Nature's Wonders

Koopman stereocard "Admiring Nature's Wonders".

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

All Intersted! In What?

HR Koopman stereocard entitled "All Interested? In What? showing a large group of adults and children in a wooded park setting. Sign on the building reads "Assembly Hall". Perhaps a religous event?

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

All on Board

Black and white HR Koopman stereocard showing a train with passenger and baggage cars sitting at a station. Passengers are on the train and conductors standing outside.

Subject: Rail_Travel_-_Other; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Base Ball Grouna's

Stereocard showing people on a train platform and in adjacent wooded park.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Boat House and R.R. Bridge

HR Koopman stereo card showing people along a lake front, in rowboats and walking. Unknown location.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Christian Reformed Church

HR Koopman postcard of church located at 106th & Perry Avenue.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Roseland_Community; Format: Postcard

Curtis & 112th Street

HR Koopman postcard showing Curtis at 112th Street looking south, 1903.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Roseland_Community; Format: Postcard

First Christian Church

HR Koopman stereograph of 1st Christian Church at 111th and State Streets.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Roseland_Community; Format: Photograph (all forms)

First Reformed Church of Roseland

Photograph attach to typed description: 108th and Michigan where Katie Madderom and Henry R. Koopman II were married on April 12, 1888. Subsequently their children Marie G. and Harry (HR III) were baptized here.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Roseland_Community; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Fountain and River

HR Koopman stereocard showing young girl standing in wooded park with other people seated and standing along the riverbank.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

GAR Article

Article from unknown newspaper about the GAR, Grand Amry of the Republic. Handwritten note by Marie Koopman Rowland about Roseland businessman, John Madderom.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

George W. Curtis School

Black and white HR Koopman photograph of Curtis School, 114th Place and State Street High School Deptmt., Roseland Chicago. School children outside.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Hotel Florence c1900

Black and white photo of Hotel Florence c1900 by H. R. Koopman

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Hotel_Florence_--_Exterior; Format: Postcard

Hotel Florence, Pullman

HR Koopman postcard showing Hotel Florence.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Hotel_Florence_--_Exterior; Format: Postcard

Hotel Florence, Pullman

HR Koopman black and white postcard showing the Hotel Florence.

Subject: Hotel_Florence_--_Exterior; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Illinois Central Conductor

Postcard of formal portrait of an Illinois Central Railroad conductor in uniform.

Subject: Illinois_Central_Railroad; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Infant Class of S., S.

HR Koopman streocard showing a large group of adults and children assembled in a wooded park setting.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)


Koopman postcard showing Front Street in Kensington from the Illinois Central RR tracks looking west. Note in pencil on reverse of one of the postcards indicates date of 1905.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Kensington; Format: Postcard

Kensington Av. Looking East

Stereo card showing group of people. View is looking east from Michigan Avenue. 1900

Subject: Kensington; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Kensington Transfer

Kensington streetcar transfer at Michigan Avenue & 115th Streets. 1903.

Subject: Kensington; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Koopman - A Quiet Corner

Koopman stereo card "A Quiet Corner".

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Koopman - A Valentine for George

Photograph of a young girl, perhaps Marie Koopman. An inspription on the back of the photo "A Valentine for George".

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Koopman - Four portraits of Marie Koopman 1897

Roseland Historian Marie Koopman Rowlands (1889-1970) at age 8 and 9 Photagraphed in father's studio, 3rd floor 11106 S. Michigan Ave

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Koopman - H R Koopman I Portrait

The Reverand Henry Ralph Koopman I photographed in Holland prior to his emmigration to the U.S. in 1860. Koopman preached in South Holland, Roseland, Steamboat Rock (Wisconsin) and lastley in Patterson NJ. He died in 1884. After Reverand Koopman's death the family relocated to Pella, Iowa except Henry II, who, having learned photography, returned to his boyhood home (1860-68) of Roseland and set up a photo studio. He was soon joined by his brother George.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Koopman - H. R. Koopman I Portrait 1881

Photograph of H. R. Koopman I, three years before his death in 1884. Likely his last portrait.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Koopman - Interior J Madderom Residence

Stereo card by Koopman of his future in-laws sitting in their parlor in the house in Roseland. Koopman married Katie (right forground) the following year.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Koopman - Long May She Wave

Patriotic scene (with painted in flag!) of the photographer's children (Harry and Marie) with parade drum and flag pole.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Koopman - Luncheon Time

HR Koopman stereocard "Luncheon Time" showing a group of adults and children in a wooded park setting.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Koopman - Marie Koopman Twin Portraits

Marie Koopman Rowlands, Roseland historian (1889 - 1970) at age 8. Photographed by her father, Henry R. Koopman II. In 1949, Marie wrote "Down an Indian Trail" a history of Roseland.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Koopman - Our Beautiful Flag

Patriotic image with Koopman's children, Marie and Henry III. Marie is holding a very large infurled American flag while Henry sits on the floor looking up at Marie and the flag. There is a smaller round inset image of Marie and Henry.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Koopman - Peter Dalenberg Portrait c1885

Photo of Peter Dalenberg who came to settle in Roseland (aka High Prairie) with 11 other families in June of 1849. Note pierced ear. Probably photographed by Koopman in 1884-1885, one of his earliest portraits.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Koopman - Pioneer Couple Will Mark 50th Year of Wedding

Photograph (2 copies) of H R Koopman II and wife Katie with Newspaper article relating to their 50th wedding anniversary, April 12, 1938. They were the first couple to be wed at the First Reformed Church in Roseland.

Subject: ; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Roseland_Community; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Koopman - Portrait of Carrie Koopman Stevens

This carte-de-visite (calling card) photograph was taken in Groningen, Holland by Gebr. Sanders Studio. It is unclear whether Carrie is an aunt or older sister of photographer, HR Koopman.

Subject: ; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Koopman - Portrait of Henry Ralph Koopman II

Oval portrait on cardboard mount. Photo probably graphed by wife, Katie. Slightly retouched mustache and side burns, c1894. Inscriptions typed on paper taped to rear of the photo "H. R. Koopman First President of the South End Merchants Association organized May 12, 1894 He served six years". The South End Merchants Association was formed immediately following the Pullman Strike. The Association was comprised of businessmen from Roseland and likely nearby Kensington and donated food and clothing to starving Pullman families. Koopman, having just published his Pullman picture book, "The City of Brick" in 1893 had temporarily given up photography and had entered into a partnership with his brother-in-law to operate a grocery store. The two "gave away the store" during the relief effort and disolved the partnership. Koopman soon resumed photography at the old stand for another 10 years and later worked part-time as a photographer for the Pullman Company. The Merchants organization he co-founded later became the South End Chamber of Commerce and maintained a building on Michigan Avenue until about 1973.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Koopman - Rev. M. A. Ypma 1885

Photo copied in Koopman's Roseland studio. Location of original photo is unknown. Rev. Ypma preached in South Holland before Rev. Koopman.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Koopman - Roseland Church

HR Koopman stereocard of what is currently Lilydale Progressive MB Church at 107th and Michigan Avenue. No information on original name or religious affiliation.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Koopman - Roseland Church

HR Koopman stereocard of what is currently Lilydale Progressive MB Church at 107th and Michigan Avenue. No information available on original name or religious affiliation.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Koopman - Temperance Workers' Conference

Postcard sent to Rev. H. H. Koopman I, Patterson, NJ announcing conference to be held at Educational Hall, Asbury Park, NJ October 10, 1882 at 11 a.m.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Koopman at Work

HR Koopman photographing daughter, Marie, in his studio on Michigan Avenue in Roseland, c1895

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Koopman Envelope

Business envelope of H. R. Koopman, 49 W. 110th Place, Chicago (Roseland), IL. Note on cover written by Mrs. Walter Gindl, Marie Koopman Rowlands daughter, Koopman's granddaughter.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Koopman photo of unkown woman

Full length studio photo, with Koopman logo, of a woman. Legend on photo: "Cor. 111th Street & Michigan Ave. Roseland, Ills."

Subject: Victorian_Era_-_general; Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Koopman Portrait of Unknown Man

Probably a Koopman "cut film" copy of unknown man.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Koopman's Photograph Gallery

Photo of HR Koopman II (seated) and chums in front of his studio at 111th and Michigan in 1889. Family friend John Ton secured young Henry this property in 1884 and probably helped him convert it from an art supply/framing business to a Photograph Gallery. Note on awning it is spelled "gallery" Corner "cut offs" in photo indicates that Koopman was likely using his first camera to shoot this, gear that he may have purchased from Simpson Studios in New Jersey. John Ton met his and his gear with a wagon when he got off the train at Kensington.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Koopman, Reverend and Mrs.

One of the last photographs of Rev. and Mrs. Koopman, likely taken at Simpson's Studio in Patterson, NJ where young Koopman apprenticed.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Letter and Photographs from Jack Koopman

Letter from "Uncle Jack" J. W. Koopman to H. R. Koopman after he and Aunt Anna had visitied in Pella, Iowa. Sept. 18 1924. Includes photographs taken on that trip. Captions are written on back of each photo.

Subject: ; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Marie G. Koopman

Formal portrait of HR Koopman's daughter, Marie. Reverse of photograph includes handwritten note "Marie G. Koopman 4 yrs. old". Also included is an empty envelope from "mkr", Marie Koopman Rawlings, relating to two photographs of Henry Ralph Koopman the 1st.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Palmer Park

HR Koopman postcard showing spectators in Palmer Park watching unknown activity or sporting event, 1907. Pullman factory buildings visible in the background. People with bicycles and walking through the park visible.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Palmer_Park; Pullman_Views; Roseland_Community; Format: Postcard

Palmer Park

Fieldhouse at Palmer Park in Roseland, Chicago.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Palmer_Park; Roseland_Community; Format: Postcard

Palmer Park

HR Koopman postcard showing crowd of people watching an unknown activity or sporting event.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Palmer_Park; Roseland_Community; Format: Postcard

Palmer Park

HR Koopman postcard showing field house and gazebo at Palmer Park, 1907.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Palmer_Park; Roseland_Community; Format: Postcard

Palmer Park

Koopman postcard Field Day, Palmer Park, Chicago. Image shows crowd of people sitting on bleachers with view of field house.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Palmer_Park; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Palmer Park

HR Koopman postcard showing crowd at unknown event or sports activity in Palmer Park, Roseland. Field house visible in photograph.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Palmer_Park; Roseland_Community; Format: Postcard

Palmer Park

HR Koopman photograph of kids in swimming pool in Palmer Park, Roseland.

Subject: Palmer_Park; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Roseland_Community; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Palmer Park

Koopman postcard showing group of people posing at entrance to Palmer Park, 1904. Street vendors visible.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Palmer_Park; Roseland_Community; Format: Postcard

Palmer Park

HR Koopman postcard showing crowd of people watching unidentified activity/sporting event in Palmer Park, September 1907.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Palmer_Park; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Palmer Park

HR Koopman postcard showing crowd watching unknown event or sport activity in Palmer Park, Roseland, Chicago.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Palmer_Park; Roseland_Community; Format: Postcard

Palmer Park

HR Koopman photograph of kids in wading pool in Palmer Park. Pullman factory buildings in background.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Palmer_Park; Pullman_Views; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Palmer Park

HR Koopman postcard showing crowd of people at unidentified event in Palmer Park, 1907.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Palmer_Park; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Palmer Park "A Cool Place"

HR Koopman postcard showing women and girls in Palmer Park swimming pool, 1906. The park had separate swim days for boys and girls.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Palmer_Park; Roseland_Community; Format: Postcard

Palmer Park 113 St. Entrance

Photograph showing gated-fence entrance to Palmer Park.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Palmer_Park; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Palmer Park Chicago from Pullman

HR Koopman postcard of Palmer Park. Sign in the foreground appears to be advertising for homes on Vernon Avenue.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Palmer_Park; Roseland_Community; Format: Postcard

Pullman Ave. & 113th St. Chicago

HR Koopman postcard showing east side of 113th & Pullman Avenue, now Cottage Grove. Dated 1903

Subject: Pullman_Views; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Pullman Car Works, Chicago 1907

View looking east from across Illinois Central Railroad grade level tracks. Workers going home to Roseland. (There were eight tracks, grade raised in 1915.). Pedestrian overpass is shown on the left. Photo dated 1907.

Subject: Pullman_Workers; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Pullman_Company; Format: Postcard

Pullman Factory Postcard

Postcard showing the Pullman Car Works and Lake Vista in 1892.

Subject: Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Pullman_Landscape_Design; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Postcard

Pullman from Michigan Avenue & 111th Street

HR Koopman postcard showing 111th Street east of Michigan with views of Pullman factory in the background.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Pullman_Views; Roseland_Community; Format: Postcard

Pullman Gate Noon Hour

HR Koopman postcard showing men leaving work from South gate at lunch time.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Factory_Site; Pullman_Workers; Format: Postcard

River Dam

HR Koopman stereocard showing several people sitting and standing on dam on a river. Handwritten note on reverse "Orland Park, Momence, Ill."

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Regional; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Roseland Images

HR Koopman collage of six images of Roseland from 1892 t0 1901.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Roseland_Community; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Roseland Public School

HR Koopman photograph showing Roseland Public School float in the Fourth of July parade, 1892. Card notes G. A. Brennan, Principal.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Roseland_Community; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Roseland Public School

HR Koopman photograph showing Roseland Public School (G. A. Brennan, Principal) in horse-drawn float in Fourth of July parade, 1893.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Roseland View

HR Koopman photograph from Michigan Avenue looking southeast.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Roseland_Community; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Roseland's First Bank

HR Koopman stereocard showing Roseland's first bank, 1887, located at 11050 Michigan Avenue.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Roseland_Community; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Roseland, 106th and Wentworth

Photograph showing 106th and Wentworth, Roseland, in 1891.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Roseland, 109th and Michigan

Koopman photo postcard of streetscape with homes and streetcar tracks.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Roseland, 110th Place and Michigan Avenue

HR Koopman stereocard of Michigan Avenue and 110th Place, 1885.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Roseland, 111th and Michigan

Copy of HR Koopman image showing Michigan Avenue at 111th Street looking south.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Roseland, 111th Street & State

HR Koopman postcard showing State Street at 111th Street. Handwritten on reverse is date, 1905.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Roseland, 115th and Michigan

Black and white HR Koopman postcard showing Michigan Avenue looking north from 115th Street.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Roseland, 60th Anniversary

HR Koopman postcard of parade in celetration of the 60th anniversary of Roseland in 1909. View at approximately 110th and Michigan.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Roseland, 60th Anniversary July 5, 1909

HR Koopman postcard of parade down Michigan Avenue at approximately 110th street.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Roseland, Indiana and 111th Street

HR Koopman stereocard of corner of Indiana at 111th. Handwritten on reverse "Palmer Park in its beginning 1905".

Subject: Roseland_Community; Palmer_Park; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Roseland, Indiana Avenue & 112th Street

Black and white Koopman postcard showing 112th & Indiana 1889. Land is now Palmer Park.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Roseland, Michigan Avenue & 111th Street

HR Koopman postcard showing 111th & Michigan Avenue looking south. Handwritten comment on postcard "Note Automobile!".

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Roseland, Michigan Avenue & 111th Street

HR Koopman stereo card showing Michigan Avenue at 111th Street. Building with sign "JM VanVlissingen Insurance" visible. Groups of people in horse-drawn sleigh also shown.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Roseland, Michigan Avenue & 111th Street

Photo of streetscape in Roseland, at 111th and Michigan Avenue, with store fronts and horse traffic.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Roseland, Michigan Avenue & 112th Place

HR Koopman postcard showing street view looking north showing buildings and peoplem 1896.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Roseland, Michigan Avenue & 112th Street Chicago

HR Koopman postcard showing Roseland shopping area on Michigan Avenue, showing stores and pedestrians. Early 20th century.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Roseland, Michigan Avenue & 113th Street

HR Koopman postcard showing Michigan Avenue at 115th Street lookiing south, 1904.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Roseland, Michigan Avenue & 113th Street

HR Koopman postcard showing Michigan Avenue at 113th Street, 1903.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Roseland, Michigan Avenue & 113th Streets

HR Koopman postcard showing Michigan Avenue at 113th Street looking east, 1910.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Roseland, Michigan Avenue & 114th Place

HR Koopman postcard showing view looking south from 114th Place and Michigan Avenue. Handwritten in reverse in pencil is date 1903.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Roseland, Michigan Avenue & 115 Street East

HR Koopman photo postcard of streetscape, with pedestrian and horse traffic; shows Bach Bros. storefront, streetcar.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Roseland, Michigan Avenue & 115th Street

Photo postcard of streetscape, with horse traffic and bicycles; storefronts.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Roseland, Michigan Avenue & 115th Street

Koopman black and white postcard showing Michigan Avenue at 115th Street looking north, 1904.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Roseland, Michigan Avenue & 115th Street, North

Photo postcard of streetscape, with streetcar tracks and horse traffic.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Roseland, Michigan Avenue & 116th Street

HR Koopman postcard showing Michigan Avenue at 116th Street looking north, 1903. Koopman has identified two buildings "R. A. Vial. Sand Lime Cement" and "Kensington C & EI RR Depo".

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Roseland, Michigan Avenue & 116th Street

HR Koopman postcard with south view, 1903.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Roseland, Michigan Avenue & 99th Street

Koopman photograph showing Michigan Avenue at 99th Street, 1904.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Roseland, Michigan Avenue and 110th Street

HR Koopman postcard showing street view looking north, 1894.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Roseland, Michigan Avenue at 111th Street

HR Koopman postcard of Michigan Avenue at 111th Street looking sourth, 1903.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Roseland, Michigan Avenue at 112th Place

HR Koopman postcard showing Michigan Avenue at 112th Place, looking North.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Roseland, Michigan Avenue at 113th Street

1890 Koopman photograph showing Michigan Avenue and 113th street looking north.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Roseland, Michigan Avenue Looking South

HR Koopman stereo card showing young barefoot boy standing in the street on Michigan Avenue at approximately 110th and Michigan.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Roseland, Michigan Avenue Parade

Crowd waiting for parade to proceed down Michigan Avenue in Roseland, possibly for Roseland 60th anniversary.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Roseland, Michigan Avenue Roseland's Busy Street Chicago

Black and white HR Koopman postcard showing Michigan Avenue looking south from 110th Street, 1910.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Roseland, Michigan Avenue Sewer

Workman digging Roseland sewer system at 111th and Michigan, 1900.

Subject: ; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Roseland_Community; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Scene in Palmer Park 111th & Indiana Av. Chicago

HR Koopmen postcard showing people sitting in the park and around a pool/lagoon with fieldhouse visible in the background.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Palmer_Park; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

Sheldon Heights Poultry Fram

HR Koopman photograph of poultry farm located at 11245 Parness Avenue, 1912.

Subject: Regional; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

State Street & 111th Place

HR Koopman postcard showing State Street and 111th Place in Roseland, Chicago.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Roseland_Community; Format: Postcard

The Dressing Rooms

Koopman postcard showing boys lined up at swimming pool in Palmer Park, 1906.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Roseland_Community; Format: Postcard

The New Park

HR Koopman stereocard of Palmer Park under construction. Handwritten note on the back gives date of 1905.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Palmer_Park; Roseland_Community; Format: Photograph (all forms)

The Water is Fine

HR Koopman photograph showing boys playing in the swimming pool at Palmer Park.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Unidentified. (Portrait of a man - Netherlands)

Possible Koopman family member due to where photo came from, Groningen, Netherlands

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Photography_-_Misc._vintage; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Van Vlissingen School, Chicago

HR Koopman postcard showing Van Vlissingen School in Roseland, Chicago.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Roseland_Community; Format: Postcard

Wabash Avenue & 110th Street

HR Koopman stereocard showing houses at Wabash Avenue & 110th Street, 1888.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Roseland_Community; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Wabash Avenue North of 109th Roseland Chicago

HR Koopman postcard of residential streel scene with houses and church in view.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Roseland_Community; Format: Postcard

Water Tower Stereo Card

Black and white stereo card showing the Water Tower and smokestack. Photograph by HR Koopman, corner 111th and Michigan Avenue.

Subject: Factory_Site; Pullman_Water_Tower; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

West 108th & Perry

HR Koopman image showing 108th & Perry Avenue, Roseland, Chicago, 1908.

Subject: Roseland_Community; Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Postcard

William A. Swart & Cos. Bank

HR Koopman stereocard showing facade of William A. Swart & Cos. Bank, with three men standing in front.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Winter 1900

HR Koopman stereo card showing a view from Michigan Avenue looking east down Kensington Ave. Group of people standing in the street on a snowy day.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Kensington; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Winter Michigan & 111th Street

HR Koopman postcard showing winter scene of Michigan Avenue at 111th Street looking east.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Roseland_Community; Format: Postcard

Winter State St. & 110th Place

HR Koopman postcard showing a winter scene at State Streets and 110th Place.

Subject: Koopman,_Henry_Ralph_and_family; Roseland_Community; Format: Postcard



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