1925 Yearbook, Pullman Free School of Manual TrainingTable of Contents: 1)Forward, 2)Dedication, 3)Faculty, 4)Seniors, 5)Classes, 6)Activities, 7)Athletics, 8)Humor. 100 pages; nine page of local advertising. Brown cover. Subject: Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Pullman_Schools; Format: Printed Materials - Publications |
Annual Easter Prize DanceFlyer for dance held on April 16, 1938 at the Benetian Ballroom in Kensington. Subject: ; Kensington; Format: Printed Materials - Other |
Another day in history...City gives Pullman landmark statusArticle from The Calumet Index, October 8, 1972. Subject: ; Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Ask landmark status for South PullmanNewspaper clipping announces the unanimous recommendation by Chicago Landmarks Council for landmark designation. Subject: Chicago_History; Illinois_History; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Buildings Reflect PeriodNewspaper clipping, The Star, Sunday March 5, 1972; describes Pullman architecture. Subject: Pullman_Town; Architecture; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
City Gives Pullman Landmark Status2-page article from the "Calumet Index" October 18, 1972. Describes passage of Chicago ordinance naming Pullman a landmark district. Subject: ; Architecture; Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Community Improvement Committee ReportTyped original report. Subject: Pullman and the Lincoln Family. Subject: ; Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Pullman_(General); Victorian_Era_-_general; Format: Printed Materials - Publications |
Community Improvement Committee Report, December 1985Report of the Pullman Civic Organization Community Improvement Committee, by Mario Avignone. Topic: Christmas of 1968. 3 pages, typed original. Subject: ; Pullman_People; Format: Printed Materials - Other |
Council adopts resolution by Adduci declaring Pullman be designated a city landmarkNewspaper article describing the landmarks resolution, and a brief history of Pullman. Subject: Architecture; Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Labor_History; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Daughter-in-Law of Lincoln dies in capital at 90Newspaper article describing the life of Mary Harlan Lincoln. Subject: Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Memorials; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Federal Funds to Help Complete RestorationArticle from The Calumet Index March 3, 1971. Subject: Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Federal Funds To Help Complete RestorationArticle from the Calumet Index, March 3, 1971 describing restoration efforts in Pullman. Subject: Architecture; Chicago_History; Factory_Site; General/Misc.; Greenstone_Church; Historic_Reference; Labor_History,_other; Market_Hall; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Labor_History; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Fenger first team starts against PullmanArticle from unknown newspaper, describes lineup for upcoming football game, Thanksgiving 1940. Subject: Chicago_History; Pullman_Schools; Sports; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
File: Roseland Moose Lodge No. 1062File of news clippings and other information about Roseland Moose Lodge No. 1062. Includes first issue of Roseland Moose News, Jan 1951. Also includes meeting notes, entertainment programs and photographs. Subject: Organizations_--_Other; Pullman_People; Roseland_Community; Format: Printed Materials - Publications |
Florence Lowden Miller Handwritten NoteHandwritten note from Florence Lowden Miller, granddaughter of George Pullman at the time of her sister, Harriet Madlener in 1987. Subject: ; Pullman_Family; Format: Handwritten (invitations, notes, etc.) |
Florence Lowden Miller NoteHandwritten thank-you note to Mario Avignone from Florence Lowden Miller, granddaughter of George Pullman. Undated. Subject: ; Pullman_Family; Format: Correspondence |
Florence Pullman LowdenThree newspaper articles relating to the death of Florence Pullman Lowden, George Pullman's daughter. One clipping is identified from Chicago Tribune, July 25, 1937. Subject: ; Pullman_Family; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Football TeamVintage photograph of football team. Believed to be team from Pullman Free School, c1920s. Subject: Pullman_Schools; Sports; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Foreign Books Show ShiftsArticle describing the demographic shift shown by the languages of books borrowed from the Pullman branch library, which at the time had more languages represented than any other branch in the Chicago Public Library system. Subject: Arcade_Library; Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Pullman_People; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Gleaners Dance programPrinted announcement/program advertising Annual Easter Prize Dance, given by the Gleaners on April 16, 1938. Includes advertisements of local business sponsors. Subject: ; Advertising; Historic_Reference; Kensington; Organizations_--_Other; Roseland_Community; Format: Printed Materials - Other |
Hold Hearings on Pullman Landmark StatusPhoto with caption, published in the South End Reporter, 1972. Shows residents in attendance a the Greenstone Church. Subject: Pullman_Town; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Illinois_History; Historic_Reference; Greenstone_Church; Churches_-_Roseland,_Pullman; Chicago_History; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Hotel Florence Poker ChipsTwo poker chips, one red and one yellow, with HF imprint. Subject: Hotel_Florence_History; Format: Other Ephemera |
Hotel Florence room keyBrass key to Room #14, with red plastic fob imprinted "Hotel Florence, 11111 Forrestville Ave., Chicago, Ill." and "Drop in any mailbox, we guarantee postage." Subject: Chicago_History; Hotel_Florence_History; Format: Household Accessory |
Hotel Florence, a National LandmarkTwo articles from The Times, November 11, 1979, describing the Hotel FLorence. Subject: Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Chicago_History; Hotel_Florence_--_Exterior; Hotel_Florence_--_Interior; Hotel_Florence_--_Post_1975; Hotel_Florence_History; Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
House TourNewspaper clipping "Pullman opening doors to history - and to you" describing first House Tour, October 12, 1974. Subject: Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials - Other |
Illinois Historic Landmarks in the National Register of Historic PlacesReprinted article describing IL historic landmarks. Includes captioned photos of nine sites. Subject: ; Architecture; Illinois_History; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Illinois Historic Landmarks in the National Register of Historic PlacesReprinted article describing IL historic landmarks. Describes the designation process. Subject: ; Architecture; Illinois_History; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Interesting Things About Pullman Past and PresentSeries of articles written for the Pullman Flyer, dated January to December 1994. Includes draft and print copies, on topics including snow storm of 1967, Bill Scudella, Admiral Byrd's snow cruiser, Lake Calumet wetlands, Democratic National Convention of 1996, etc. Subject: The_Snow_Cruiser; Pullman_People; Lake_Calumet; Chicago_History; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Interesting Things About Pullman Past and PresentSeries of essays and anecdotes related to social history of Pullman, Kensington and Roseland, written by Mario Avignone for publication in the Pullman Flyer and occasionally elsewhere. Typically typed and draft copies. Subject: War_Memorial; Roseland_Community; Pullman_(General); Kensington; Format: Printed Materials - Other |
Interesting Things About Pullman Past and PresentSeries of articles written for the Pullman Flyer from 2005-2007, including anecdotal history of events and people in Pullman. Subject: Architecture; Chicago_History; Factory_Site; Genealogy; General/Misc.; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_(General); Pullman_-_Post_1975; Pullman_Abroad; Pullman_Bank; Pullman_Company; Pullman_Family; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_People; Pullman_Standard_Car_Mfg_Company; Pullman_Town; Reference; Regional; Victorian_Era_-_general; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Interesting Things About Pullman Past and PresentTyped original. History of Admiral Byrd's Snow Cruiser. Subject: ; Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; The_Snow_Cruiser; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Interesting Things About Pullman Past and PresentCollected series of essays and anecdotes relating to social history of Pullman, Kensington and Roseland, written by Mario Avignone for publication in the Pullman Flyer and occasionally elsewhere. Mainly typed and draft copies, from 1996-1999. Subject: War_Memorial; Roseland_Community; Pullman_(General); Kensington; Format: Printed Materials - Other |
Interesting Things About Pullman Past and PresentSeries of articles written for publication in the Pullman Flyer, dates unknown. Topics include Sherwin Williams, biography of Geo. Pullman, Florence Pullman Lowden, John Hopkins, John Macis, Mario Avignone, Frank Lowden, Catholic Action Committee, Lincoln funeral car, John Franczyk, winter of 1892, Pioneer fir of 1962, Matt Valente, etc. Subject: The_Snow_Cruiser; Pullman_Family; Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Interesting Things About Pullman, Past and PresentCollection of essays. Topics include columns from Pullman Flyer, Roseland American Legion Post 49er, Daily Southtown and Roseland Pullman Sports Hall of Fame. 22 pages, plus 4 copies of cover page. Subject: Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Kensington; Memorials; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Organizations_--_Pullman_Improvement_Association; Pullman_(General); Pullman_People; Roseland_Community; Sports; War_Memorial; Format: Printed Materials - Publications |
Introducing the town of Pullman coverletOrder form for a coverlet produced by the Historic Pullman Foundation as a fund-raiser, depicting landmark buildings. Subject: Advertising; Architecture; Historic_Reference; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials - Publications |
Iron nailHand-forged construction nail found in the Hotel Florence. Subject: Architecture; Historic_Reference; Format: Building Component |
Know Your Neighbor!From The South End Reporter, May 26, 1938 about Urban G. Willis, tutor to the Pullman grandchildren and later Dean and teacher at Pullman Free School of Manual Training. Subject: Pullman_Family; Pullman_Schools; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Landmark Status, City of ChicagoLetter sent to Mario Avignone confirming City of Chicago Landmark status to the South Pullman District. Letter from Samuel A. Lichtmann, Chairman of the Commission on Chicago Historical and Architectural Landmarks, dated August 18, 1972. Included in the file is a letter to Pullman residents urging them to attend City Council meeting and newspaper clipping describing the two buses of Pullman people attending the meeting. Subject: ; Pullman_Landmark; Format: Food Service Equipment |
Landmark Status, NationalLetter to Abner J. Mikva, U.S. House of Representatives, notifing him that the Pullman Historic District was awarded national landmark status. Letter from Roger C. B. Morton, Secretary of the Interior, dated February 25, 1971. Subject: Pullman_Landmark; Format: Correspondence |
Lay Corner Stone of Pullman Free Manual Training School - Pullman Hope Nears RealityNewspaper clipping, publication and date unknown. The school opened in 1915. Mrs. Frank O. Lowden (Florence) identified in photograph. Handwritten identification noted of others in the image. Subject: Pullman_Family; Pullman_Schools; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
ListHand-written list, on notebook paper (year unknown). Thirteen names. Subject: Pullman_People; Format: Handwritten (invitations, notes, etc.) |
Man Who Wrote Poem for Drink is Dead in DumpDescribes life and death of Pullman resident Mike Braggazi. Subject: Chicago_History; General/Misc.; Historic_Reference; Pullman_People; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Market Hall BurnsFront-page of The Calumet Index, December 19, 1973 showing the fire at Market Hall. Subject: Market_Hall; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Mary "Mame" Standley Celebrates 100th BirthdayBiography of one of Pullman's oldest residents; typed original. Subject: ; Pullman_People; Format: Printed Materials - Other |
Meet Thursday on Pullman as City LandmarkArticle from the Sunday, July 30, 1972 South End Reporter. Describes plans to discuss Pullman's city landmark designation. Sidebar entitled "Why Pullman decided to build city here" describes early history of Pullman. Subject: ; Chicago_History; General/Misc.; Greenstone_Church; Historic_Reference; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_(General); Pullman_Town; Regional; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Memorial Parkway to be Dedicated Sunday AfternoonNewspaper article from the South End Reporter, May 17, 1950 regarding monument for Pullman soldiers who died in World War II. Subject: ; Pullman_People; World_War_II; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Memorial parkway to be dedicated Sunday afternoonNewspaper article describes dedication of War Memorial monument and trees at Pullman School. Subject: ; Chicago_History; War_Memorial; World_War_II; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Memorial Parkway Will Be Dedicated To Pullman HeroesArticle from March 29,1950 South End Reporter describing the War Memorial installation at the Geo. Pullman School. Subject: Chicago_History; Memorials; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_Schools; War_Memorial; World_War_II; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Mrs, George M. Pullman Gives Dance for Her Four GrandchildrenArticle from the Chicago Examiner describing dance given 30 December 1913 at the Pullman Mansion. Describes guests, food, entertainment and fashions. Accompanying photo of Mrs. Pullman and grandchildren by the International News Service. Subject: Pullman_Family; Pullman_Mansion; Victorian_Era_-_general; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Mrs. George M. Pullman Gives Dance for Her Four GrandchildrenNewspaper clipping, Chicago Examiner, December 31, 1913. Includes a list of some of the guests at the end of the article. Subject: Pullman_Family; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Mrs. Lowden's Estate Valued About $500,000Article published in Chicago Tribune estimating Florence Pullman Lowden's worth at the time of her death. Subject: ; Pullman_Family; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
NailHandmade nail, found in Hotel Florence. Subject: Hotel_Florence_--_Interior; Format: Building Component |
News for the Pullman Flyer, August 1976 Issue, Pullman Beautiful CommitteeTyped original on onionskin paper. Topic: recent Pullman tourism. Subject: ; General/Misc.; House_Tour; Pullman_(General); Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
News for the Pullman Flyer, November 1976 Issue, Pullman Beautiful, by Mario AvignoneCopy of typed original, with notations. Topic: Pullman athletics. Subject: Pullman_People; Pullman_Town; Sports; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
News for the Pullman Flyer, Pullman Beautiful (Historic and Nice Things About Our Pullman)Typed original. Topic: Christmas of 1880. Subject: ; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Olde Pullman may soon become landmarkNewspaper article describing upcoming hearing on landmark designation. Subject: ; Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Our CommunityCommemorative booklet published by Pullman Trust and Savings Bank, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1958 for the 75th anniversary of the bank 1883 to 1958. Subject: Pullman_Bank; Pullman_Views; Roseland_Community; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Our CommunityColor booklet commemorating the 75th Anniversary of Pullman Trust and Savings Bank, Vol.1, No. 3, Spring 1958. Subject: Catalogs/Reprints; Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Pullman_Bank; Regional; Format: Printed Materials - Publications |
Overflow Crowd Attends Pullman Landmark HearingArticle published in the Calumet Index describes Chicago Landmarks Commission hearing held to acquire landmark status for Pullman. Subject: ; Pullman_Landmark; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Personal note from Mrs. C. Phillip MillerHand-written personal note from Mrs. C. Phillip Miller, granddaughter of Geo. Pullman, regarding death of her sister, Harriet Madlener. Includes photocopy of obituary. Subject: ; Chicago_History; Pullman_Family; Format: Handwritten (invitations, notes, etc.) |
Photo albumRed with gold border, labeled "Pullman" with address label. 3-ring binder type photo album with 32 pages of photographs, and 21 additional unmounted images. Historical images are reproductions or photocopies; some images are mid-20th century. Subject: Chicago_History; General/Misc.; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Organizations_--_Other; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Organizations_--_Pullman_Improvement_Association; Photography_-_Misc._vintage; Pullman_(General); Pullman_People; Pullman_Town; Reference; Regional; Roseland_Community; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Photo albumPhoto album with brown pleather cover, gold foil border. Includes 71 images of Old Pullman Day activities, August 23, 1970. Subject: ; Historic_Reference; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_People; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Poker chips, Hotel FlorenceTwo (2) plastic poker chips, one red and one yellow, imprinted with Hotel Florence logo. Subject: Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Hotel_Florence_History; Format: Recreational Artifact |
Polar Philately: Byrd Antarctic VenturesDescribes issue of commemorative postal stamp and Admiral Byrd's four Antarctic expeditions. Subject: ; Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Pullman_Labor_History; The_Snow_Cruiser; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
PullmanArticle from The Star, March 5, 1972 on archtecture and art of Pullman buildings. Subject: ; Architecture; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman and his 'perfect town'Clippiing from South End Reporter, Wednesday October 31, 1973. Subject: Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman and his 'perfect' townNewspaper article describing George M. Pullman's social experiment with the town of Pullman. Subject: Chicago_History; Churches_-_Roseland,_Pullman; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Lake_Calumet; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Labor_History; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_Town; Pullman_Workers; The_Stables; Format: Printed Materials - Publications |
Pullman Area Near Landmark StatusNewspaper article clipped from Chicago Tribune, written by Stan Ziembe, January 1, 1970. Subject: ; Architecture; Barrett,_Nathan_Franklin; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Chicago_History; Factory_Site; General/Misc.; Greenstone_Church; Historic_Reference; Hotel_Florence_History; Illinois_History; Labor_History,_other; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_(General); Pullman_Company; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Labor_History; Pullman_Town; Reference; Regional; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman BeautifulCopy of typed original. Topic: Greenstone Church. Subject: ; Architecture; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Chicago_History; Churches_-_Roseland,_Pullman; Greenstone_Church; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Beautiful (Nice Things About Pullman Past and Present)Typed original, 2 pages. Written for May 1980 publication; topic is the origins of the modern Pullman preservation movement. Subject: ; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Beautiful (Nice Things About Pullman Past and Present)Typed original. Topic: A letter from William F. Scudella, continued (Part 1 of a 4-part series). Subject: ; Historic_Reference; Pullman_People; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Beautiful (Nice Things About Pullman Past and Present)Typed and hand-notated original article; topic is history of American Legion Roseland Post 49. Subject: ; Historic_Reference; Military_-_other; Organizations_--_Other; War_Memorial; World_War_I; World_War_II; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Beautiful (Nice Things About Pullman Past and Present)Typed original. Topic: the Dr. John McLean house. Subject: Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Pullman_Company; Pullman_Hospital; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_People; Pullman_Workers; Victorian_Era_-_general; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Beautiful (Nice Things About Pullman Past and Present)Article for publication in the Pullman Flyer, December 1982. 2 pages, typed original. Topic is Christmas of 1968 in Pullman. Subject: ; Pullman_People; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Beautiful (Nice Things About Pullman Past and Present)Typed original; subject is original bylaws of the PCO. Subject: ; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Beautiful (Nice Things About Pullman Past and Present)Typed original; topic is anniversaries of both George Pullman's birth and the reactivation of the Pullman Civic Organization. Subject: ; Historic_Reference; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_(General); Pullman_People; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Beautiful (Nice Things About Pullman Past and Present)Typed original. Topic: commemorative postage stamp. Subject: Historic_Reference; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Beautiful (Nice Things About Pullman Past and Present)Typed original; topic is Christmas of 1960. Subject: ; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_People; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Beautiful (Nice Things About Pullman Past and Present)Typed original. A letter from William T. Scudella (continued). Subject: ; Pullman_People; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Beautiful (Nice Things About Pullman Past and Present)Typed original. Sub-heading: Roseland Calumet Index is Dead. Subject: Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Regional; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Beautiful (Nice Things About Pullman Past and Present)Typed original; topic is the summer of 1900. Subject: ; Historic_Reference; Pullman_People; Victorian_Era_-_general; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Beautiful (Nice Things About Pullman Past and Present)Copy of typed original; describes origins of the Pullman Civic Organization. Subject: ; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_People; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Beautiful (Nice Things About Pullman Past and Present)Typed original. Subject is Barrett's landscaping in Pullman. Subject: ; Barrett,_Nathan_Franklin; Chicago_History; Pullman_Landscape_Design; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Beautiful (Nice Things About Pullman Past and Present)Hand-notated copy of typed original, includes note from PCO Community Improvement Committee; topic is Christmas of 1944. 4 copies total. Subject: ; Historic_Reference; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_People; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Beautiful (Nice Things About Pullman Past and Present)Typed original. Topic: the discovery of the 1896 Prague plaque. Subject: Historic_Reference; Memorials; Pullman_(General); Pullman_Abroad; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Beautiful (Nice Things About Pullman Past and Present)Typed original. Topic: Robert Todd Lincoln. Subject: Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Pullman_People; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Beautiful (Nice Things About Pullman Past and Present)Typed original. Topic: A letter from William F. Scudella, continued (Part ? of a 4-part series). Subject: Historic_Reference; Pullman_People; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Beautiful (Nice Things About Pullman Past and Present)Typed original. Topic: A letter from William F. Scudella, continued. Subject: Historic_Reference; Pullman_People; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Beautiful (Nice Things About Pullman Past and Present)Typed original; topic is Labor Day and the Pullman Strike of 1894. Subject: ; Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Hotel_Florence_History; Illinois_History; Pullman_Labor_History; Pullman_Workers; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Beautiful (Nice Things About Pullman Past and Present)Typed original; A letter from William Scudella, continued. Subject: Chicago_History; Pullman_People; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Beautiful (Nice Things About Pullman Past and Present)Typed and hand-notated original article; topic is John Erstman and the origins of the Beman Committee of the PUllman Civic Organization. Subject: ; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Historic_Reference; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_People; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Beautiful Committee, December 1975 Issue, Mario Avignone, Chairman.Typed original on onionskin paper. Topic: Christmas of 1941. Subject: ; Historic_Reference; Pullman_People; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Beautiful, News for the Pullman Flyer, October 1976 IssueCopy of typed original. Topic: anecdotes gleaned from Pullman tours. Subject: ; House_Tour; Pullman_People; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Civic Organization ScrapbookItems from 1973 to 1986. Includes newspaper articles, letters from prominent politicians, photographs, and clippings from the Pullman Flyer. Approximately 50-75 pages. Full record available for viewing at the Bertha Ludlam reading room at the Hotel Florence. Subject: ; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Mixed media |
Pullman Civic Organization scrapbookScrapbook containing memorabilia pertaining to the Pullman Civic Organization, emphasis on the Military Committee. 50-75 pages approx. Green cover with label. Subject: ; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials - Other |
Pullman Civic Organization Scrapbook138-page scrapbook with photographs, newspaper clippings and articles, correspondence and other memorabilia of the Pullman Civic Organization from 1965 through 1972. Entire scrapbook available for viewing at the Bertha Ludlam Library at the Hotel Florence. Subject: ; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_-_Post_1975; Roseland_Community; Format: Mixed media |
Pullman Community Improvement Committee ReportTyped original committee report submitted January 1986. Topic: Robert Todd Lincoln in Pullman. Subject: ; Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Pullman_(General); Victorian_Era_-_general; Format: Printed Materials - Publications |
Pullman coverlet order formReverse of order form for coverlet produced by Historic Pullman Foundation as a fund-raiser. Subject: Advertising; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Format: Printed Materials - Publications |
Pullman Day 1970Photo album with 71 images of parade and activites of Old Pullman Day August 23, 1970. The day was a celebration of Pullman's newly acquired landmark status. The entire album is available for viewing at the Bertha Ludlam Library in the Hotel Florence. Subject: ; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_(General); Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Pullman Flyers 1967Publication of the Pullman Civic Organization February through May and July through December. Full record available for viewing at the Bertha Ludlam Reading Room in the Hotel Florence. Subject: Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Free School of Manual Training Yearbook 1925Complete 1925 yearbook. 100 pages with local advertising section. Sections on Faculty, Seniors, Classes, Activities, Athletics and Humor. Complete yearbook to posted on line at a later date. Full record available for viewing at the Bertha Ludlam Library in the Hotel Florence. Subject: Pullman_Schools; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Free School to pay founder honorArticle from the Sunday Chicago Tribune describing celebration to honor 115th anniversary of Geo. Pullman's birth. Attended by Florence Lowden Miller and Mrs. Albert F. Madlener, Jr., both granddaughters of Pullman. Subject: Chicago_History; Pullman_Family; Pullman_Schools; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman hand towelWhite woven towel with "Property of Pullman Company 1935" woven into blue stripe. Subject: Chicago_History; Pullman_Standard_Car_Mfg_Company; Format: Textiles |
Pullman Hand TowelWhite woven cotton with blue stripe. Woven in stripe "Property of Pullman Company, 1935". Subject: Pullman_Train_Cars; Pullman_Rail_Travel; Format: Textiles |
Pullman HistoryNewspaper clipping c. 1972, publication unknown. Describes upcoming meeting to determine Landmarks status of Pullman; describes briefly the history of the PCO. Subject: Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman HistoryNewspaper clipping, unknown publication and date. Artcle discussess city landmark status which would date the article to 1972. Subject: Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman LandmarkNewspaper clipping, Chicago Tribune, August 8, 1972. Subject: Pullman_(General); Pullman_Landmark; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman LandmarkNewspaper clipping, unknown publication and date, c1970. Subject: Pullman_Landmark; Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Landmark "Ask landmark status for South Pullman"Newspaper clipping from the Chicago Sun-Times, August 8, 1972. Subject: Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Landmark "Company Town Eyed as Landmark"Newspaper clipping from the Chicago Tribune, March 16, 1972. Subject: Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials - Publications |
Pullman Landmark "Hold heariing on Pullman landmark status"Newspaper clipping South End Reporter, date unknown. City landmark status was awarded in 1972. Subject: Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Landmark "Illinois Historic Landmarks in the National Register of Historic Places"Reprint from Outdoor Illinois Magazine, with entry for Pullman noted on page 29. Subject: ; Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Landmark "Meet Thursday on Pullman as city landmark"Article from South End Reporter, July 30, 1972, with sidebar "Why Pullman decided to build city here". Subject: ; Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Landmark "Overflow Crowd Attends Pullman Landmark Hearing"Article from The Calumet Index, August 6, 1972. Subject: ; Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Landmark "Pullman Area Near Landmark Status"Article from Chicago Tribune, January 1, 1970. Subject: ; Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Landmark "Pullman's friends speak up for town"Chicago Today, August 6, 1972. Subject: Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Landmark "Pullman, 2 Buildings Made Landmarks"Newspaper clipping, Chicago Tribune, February 28, 1971. Subject: Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Landmark "Recommend Pullman landmark status"Newspaper clipping regarding city of Chicago landmark status. South End Reporter August 13, 1972. Subject: Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Landmark "Steps Being Taken to Preserve Pullman Area"From the South End Reporter, June 26, 1968. Subject: Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Landmark "Weigh landmark status for South Pullman"Chicago Today, August 4, 1972 Subject: Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Newspaper ClippingsScrapbook of newspaper clippings fom 1969 to 1970. 20 pages Subject: ; Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials - Publications |
Pullman opening doors to history - and to youNewspaper article published October 10, 1974 in the Chicago Tribune. Describes the first Pullman House Tour. Subject: Architecture; Barrett,_Nathan_Franklin; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; House_Tour; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Photo AlbumPhoto album with images of Pullman, both historic and modern. Entire album available for viewing at the Bertha Ludlam Library at the Hotel Florence. Subject: ; Pullman_(General); Pullman_Town; Pullman_Views; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Pullman Profiles: A Voice for HellenismCopy of original; an interview with John Beltchios. Notation on reverse by Mario Avignone. Subject: Chicago_History; Pullman_People; Roseland_Community; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman QuestionNewspaper clipping from "Action Line" inquiry regarding Pullman neighborhood. Unknown publication and date Subject: Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman quizReverse/answer page for ten questions about Pullman, on blue paper. Created by Janice Helge to include in the HPF Update for September 1996. Subject: Chicago_History; Format: Printed Materials - Other |
Pullman quizTen questions about Pullman on blue paper. Created by Janice Helge to include in the HPF Update for September 1996. Subject: Chicago_History; Format: Printed Materials - Other |
Pullman ScrapbookScrapbook containing photographs, programs, newspaper clippings and other memorabilia of Pullman. Subject: ; Pullman_(General); Format: Mixed media |
Pullman scrapbookScrapbook of various community articles and ephemera, dated from early 1970's. Contains newspaper clippings, and photographs of Pullman activities. 10 pages. Subject: ; Pullman_People; Format: Other Ephemera |
Pullman ScrapbookScrapbook with miscellaneous newspaper clippings and articles about Pullman. 1970-1972. Complete record available for viewing at the Bertha Ludlam Reading Room in the Hotel Florence. Subject: ; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_(General); Format: Mixed media |
Pullman Senior Citizens Club ScrapbookThree-ring binder, 46 pages of photographs, programs and other items relating to the Pullman Seniors Club of the Pullman Civic Organization. Individuals in photographs are identified by name. Includes an alphabetical list of members of the Senior Group with follow-up comments. Mid 1970s to mid 1980s. Full record available for viewing at the Bertha Ludlam Reading Room in the Hotel Florence. Subject: ; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Mixed media |
Pullman Senior Citizens Group photo albumBlue, three-ring binder of photographs and clippings documenting members and activities of the Pullman Senior Citizens Group. Individuals in each photo have been identified by name; binder includes alphabetical listing of members with updates, early 1970s to mid-1980s. 43 pages total. Subject: Pullman_People; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Pullman Senior Citizens Group photo albumBlue, three-ring binder of photographs and clippings documenting members and activities of the Pullman Senior Citizens Group. Individuals in each photo have been identified by name; binder includes alphabetical listing of members with updates, early 1970s to mid-1980s. 43 pages total. Subject: ; Pullman_People; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Pullman Senior Citizens Group photo albumBlue, three-ring binder of photographs and clippings documenting members and activities of the Pullman Senior Citizens Group. Individuals in each photo have been identified by name; binder includes alphabetical listing of members with updates, early 1970s to mid-1980s. 43 pages total. Subject: Pullman_People; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Pullman Senior Citizens Group photo fileFile folder of photographs of members and activities of the Pullman Senior Citizens Group. Includes vintage photos and copies of photos of members in their early years. Individuals and activities are identified. Subject: ; Pullman_People; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Pullman Seniors Club PhotographsFile of twenty-eight three-whole punched pages, not bound, of photographs of Pullman Seniors Club members, all identified. Includes images of dinners and other outings and events. Also are vintage (copies?) early images of members and families. Full record available for viewing at the Bertha Ludlam Library in the Hotel Florence. Subject: ; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Pullman strike leads to community changeDescribes briefly the history of Pullman and efforts to obtain landmarks status. Subject: ; Chicago_History; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman Strike Leads to Community ChangeNewspaper article, unknown publication and date. Subject: ; Pullman_Labor_History; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman the BeautifulArticle for publication in 1987; typed original with handwritten notes. Mame Stanley's recollections of Pullman's early days. Subject: ; Chicago_History; Pullman_(General); Victorian_Era_-_general; Format: Printed Materials - Publications |
Pullman the BeautifulArticle, typed and notated original, for publication in March 1987. Biography of George Pullman. Subject: ; Chicago_History; Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials - Publications |
Pullman Village and Beverly Hills-Morgan ParkB/W copy of article from "Guide to Chicago Neighborhoods", 1981. Includes map and photos, descriptions of principal buildings, handwritten notes. 8 pages. Subject: Architecture; Catalogs/Reprints; Chicago_History; Greenstone_Church; Historic_Reference; Hotel_Florence_--_Exterior; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Town; Regional; Format: Printed Materials - Publications |
Pullman War MemorialIn 1949, the Pullman Civic Organization (PCO) embarked on an effort to erect a monument to the 14 servicemen from Pullman who died in World War II. The project was headed by Ladi Tome, chairman of the PCO war monument committee. This record includes a written chronology by Mr. Tome of each step in the process starting in April, 1949 and ending on May 20, 1950. The monument was dedicated on May 21, 1950. The file contains correspondence with vendors, work orders, invoices, and correspondence with city officials regarding permitting, city council approvals, newspaper articles, etc. Also included are short biographies of each individual shown on the monument. Names were later added to memorialize servicemen from the Korean and Vietnam conflicts. There is later correspondence relating effort to move the monument from in front of Pullman School to Arcade Park in 1987. This effort was unsuccessful. The file contains copies, photocopies, and original handwritten documents. Full record available for viewing at the Bertha Ludlum Reading Room in the Hotel Florence. Subject: World_War_II; War_Memorial; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Mixed media |
Pullman War Memorial, file of documentsFile of documents relating to the placing of a monument to 14 servicemen from Pullman who died in World War II. File includes handwritten chronology of the process from April 1949 to May 1950; the monument was dedicated on May 21, 1950. Also included is correspondence with vendors, work orders, invoices, etc. and short biographies of the servicemen honored. Documents are originals and photocopies. Subject: Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Memorials; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_People; War_Memorial; World_War_II; Format: Printed Materials - Other |
Pullman's friends speak up for townNewspaper article describes hearing by the Chicago Landmarks Commission to grant status to Pullman. Subject: Chicago_History; Greenstone_Church; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman's Life is Recalled at Centennial FeteTownspeople Turn Out to Pay Tribute, Chicago Tribune, March 8, 1931. Subject: Pullman_Family; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Pullman, 2 Buildings Made LandmarksNewspaper article describes naming of Pullman as national historic site by U.S. Secretary of Interior. Subject: Architecture; Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
QuarterbacksPhoto with caption describing "tie battle" between Fenger and Pullman Tech, resulting in Fenger meeting Mt. Carmel for the city title and students watching the game in a tree. Subject: Pullman_Schools; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Recommend Pullman Landmark StatusNewspaper article from the August 13, 1972 South End Reporter; describes recommendation by Chicago Landmarks Commission to City Council. Subject: Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Labor_History,_other; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Remembering Christmas 25 Years Ago - 1971Carbon copy of typed original. Describes PCO activities and lists some attendees of Christmas party, for unknown publication. Subject: Chicago_History; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_People; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Roseland Man Celebrates 25th... Of 101st Div.'s Liberation of ...Second page of article by same title, including Photograph of Harry Miller with caption. Subject: World_War_II; War_Memorial; Roseland_Community; Pullman_People; Military_-_other; Memorials; Historic_Reference; Chicago_History; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Roseland Moose ClubFile folder of newspaper clippings, programs and photographs of the Roseland Moose which was formed in 1950. Material from 1951 to the early 1960s. Entire record available for viewing at the Bertha Ludlam Reading Room in the Florence Hotel. Subject: Roseland_Community; Format: Mixed media |
ScrapbookRed three-ring binder consisting of photographs, newspaper clippings, magazine articles,etc. about Pullman and items relating to Pullman. Subject: Chicago_History; General/Misc.; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Organizations_--_Other; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Photography_-_Misc._vintage; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_People; Pullman_Town; Reference; Regional; Roseland_Community; Format: Photographic Materials |
Sherwin-Wiliams Marks 100th YearArticle with advertisement. South End Reporter, May 4, 1966. Subject: Advertising; Kensington; Roseland_Community; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Sherwin-Williams marks 110th yearNewspaper article describing two-day festival showcasing local talent, to celebrate centennial of Sherwin-Williams. Subject: Sherwin-Williams_Paint_Company; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
South Pullman CompanyTown Eyed as LandmarkNewspaper article from Chicago Tribune, 1972, relating to city landmark status. Describes other neighborhoods under consideration. Subject: Barrett,_Nathan_Franklin; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Labor_History,_other; Plans/_Reports/_Studys; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Spiral scrapbookSpiral-bound scrapbook with newspaper clippings and articles about Pullman; 20 pages. Orange/green/yellow cover. Subject: Chicago_History; General/Misc.; Historic_Reference; Pullman_(General); Pullman_People; Pullman_Town; Reference; Format: Printed Materials - Other |
State Recognition of PullmanArticle published June 25, 1969 in the South End Reporter, Subject: Architecture; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Steps Being Taken to Preserve Pullman AreaArticle describes the formation of the Beman Committee to acquire Landmarks status for Pullman. Subject: Architecture; Barrett,_Nathan_Franklin; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Chicago_History; Greenstone_Church; Historic_Reference; Hotel_Florence_--_Exterior; Illinois_History; Market_Hall; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_People; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Student Body at Tech Pays Honor at School TeamNewspaper clipping, unknown publication and date relating to Pullman Tech. Subject: Pullman_Schools; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Student Body at Tech Pays Honor to School TeamNewspaper article, unknown date. Describes honors handed out to football team members. Subject: Pullman_Schools; Roseland_Community; Sports; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Sympathy appreciation cardPrinted note of appreciation for sympathy (unknown death), from Mrs. C. Phillip Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Lowden Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Pullman Miller. Hand-addressed envelope. Subject: ; Pullman_Family; Format: Handwritten (invitations, notes, etc.) |
Tech Honor Student Traces South End's History From 1849Newspaper clipping, South End Reporter, July 23, (year not shown). Advertisement on reverse of article references film "Mr. Deed Goes to Town" which was released in 1936. The article is a reprint of essay written by Pullman Tech student, Betty Van Nugtren, a brief history of Roseland. Subject: Roseland_Community; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Tech only foe to score two times against FengerArticle from the Calumet Index, November 27, 1940 describes football game between Fenger and Pullman Tech. Subject: Chicago_History; Pullman_Schools; Sports; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
The 25th anniversary of the Historic Pullman Foundation and how it all beganEssay describing the history of the Historic Pullman Foundation, typed and copied, staple-bound. Subject: Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Format: Printed Materials - Other |
The Action LineNewspaper column that addresses reader questions; topic is the clock tower. Subject: Administration_Building; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
The Action LineNewspaper column with reader questions about Pullman. Subject: Architecture; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Chicago_History; Factory_Site; Historic_Reference; Pullman_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
The CarbuilderCompany publication, for the builders of all Pullman Standard products. Contains article "The George Mortimer Pullman Story". 32 pages. Subject: Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Pullman_Company; Pullman_Labor_History; Pullman_Standard_Car_Mfg_Company; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials - Publications |
The community to honor Pullman's heroic deadNewspaper article describes dedication of War Memorial monument and trees at Pullman School. Subject: ; Chicago_History; War_Memorial; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
The Historic Pullman Foundation celebrates 25 years of preservationArticle submitted to www.lincolnnet.net describing history of the Historic Pullman Foundation. Subject: Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
The Parable of PullmanDouble-sided parchment paper, continued on reverse. History of Pullman. Subject: Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Pullman_(General); Pullman_Company; Pullman_Labor_History; Pullman_Workers; Format: Printed Materials - Publications |
The Story of Sherwin-WilliamsHardcover book detailing history of Sherwin-Williams paint company. Approximately 63 pages with many photographs and illustrations. Full record available for viewing at the Bertha Ludlam Reading Room in the Hotel Florence. Subject: Roseland_Community; Sherwin-Williams_Paint_Company; Format: Printed Materials - Publications |
Touring PullmanTour guide booklet produced in 1972. Subject: Chicago_History; Greenstone_Church; Historic_Reference; Hotel_Florence_History; House_Tour; Market_Hall; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Pullman_(General); Pullman_Hospital; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Landscape_Design; Pullman_Schools; Pullman_Town; Pullman_Water_Tower; The_Stables; Format: Printed Materials - Publications |
Trace New School Ideas to PullmanNewspaper clipping, publication name not totally visible, May 9, 1937 relating to Pullman Free School of Manual Training. Subject: ; Pullman_Schools; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Trace New School Ideas to PullmanArticle describing education philosophy that began with Pullman Free Manual Training School. Subject: Pullman_People; Pullman_Schools; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Unique little Pullman areaNewspaper clipping, publication unknown (probably Chicago Tribune) relating to Pullman, describes Pullman buildings, history and landmarks designation. Article on reverse refers to the sentencing of Arthur Bremer which occurred in August, 1972. Subject: Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |
Vintage football team photo.Official team photo, probably Pullman Tech Football team, 1920s or 1930s. Subject: Pullman_People; Pullman_Schools; Sports; Format: Photograph (all forms) |
Walking Tour SLated for Historic Pullman, "The City of Bricks"Typed original; press release for early tour of Pullman. Subject: Architecture; House_Tour; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials - Publications |
Weigh landmark status for South PullmanNewspaper clipping of article published in Chicago Today, August 4, 1972. Describes upcoming vote by Chicago Landmarks Committee. Subject: Architecture; Chicago_History; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals |